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Sox's spin on negotiations displeases Buehrle camp

Mr. Showtime

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Guest hotsoxchick1
MB and SOX asskissing is over on both sides.

show me one time the sox EVER kissed marks ass...................hes not on the list of favorites and never was...hes on kw's trouble maker list ......always has been or at least since the first comment came out about the st. louis thing a couple of years ago....f*** kw you cant run a team like that....spies, lies and favorites...........kw will keep the yard gnome cause he kisses his ass, even though he cant play for s***... but he wont keep someone like mark who actually does something to better the teams chances of winning.......makes no sense at all.... thats how you run a business into the ground not improve on it...........if they were serious about wanting to "field a winning team" they would be doing something serious about keeping their productive players and cutting the waste of spaces loose................ :fyou kw.............

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is it :fyou hahn, or :fyou kw or :fyou jr


what bothers me intensely is that I think we are at the place where it is :fyou jr and that one I don't know how to get around



oh and yes, there has never been a time in recorded human history where the Sox organization has kissed MB's ass, I agree with you of course 100%

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I have no example HSC , I am saying IF there ever was it is OVER now.

oh ok maybe i mis read you???? i thought you were saying it another way.........

cw i believe that its :fyou all of the above.. jr seems to have lost interest in the team and has let kw and hahn take over most of everything (expept for giving away money)......and its a shame too because the things they are doing are not very fan friendly or loyal anymore.......i remember the days when you could walk up to jr and logically discuss matters.. hes made himself non available anymore....(a ghost man at the park so to speak).... and of course you cant trust a word that comes out of kw's mouth cause he wouldnt know the truth if it jumped up and slapped him in the face............quite honestly i am kicking myself silly for renewing the tickets this year.. i just should have went with plan b and got the barons tickets and racked up the flyer miles.............would have been cheaper anyhow...lol....well i can tell you one thing for sure.. im fed up with this org. and the way things are run... if changes are not made this season i wont be back.....jr will not get another dime of mine..........i started a letter last nite and plan to finish it tonite when i get home from work...i intend on sending it off and waiting on my response... i suggest you being a season ticket holder do the same an express your disgust or issues.......not sure it will help but it will make ya feel better you expressed yourself..............

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