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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by footlongcomiskeydog

  1. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 08:36 PM)
    Scot Gregor and Matt Spiegel both said differently today. Said JR is more ready than ever.



    If that is the case, then why wasn't anyone moved today? I get the rationale on not moving Q or Sale. Not moving Robertson, Frazier, Shields, Cabrera, or anyone else makes zero sense. I don't buy that JR is ready to rebuild. Actions speak louder than words.

  2. QUOTE (SCCWS @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 07:32 PM)
    FWIW---Boston had a Trade Deadline Show w Jerry Remy and 2 Boston Beat Writers. They indicated multiple sources said the Dodgers were the only team who thought they could make a deal for Sale. Texas and Boston were not giving up what Hahn wanted and moved on. Dodgers finally switched their attention to Hill mid-day. There was some discussion that JR was not trading Sale regardless of the package. They don't think Sale will "really" be available in the winter either.

    Maybe tomorrow we will hear some more rumors. However, we saw how wrong most of the pre-deadline rumors turned out so many of these post deadline rumors are just as wrong



    It's always interesting to step outside the Chicago media to see how other people view the Sox. It's pretty darn obvious that JR has issued a no rebuilding mandate. Today would have been the perfect day to start a teardown. The lack of trade activity shows that this FO and ownership has absolutely no interest in a rebuild.

  3. QUOTE (Lip Man 1 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 07:19 PM)
    Thought this deserved its own thread for discussion purposes.


    Why watch / listen / care the final two months especially since an influx of young talent isn't coming in and these guys are out of the pennant race?


    I'm curious to read what others think.


    I can think of only two possible reasons:


    1. Chris Sale - Can he win 20 games, can he win the Cy Young. A month ago I would have said both are slam dunk's...now? I don't know.


    2. Can the Sox finish with a winning season for the first time since 2013? Three under right now and another tough stretch of games coming up. I don't think they can. In fact they may win fewer games then in 2015 when all is said and done. I think they'll finish six to eight under. Fourth straight losing year and seventh in the last 10.


    So...why watch / listen / care?





    Another August and September of meaningless baseball on the South Side of Chicago. Becoming a reoccurring theme under the Hahn/RV regime unfortunately.


    I think Sale will get shut down around September 1st. No use putting unnecessary innings on an arm that the Sox are gonna need for the 2017 push!


    I don't see anyway that this Sox team finishes above 500. Way too many division games in the next two months. Another top ten pick is in the best long term interests of this franchise anyway.

  4. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 03:36 PM)
    I hate that I believe this but that's exactly what I think happened too.


    Yep. I believe that the Sox went into the deadline knowing that they were going to stand pat. All the current talk about trading Sale and Q during the offseason is just posturing too.

  5. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 06:11 PM)
    They are going for it next year. They will add some veteran to replace Avi. Hahn and KW are looking at the back of the cards and hope for regression from the rest pac k in the AL central


    Chris Sale will be traded at the trading deadline of his final year after a very public contract negotiation when they will hope for a hometown discount.


    Basically this isn't going to change until the nepotism gravy train of former sox players having important positions in the organization is over. That is the post Jerry era.



    They are most definitly going for it again next year. The lack of activity today proves that. Sale and Q aren't going anywhere during the offseason. The question is whether or not Jerry will open up the pocketbooks to bring in a couple of impact bats.

  6. QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 03:06 PM)
    I don't understand the bafflement. I get that you guys think they should blow it up, but why are you shocked that they aren't? They're a .500 team with all of their core players controlled next year. They just decided to keep trying to build and win. I'm not saying it's the RIGHT decision, but it's not a confusing one either.



    This team will be 10 games under 500 when the 2016 season ends. They are nowhere even close a playoff team with this "core".

  7. QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 02:45 PM)
    KW and company probably feel a move or two and they can compete once again...



    They most certainly feel this way. There would have been some movement at the deadline if they felt otherwise.

  8. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 02:43 PM)
    17 minutes. Amazing that out of all of this, Zach Duke is the only to go.


    Not really. This FO has sat on its hands for the past 3 trade deadlines. Not sure why anyone expected anything different.

  9. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 02:38 PM)
    But if the plan is/was to sell then start selling. Waiting for the biggest trade of all time to go down first is a mistake.


    Who from the Sox ever came out and said that they were going to start selling? I can't recall that happening. It seems pretty obvious that the plan is to do what they have always done- re-tool.

  10. QUOTE (Baron @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 01:01 PM)
    I mean we can argue all day about why Sale and Q are here. But the real question is why are Frazier and Robertson still here?


    Cause the Sox aren't planning to trade Sale or Q in the offseason either. Sox will need a legit 3rd basemen and closer for next year. The Duke trade was the start of the re-tooling not re-building.

  11. QUOTE (heirdog @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 12:52 PM)
    This scares me in that we are "going for it" in 2017...with the same broken offense and good starting rotation.


    It seems like this was the plan all along. Remember that this is year two of the three year plan. Next year is when it is all going to come together for the Sox!

  12. QUOTE (shipps @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 10:52 AM)
    So true. Teams that believe they are going to compete next year (which should be a lot) should be proactive and try to get in on this. I dont get it.



    Maybe the Sox have no real interest in moving Q or Sale. Obviously you listen to offers for them and explore what teams are willing to give up, but this might just be posturing by the Sox. Weren't the Sox already offered a supposed king's ransom for Sale? Would give my left nut to see exactly who was on the table in that supposed trade.

  13. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 10:44 AM)
    Dombrowski always caves, so I do think Benintendi/Moncada is a possibility


    I would be beyond thrilled if the Sox could get both Benintendi and Moncada for Sale. Seems like an absolute pipedream, however. I think this is the sticking point and reason why no deal will get done. Our Sox want both, but Boston ain't gonna do it.

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