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KaZaa and other P2P's


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Why would'nt you use it I do , i can make a cd for $2.00 including case and cover. Record assholes charges 15.00 to 20.00 for cd

sure they do not like it, most of us told them to f*** off, but it was fine when we got screwed for years and it cost them maybe 1.00 a cd to make. If you do not take advantage of the word FREE then go waste your hard earned money. ;)

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Pop ups? What pop ups? You need Kazaa Lite my friend. Search Google.




If I'm downloading a song I listen too everyonce in a while or want to listen to right at that moment I don't worry about it. If I download a whole CD that I end up listening to all the time I usually end up buying it.

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Pop ups?  What pop ups?  You need Kazaa Lite my friend.  Search Google.




If I'm downloading a song I listen too everyonce in a while or want to listen to right at that moment I don't worry about it.  If I download a whole CD that I end up listening to all the time I usually end up buying it.

Yeah, but there's s*** I can D/L that eliminates the pop ups.


And also, I'll just use it to get a song (or porn) that I like. But, I'm not going to D/L an entire CD, not on my s***ty dial up connection. I'll buy the CD then.


I primiarly just need it when I burn mix CD's. Like the 2-Disc album I just made "Manic/Depressive" but even then out of a little over 30 songs, only 6 came off Kazaa.


- Pete

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What, noone here downloads those delicious DivX moooooovvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeies?


For shame.





RE: Ethics and morals: Metallica made a stink about Napster and the label execs- they, um...Well, I am glad we reached a consensus on this complicated matter. Now anyone out there have City of God? I want to have it BADLY!

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BMG bought Napster just recently so I think its going to make a comeback of some sort.


Oh ya, I definately use Kazaa. I burn so many free cd's. The only thing is, if its not a big cd, you sometimes get really crappy versions. Typically I'll support the smaller bands if I really like there cd, but screw the big people.

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Morepheus is the s*** it beats kaza and ive never tried kaza lite

Kazaa Lite is the best, Morpheus is on the Gnutella network which blows. I have regular Kazaa and since it's already to late to get all the hidden crap off my computer it's fine. I used to use Grokster(same network as Kazaa) but they put way more s*** on your computer than does Kazaa.

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Morepheus is the s*** it beats kaza and ive never tried kaza lite

Kazaa Lite is the best, Morpheus is on the Gnutella network which blows. I have regular Kazaa and since it's already to late to get all the hidden crap off my computer it's fine. I used to use Grokster(same network as Kazaa) but they put way more s*** on your computer than does Kazaa.

Kazaa Lite didn't put anything else on my computer, no pop ups, nothing. It is just a modified install of the regular Kazaa so the only thing "Lite" about it is the lack of all the spyware and crap you don't want.


Technically it is breaking the user license for Kazaa but since you are pretty much using it to break the law anyway, who cares?

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I use SoulSeek for my internet downloads....movies, mp3s, pretty much handles anything that I want it

I also used a direct connect hub hooked up in our school network but the assistant dean put a stop to that by cutting off our internet for 24 hrs. haha.


I can't use Kazaa and stuff cuz our network slows the most popular ones down since they use too much of the University bandwidth. But luckily I am 31337 and know what I am doing to find programs that still work fast. (There is something to be said for downloading a movie in under 10 minutes :) )

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1. Anyone think Morpheus is better than Kazaa Lite in terms of speed?


2. Anyone use eMule for foereign/classic movies? I mean they 100s of servers instead of just a few like KaZaa...


3. Let's say, hypothetically of course, that a person has DivX file of Crouching Tioger, Hidden Dragon and it is app. 840 MB. Now a VCD/CD-R is only 700 MB. Is there anyway to re-encode it in such a way that the movie fits on the CD AND doesn't lose it's quality? Is there any way to break the movie into two parts for 2 CDs if it can't be fit into one?



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What about VirtualDub? Does it have the dummy default method (the one that doesn't involve f***ing with birates and frames and all that professional s***)? I understand that deconding/compression to fit into one CD is pain in the ass and/or takes to damn long while just splitting it in "half"using VD is much easier? Whatcha think about VD?


Thanks again.

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Split it in half (or more) dont even f*** around with deconding/compression, there's to much crap to worry about and you'll totally destroy the quality . That Avi Spit cal works great, all it takes is a couple of clicks.


I use VD all the time and its great, the CD's aren't DVD quality, but there better then a VCR tape.


One you split it all you need is a burning program with a MPEG2 decoding plug in... and bam you got yourself a CD that will pay in any DVD player.

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use VD all the time and its great, the CD's aren't DVD quality, but there better then a VCR tape.


You mean the DVD Rip/DivX? I found that not ony are they (the ones witrh really high resolution anyway) practically identical to DVDs quality-wise they also beat VHS because of the wide-sceren format, which doesn't bother some people but sure as hell does me.


And the price. :)

One you split it all you need is a burning program with a MPEG2 decoding plug in... and bam you got yourself a CD that will pay in any DVD player.


So not only on DVD-ROM, but actual DVD players? Never done that before. Thanks.

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