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Posts posted by pettie4sox

  1. 1 minute ago, Texsox said:

    For what it's worth I'm happy Kelly won in Arizona and I'm not really broken up that Collins won in Maine. 


    I kinda want to see what the dems do with a slight majority in the senate to be honest.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, mqr said:

    Going with an old Centrist is also why they got dong whipped down ballot.

    Pete is a centrist too but I think he would have done better down ballot. 

    Republicans are unapologetically themselves.  That's why their base turns out the way they do.  You really don't know what democrats stand for.  I'm not trump and I'm not banning fracking is hardly policy.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Two-Gun Pete said:

    Yeah, the far left somehow looks at the all-time highest vote totals for POTUS, and sez,"durr  it shudda been more gooder if he was more ultraiberal."


    The reality is that this election drew more left-leaning voters than ever before, but it also drew more right-leaning voters than ever before as well.

    You act like that's a result of Joe Biden.  That's laughable.  DJT would be re-elected easily if COVID didn't happen.  Those are facts.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Soxbadger said:


    And this is why Democrats cant have nice things. Instead of seeing an extremely close election where it is hopeful that the Democrats barely beat one of the most Anti-American Presidents of all time. We want to argue that if only we had been *more* liberal we would have some one done better. 

    Do you really think that there were all these ultra liberals hanging out in Georgia, Florida, Texas, NC who only would have voted if there was a more liberal candidate?

    I think Roy Moore was so bad that not many people showed up to vote him in.  Doug Jones was a dead man walking when he won that special election.  I doubt there was anything he could have done sans change to an (R).

  5. 7 minutes ago, joesaiditstrue said:

    Biden is gonna pick ex Defense contractors and Wall St bankers who should be in prison for his cabinet

    And when the next republican gets elected they'll blame the voters as usual.

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  6. 51 minutes ago, KrankinSox said:

    This is true. It wasn't due to turnout, its based on percentages. Trump's numbers among blacks and Latinos were record high for a Republican.

    Probably because Kamala and Biden through a bunch of their folk in jail.  I for that very reason didn't vote for Biden.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Texsox said:

    I'm listening to an interview from Detroit and I'm a little lost for answer.

    If this election is about race how did we go from reelecting Obama to perhaps reelecting Trump? Which voters flipped and why?

    Rust belt workers who felt betrayed by Clinton and her husband's trade deals that sunk their jobs.  I am convinced a likable candidate with substantive policy would have beat Trump in 2016 and crushed him 2020.

  8. 3 minutes ago, mqr said:

    It’s hilarious that people were worried about an armed insurrection and all you have is a bunch of idiots showing up to election centers and arguing amongst themselves whether to start or stop the counting. 

    I would withhold judgment until it's officially called and twitter orders start coming in.

  9. 1 minute ago, Balta1701 said:

    So the argument that moving left is the only way to expand turnout?

    The argument is stand for something, anything, at this point because dems are the epitome of empty suits.  I stand here wanting to bash my head against wall because they keep trotting out the same BS expecting to work.

    • Fire 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    Then where are the elections that suggest leftist populism is a way to mobilize them? 

    So far in my lifetime I’ve seen 2 candidates actually mobilize lots of democrats in a general election. Obama and Biden. Where are all the new primary voters and why couldn’t they lift Sanders? Why aren’t they winning R +5 districts somewhere? 

    Because that effect is small, and the attacks on them are effective in general elections. At the least, “too liberal” ads work well to suppress that vote share and keep them non voting.

    That's the crazy thing because both Obama and Biden ran as populist and governed like typical establishment democrats.  They are responsible for what happened in 2016 because of how they governed...  They sold people a pack of lies and the suckers just ate it like crunch bar.  You act like there is a ton of these BS type dsa candidates all over the place.  You do realize the dnc probably doesn't even want them under their umbrella, right?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Balta1701 said:

    Ny 16 went 56-40 for Clinton in 2016 and Obama won it by 5 in 2012. And by definition beating long term establishment Dems isn’t winning competitive races. This theory of change says voters in rural areas and the rust belt are just waiting for populist democrats to vote for, and I don’t see it.

