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I'm fucked..decisions..decisions


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Originally posted by Mr. Showtime
Originally posted by hotsoxchick1lol....come on baby you can do better than ritchie..........ill bet your more like the work horse magglio.....always ready to pop one out huh..........


I'm ready to go!




what is this, love connection?

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Originally posted by Mr. Showtime
Originally posted by hotsoxchick1just make sure you bring your real A game none of this sox bulls*** version of an A game ok..............:D


I'll bring my rally monkey.


It just keeps on coming after you, doesn't

give up.


f*** the monkey s***.. you better bring your thunder stick.............

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

ok on the one hand you say you have no problems getting any in the ass department.... but then again on the other hand you say your longest relationship lasted three months.......seems to me you are having some problems somewhere along the line....must be your liberal thinking huh?????



Nah, I don't have a problem finding and hookin' up with girls; I have a problem hangin' on to them.... Much like I have a major problem holding onto a job (I worked at Jewel for 3 1/2 months... that tops it)...


But its OK. The best band aid for a broken heart is another hottie.

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Originally posted by HeatherTheRedbird

And you immorals do not get to drink from the silver cup in the end!  And you immorals do not get very far in life!


Heather, while I commend you for your ethics and your staunch determination to stay faithful to your beliefs, morals and ethics are NOT standard; rather they are fluid. Everyone has their own take on the subject, and I have learned that trying to force your own ethics down someone else's throat doesn't lead to anything but a crazy bastard pulling you out of a car and beating you with a baseball bat.


Great, you've discovered how you want to happily live your life, but don't expect everyone else to live life according to the "Gospel of Heather the Redbird."


Remember, the Bible techinically says it is a sin to wear clothes that have crossing threads, so if you got any plaid or whatnot, you are sinning each time you wear them. As far as I'm concerned, the Bible is a story book and people get in a lot of trouble when they take it out of its originally concieved context.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

How much does crap like that cost?


I can't believe anyone would buy that stuff.


Damn, with all the suckers out their I aught to come up with something that don't work, but can make me millions.


Ha ha... did you ever see that Crank Yankers episode where Jimmy Kimmel calls the sex store for a penis pump and his "mom" keeps picking up the phone?



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Originally posted by doubleM23
Originally posted by HeatherTheRedbird

And you immorals do not get to drink from the silver cup in the end!  And you immorals do not get very far in life!



Heather, while I commend you for your ethics and your staunch determination to stay faithful to your beliefs, morals and ethics are NOT standard; rather they are fluid. Everyone has their own take on the subject, and I have learned that trying to force your own ethics down someone else's throat doesn't lead to anything but a crazy bastard pulling you out of a car and beating you with a baseball bat.


Great, you've discovered how you want to happily live your life, but don't expect everyone else to live life according to the "Gospel of Heather the Redbird."


Remember, the Bible techinically says it is a sin to wear clothes that have crossing threads, so if you got any plaid or whatnot, you are sinning each time you wear them. As far as I'm concerned, the Bible is a story book and people get in a lot of trouble when they take it out of its originally concieved context.

Very well said. I would have been a prick about it though.


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Originally posted by Mr. Showtime
Originally posted by hotsoxchick1just make sure you bring your real A game none of this sox bulls*** version of an A game ok..............:D


I'll bring my rally monkey.


It just keeps on coming after you, doesn't give up.


LMFAO! I missed a good conversation here. :headbang

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Guest hotsoxchick1

rps you missed all the fun..we can repeat it for you in private this weekend if your free lol.....lol...lol.... gash you better mean that with the upmost respect or ill kick your ass...........:metal :headbang :****

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Originally posted by doubleM23

Remember, the Bible techinically says it is  a sin to wear clothes that have crossing threads, so if you got any plaid or whatnot, you are sinning each time you wear them.  As far as I'm concerned, the Bible is a story book and people get in a lot of trouble when they take it out of its originally concieved context.


I don't come here to discuss these topics, if I wanted to argue with people about religion I'd go to the POD boards or something. If people continue to want to make this a topic of discussion on these boards though ...


If you think the bible is nothing but a long list of things you can't do, then you are misreading it or taking it out of context from the whole. The story of the new testament is the story of how God set us free from those rules and how he loves us regardless of how we have sinned.


You might think the bible is just book filled with outdated stories designed as guidelines on how to live. If so you have taken it out of it's originally conceived context. Taken in whole it is a promise from a living God to work in our lives to make them better.


Some of you may hate my interpretation of what the bible is, but I am not going to argue with you over it. It doesn't matter if you are a moralist rules person who thinks the description in the first paragraph is true or an atheist/agnostic who thinks the second description is true. Like I said, that's not what I come here for.


I think your opinion on religion sucks and you think my opinion on religion sucks, now lets talk about something else.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

please lets leave religion out of it.... i dont pratice it anymore and i dont want to discuss it or debate it on my free time..........you both have your views and thats cool and all but you shouldnt fight over them just learn from one another about them ok..... as far as im concerned there is no winning with the bible stories....look but dont, touch touch but dont taste.. taste but dont eat.....eat but dont swollow.... geez its a bunch of circle jerking.........do what your going to do and if its bad ask for your foregivness later.........since he always foregives ya then it shouldnt be a problem right??????

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I'm not going to preach here any more than I already have. I can sympathize with almost all of the opinions expressed, I have held them myself at one point or another in my life. It sucks because I think most of what I consider to be misunderstanding is the result of bad church teaching or bad church experiences. I know that most people here don't want to hear my opinions on religion so let's not make it a topic on a personal level.

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Why was the consensus that the girl always finds out if you're cheating? In high School yeah, because everyone has a big mouth, but in a 6 million person city it would take one hell of a coconut telegraph. How about this question what if some chick decided to stay abstinent untill marriage then on honeymoon night found out that the dude has a 2 inch tallywacker? 2inches of pure fire and she doesn't even enjoy sex that first time. Does she sin and divorce him or does she never enjoy sex for her life.

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