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This Year vs. Last Year


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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 05:37 PM)
I think the combination of the fact that we won it all last year (which is new for us), us being so damn talented this year and a team that can repeat, and all the new fans and attention have created a perfect storm to make us as a fanbase as bitter as ever. It's not "we haven't won in 88 years" bitter though, it's more like "what the hell, we won it all last year, we should win every day with this team since it's more talented" bitter. And also, the fact we honestly haven't played well this year and are still 36-23 makes things weird. This team has played a lot of bad baseball, but is still 36-23, a record that almost any other year we'd be THRILLED to have right now, which is another odd dynamic.


Yeah thats sort of how i feel, but at the same time i look at this team as a glass half full. We're now 37-23 and haven't even clicked on all cylinders and when we do its going to scary. This team to me is an amalgam of all the white sox teams of years past. I also find myself expecting a WS parade come October, when in the past i only dreamed i'd live to see the day the white sox won the world series. Another big difference between this year and others for me personally, is i've begun to follow our farm system closer, in the past i would know a few of the top prospects but that was it. I'm really excited about our bullpen, i know most people would get excited about a slugger or a SP prospect, but for me its the bullpen. I hope Tracey can preform and hopefully by '07 Matt Long can be in that mix too, as i type this the average age in the bullpen is 25.8, wow!



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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 11:58 AM)
I wish I were like that. Before last year, I always said that I'd be so numb after a World Series victory, that I'd be completely fine with an 0-162 season the following year.


I lied. I want another one bad.


I think that's probably because KW went out and brought in a lot of talent in during the offseason and has made it clear that he wants to win for quite some time. In large, the mentality of the front office is generally the mentality of the fan base, and what the front office does largely dictates exactly what the fans expect.


Had KW sat on his thumbs and told the world about how the Sox won the Series, he could have and the fans would have been happy to suffice, been happy about winning it all in 2005, and we would be more than happy to sit through another decade of mediocrity, knowing we got what we wanted in 2005. KW didn't, so now we won't be happy until we get back to the World Series.


That's how dynasties, and more importantly, loyal fanbases are built. The Yankees are the most popular team in the World, and those 26 World Championships and 39 World Series appearances sure aren't hurting their cause.

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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jun 10, 2006 -> 05:20 AM)
I think that's probably because KW went out and brought in a lot of talent in during the offseason and has made it clear that he wants to win for quite some time. In large, the mentality of the front office is generally the mentality of the fan base, and what the front office does largely dictates exactly what the fans expect.


Had KW sat on his thumbs and told the world about how the Sox won the Series, he could have and the fans would have been happy to suffice, been happy about winning it all in 2005, and we would be more than happy to sit through another decade of mediocrity, knowing we got what we wanted in 2005. KW didn't, so now we won't be happy until we get back to the World Series.


That's how dynasties, and more importantly, loyal fanbases are built. The Yankees are the most popular team in the World, and those 26 World Championships and 39 World Series appearances sure aren't hurting their cause.


Well put wite. That does seem to have a lot to do with my feelings this year.


I think I'd probably hold on to '05 a lot more (don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, and I don't see anything being better than '05), if we pulled a Florida Marlins after winning it.

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