    You are not trying to win republican voters as much as you're trying to get the non voters off their butts to vote for you.  There is a huge untapped market of people who simply don't vote that the dems  have refused to tap into for whatever reason.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    Then show me the wins at the Congressional level. There were races  where the candidates endorsed M4A up against R challengers. Where are their wins? One lost near me in a competitive small R advantage district. Where are those wins?

    I would need to do research but I know the squad were all BS endorsements, I think Cori Bush who won a primary against a long term establishment Dem.  She won her race yesterday.  Jamall Bowman in NY-16.

    3 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    Also worth considering is that a standard Sanders concept is that he will bring new voters into the process. Based on both that not happening to a measurable amount in 2 primary races, and Biden accomplishing that with huge turnout numbers, I would argue that concept isn’t holding well either.

    Biden got huge turnout because of Trump not because of him.

  13. 1 minute ago, Balta1701 said:

    Primaries aren't general elections. 

    True but I would rather the dems take a risk and run a candidate like this than to keep shoveling the bland ones they have been.  I rather see it rejected on a national scale then in a primary where the party makes up all these rules to prevent democracy and the like lol.

    • Like 1
  14. Just now, Balta1701 said:

    LOL you mean "once voting started and they lost initial races"?

    You're correct. It was planned by the election calendar. Come on, once they start losing races, money dries up, votes go elsewhere, and there's no reason to continue. 

    Yeah I'm not even sure you believe this.

  15. 1 minute ago, Balta1701 said:

    Then at the very least, you should be able to point to places in the country where at the House of Representatives level, candidates supporting those things won solid victories in competitive districts (not D+20 or something like that, an R+10 or R+5 district). Can you do that? I'll bet you can't. 

    To me evidence of this was looking at BS's WV primary vs HRC in 2016.  He overwhelming won the support the rural voters because he actually offered them some substantive policy.

  16. 1 minute ago, Balta1701 said:

    How is "similar but adapted policies" = "Wishy washy"? 

    I mean, I can play the same game with Sanders. Medicare for all has been a Democratic goal for like 65 years, since Medicare became a thing. It was modified from Ted Kennedy I guess. 

    But just picking one, Bernie's anti-corruption plan has 5 bullet points. https://berniesanders.com/issues/money-out-of-politics/ Warren's is like 10 pages long, delving into cross-border money flows, international worker standards, etc. https://elizabethwarren.com/plans/international-corruption

    Wishy washy just means hasn't really always been for XYZ but now she is because it's the thing to do.  Listen honestly warren would have been a better candidate than Biden but it is what it is.  I probably would have voted for her as I didn't vote for Biden.

  17. 2 minutes ago, greg775 said:

    How do you explain all Joe's overall vote totals in the popular vote? He got a ton of 'em. Say what you want about Trump, he's got a lot of supporters. His base doesn't care about his insensitive language, etc. And Joe whipped him good, especially in popular vote. Do you disagree with my logical scenario of many years of this combination of Demo candidates/winners? Joe, Kamala, AOC. Lotta years of president to come, via those names right?

    Anybody but Trump.  If covid didn't happen, Trump was going to win pretty easily.

  18. 1 minute ago, Balta1701 said:

    The f***? Like I said, you see the response you get for having policy after policy after policy. That doesn't even make sense, but people somehow believed it. 

    That she is wishy washy?  Which of her policies were actually her own and not stolen/modified from BS?

  19. 1 minute ago, greg775 said:

    All this angst seems silly with Joe having won this election. Weird. If he stays healthy IMO he gets 8 years. Probably more likely he will go four years max (pray for good health) then give way to Kamala/AOC for eight. AOC will be old enough to run in 2024 or be VEEP more likely. Then it's her turn. So I don't understand questioning the Demos philosophy when it looks like we'll have a Demo president for many years to come. Just my take.

    I'm going to respond at my own peril but greg the reality of the matter is, any other president in this particular predicament would have been crushed by a reasonable candidate.  The fact that the corpse of Joe Biden is barely beating DJT at this moment is pretty amazing.  He did nothing but sit around and let Trump sink himself.

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