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I'm fucked..decisions..decisions


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Originally posted by Mathew

Why was the consensus that the girl always finds out if you're cheating?  In high School yeah, because everyone has a big mouth, but in a 6 million person city it would take one hell of a coconut telegraph.  How about this question what if some chick decided to stay abstinent untill marriage then on honeymoon night found out that the dude has a 2 inch tallywacker?  2inches of pure fire and she doesn't even enjoy sex that first time.  Does she sin and divorce him or does she never enjoy sex for her life.


So she wakes up the next day and thinks to herself "I have two choices: divorce or or bad sex" and then calmly makes a choice within the neat little vaccuum of your scenario? If that was the way things worked then life would be easy.


I'll let you figure out the first part the hard way.

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Man, I can't believe I missed this thread. I need to start coming here more often. Anyways, to address the original point of the thread, my advice would be the same as others have already said. If you want to be with the "hot" new girl, at least break it off with your current g/f. At 22 your aren't really too young for marriage. I got married at 21. The thing is that when you find the person that's right for you, you'll know. If the girl you're with isn't the one, then you are probably going to break up sooner or later. So really what you need to do is figure out how much your current g/f means to you. Looks aren't always everything. Besides, if she is "the one" you'll be back together somehow anyway. That's how it was with me anyway.


Here's my story: I met my wife when I was 15 (that would be 1993). We dated on and off all through high school. We were actually broke up for a total of 6 months in between. We dated other people but we always ended up back together again. We ended up having a daughter together in 1996 (2 months after she graduated. She was a year behind me.) Then we had a second one in late 1997. We were married in 1999 and have been ever since. We just celebrated our 3rd daughter's first b-day 2 weeks ago. So maybe we started a little early and did everything ass-backwards, it all worked out in the end.


So here's my question: Even though I had sex before I got married, I married the first person I had sex with. Is that wrong? Also, by doing that, I was able to get two massive tax returns (declaring head of household with 2 dependents while working part-time does that..) which then enabled me to buy my first house, help pay for part of my college education and buy a decsent car to get me to my first "real" job (which I am still at). Just that little boost helped me start a life on my own with my family.


Just think if I would have never had sex before marriage...

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I don't know why I continue to answer these, I don't want to hold myself out to be a moral compass or anything like that. I am not anywhere close to perfect. I've been married twice (*gasp* divorced?) and I had sex, even lived with, both women before we were married. I wish I had done some things differently but all in all I don't regret how I handled things (at least with the current wife) and I don't apologize for them. Ultimately you aren't accountable to me so you should seek answers elsewhere, where it matters.


Just FYI, I'm not answering any more of these types of posts. I can't tell for sure if they're supposed to be rhetorical or not anyway. If you'd truly like to discuss this type of stuff send me an email ().

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Originally posted by Iwritecode

Man, I can't believe I missed this thread. I need to start coming here more often. Anyways, to address the original point of the thread, my advice would be the same as others have already said. If you want to be with the "hot" new girl, at least break it off with your current g/f. At 22 your aren't really too young for marriage. I got married at 21. The thing is that when you find the person that's right for you, you'll know. If the girl you're with isn't the one, then you are probably going to break up sooner or later. So really what you need to do is figure out how much your current g/f means to you. Looks aren't always everything. Besides, if she is "the one" you'll be back together somehow anyway. That's how it was with me anyway. 


Here's my story: I met my wife when I was 15 (that would be 1993). We dated on and off all through high school. We were actually broke up for a total of 6 months in between. We dated other people but we always ended up back together again. We ended up having a daughter together in 1996 (2 months after she graduated. She was a year behind me.) Then we had a second one in late 1997. We were married in 1999 and have been ever since. We just celebrated our 3rd daughter's first b-day 2 weeks ago. So maybe we started a little early and did everything ass-backwards, it all worked out in the end. 


So here's my question: Even though I had sex before I got married, I married the first person I had sex with. Is that wrong? Also, by doing that, I was able to get two massive tax returns (declaring head of household with 2 dependents while working part-time does that..) which then enabled me to buy my first house, help pay for part of my college education and buy a decsent car to get me to my first "real" job (which I am still at). Just that little boost helped me start a life on my own with my family. 


Just think if I would have never had sex before marriage...


Thats a good story..... I'm definetly not settling down yet though. Prolly gonna f*** alot before then baby!

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

rps you missed all the fun..we can repeat it for you in private this weekend if your free lol.....lol...lol.... gash you better mean that with the upmost respect or ill kick your ass...........:metal :headbang :****


lol..Yeah..the uppest mostest respect you can give:D

You're a cool chick :metal

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Originally posted by zach23

So after all this, did gashwound nail that broad or what?


