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Jason Kendall suspended 4 games


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"Major League Baseball has turned into a badminton league. They told me I didn't have any shot of getting my suspension knocked out," Kendall said.


Kendall said his agent, general manager Billy Beane and the players union told him he probably wouldn't have his suspension reduced.


"The fact that they won't knock anything off is embarrassing to the game because the game has changed. Now you can't really defend yourself. I understand I have to be suspended, but it's not like I went out and picked a fight. Nothing would have happened if he wouldn't have said anything to me, if he wouldn't have taken three steps hard at me," Kendall said.


Lackey threw a pitch to Kendall that started out high and inside, then sharply broke back toward the plate in the sixth inning of Oakland's 10-3 win. Kendall backed out of the batter's box, then suddenly charged the mound after Lackey said something about his elbow pad.


Kendall charged the mound and wrestled Lackey to the ground, emptying both dugouts and bullpens.


"I get called out by Lackey. He calls me out and disrespects me and I'm supposed to sit here and have him yell at me? So basically what Major League Baseball is saying is that any big league pitcher out there can yell at somebody and get fined $2,000. That's what the fine was," Kendall said



He seems to be a bit out of line to me. He initiated the fight. So what if Lackey was jawing at him, he never talked s*** before?

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