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Arizona proposing illegal immigrant crackdown.


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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 9, 2006 -> 07:59 AM)
And the comments about the employers waiting for them.  Well they are waiting for them, at a below minimum wage standard.  Which of course is against the law.


That is a small percentage, most illegals are using false documents and getting paid at or above minimum wage. The employer is shielded from prosecution, the employee has an easier time getting hired. Plus, with more legal immigration, and I would want it tied to an employer so the emphasis is on worker not guest, it would eliminate a big hurdle for some businesses. I am generally pro-business and if our nation's businesses need workers, let's match them up and keep moving forward.


BTW, let's not forget that grandma and grandpa getting paid cash so it doesn't hurt their social security or other retirement benefits. Deadbeat dad working for cash to avoid paying child support. Businesses bartering and not paying the appopriate sales taxes.


I am all for knowing who is here. We have a lot of student visa abuse, we have tourists staying over, sham marriages, etc. we have truckloads of stuff being waived in during busy times. Building a 3,000 mile fence won't solve the problem, and is a giant waste of money.

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