No, this happened on Sunday so I've had a few days for my "I'm so f***in horny for this chick I'd cut off my left pinky to do here" phase and have calmed down. I woud feel really low if I did it since I have been going with her for nearly 2 years.

So unless she calls me(LMFAO!!) I'd just pretend it never happened and move on.


(I hope I'm doing the right thing..but I think i am:D


But she was so f***in HOT:(

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Originally posted by GASHWOUND
Originally posted by zach23

So after all this, did gashwound nail that broad or what?


No, this happened on Sunday so I've had a few days for my "I'm so f***in horny for this chick I'd cut off my left pinky to do here" phase and have calmed down. I woud feel really low if I did it since I have been going with her for nearly 2 years.

So unless she calls me(LMFAO!!) I'd just pretend it never happened and move on.


(I hope I'm doing the right thing..but I think i am:D


But she was so f***in HOT:(


If you do, dont let heather know. :D

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Originally posted by GASHWOUND
Originally posted by zach23

So after all this, did gashwound nail that broad or what?


No, this happened on Sunday so I've had a few days for my "I'm so f***in horny for this chick I'd cut off my left pinky to do here" phase and have calmed down. I woud feel really low if I did it since I have been going with her for nearly 2 years.

So unless she calls me(LMFAO!!) I'd just pretend it never happened and move on.


(I hope I'm doing the right thing..but I think i am:D


But she was so f***in HOT:(


f**! ...... just kidding ;-)

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Originally posted by bjmarte

I don't know why I continue to answer these, I don't want to hold myself out to be a moral compass or anything like that.  I am not anywhere close to perfect.  I've been married twice (*gasp* divorced?) and I had sex, even lived with, both women before we were married.  I wish I had done some things differently but all in all I don't regret how I handled things (at least with the current wife) and I don't apologize for them.  Ultimately you aren't accountable to me so you should seek answers elsewhere, where it matters.


Just FYI, I'm not answering any more of these types of posts.  I can't tell for sure if they're supposed to be rhetorical or not anyway.  If you'd truly like to discuss this type of stuff send me an email ().


Acutally, my question wasn't really directed towards you. It was more a general question to all those who think that sex before marriage is the ultimate end all sin. I was just pointing out that it sometimes things turn out better. Plus, by the time my three daughters are grown and out on their own, I'll only be about 45. Still young enough to go out and have fun and enjoy life IMO.

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  • 1 month later...

This maybe a little late, but heres what Id do.


The next time I saw the girlfriend, Id dump her with some insane reason like "youre cheating on me!" and Id do it very bluntly and Id leave quickly with out any of that "we can still be friends bulls***." Im good at doing this.


You may ask why Id do such a thing instead of just saying something like "things havent worked out. Well, if I trick myself into thinking that shes an evil cheating little b**** and if the other relationship didnt work out and Im single again, it would be a lot easier to take than if I had just dumped her out of foolishness and lust.


Then Id go off with the little hottie.


Well, gash, thats my advice. But seeing you lasted posted on this thread almost a month ago, Im quite curious to know what you did.

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Originally posted by RedPinStripes
Originally posted by HeatherTheRedbird

And just to tell ya, I know a thing or two about this whole "sex for pleasure" topic!  My older sister and her boyfriend did it for the very first time (using a condom, may I add) during the summer of 2001, and you know what they were stuck with?  TWIN BOYS!  Condom usage is not 100% pregnant-proof.  The ONLY pregnant-proof practice is abstinance!  Do you REALLY wanna risk becoming a statistic just for the sake of TEMPORARY PLEASURE?


Having sex is a sacred form of affection between MARRIED individuals.  SEX IS NOT A TOY!  It has a sole purpose of fruitfullness--bringing children into this world.


And you cannot have this belief that "just because I am young, I should have all the fun in the world without considering the consequences."  Living like that will get you all f***ed up!  You force yourself to live in a world full of regrets.  This carefree attitude is the source of these people having their midlife crisis, unhappy with their life because they weren't able to make anything of it.  Such carfree attitudes become an addiction, and once addicted to the attitude, it is extremely hard to get out of it.  You must ALWAYS consider the consequences of EVERYTHING before acting on anything!


There are too many carefree people living in this world, and that's why it's turning into s***.  You cannot be a carefree person...There are consequences to all of your actions.  To live carefree is to live irresponsibly.


Are you sure you're not 12? Why would you never have a boyfreind?


Oh come on rps, leave Heather alone, I know high school freshies that dont know what masturbation is...

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Originally posted by theoldroman

Well after being ridiculed by the entire bus, she finally learned what masturbation is but she still doesnt know what an orgie is, so it doesnt matter. Thats kinda like in baseball knowing what a hit is but not knowing what a run is. The one leads up to the other...


are you talking about an orgy or an orgasm

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