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Stuff from the Thomas thread


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Well dont flaunt it to me. And I dont flaunt my sexuality. I dont stand in school in grab my girlfriends butt, I hug girls and such but nothing major. The other day I saw two queers fondling eachother, it was rather disgusting


Once again...thank Jesus for homosexuals!

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Well dont flaunt it to me. And I dont flaunt my sexuality. I dont stand in school in grab my girlfriends butt, I hug girls and such but nothing major. The other day I saw two queers fondling eachother, it was rather disgusting.


Oh, ya know what. They fondle eachother all they want. But if I, or any other logical person sees it, its our freedom of speech to tell em theyre a buncha f**s. So next time I see that, Im gonna yell "f*****!" and theres nothing thats going to stop me...

May they smash your face into the nearest wall... :cheers

Oh I hope hed try. Then when I pop his skull from his f**goty spine, Ill be able to cry self defense...

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my good friend, that question is almost offensive. Before you phrase a question like that, think of the possibilities. I would suggest a trip to google.com and type the name in and see what you get. I find it really hard to believe that someone of your general intelligence and awareness would even have to ask this question.

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my good friend, that question is almost offensive.  Before you phrase a question like that, think of the possibilities.  I would suggest a trip to google.com and type the name in and see what you get.  I find it really hard to believe that someone of your general intelligence and awareness would even have to ask this question.

I have no clue who he is either and i really dont care to...

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Well dont flaunt it to me. And I dont flaunt my sexuality. I dont stand in school in grab my girlfriends butt, I hug girls and such but nothing major. The other day I saw two queers fondling eachother, it was rather disgusting.


Oh, ya know what. They fondle eachother all they want. But if I, or any other logical person sees it, its our freedom of speech to tell em theyre a buncha f**s. So next time I see that, Im gonna yell "f*****!" and theres nothing thats going to stop me...

So what do gay people think of you when you are fondling a girl and doing what not else with her in public? Are they just going to be fine with the fact that you are making love to a girl yet they cannot do the same? Public affection can sometimes be great for couples and helps build character, like "I don't give a s*** that I'm gay/straight, I'm going to show it and be proud of it."


If you wore a White Sox hat out in public, are you going to care that several other hundred people are going to think you're an idiot because they flat out do not like the White Sox?


If you ever do assault a homosexual person, all I have to say is good f***ing luck in court. It will be brought up as a hate crime and those are treated much harsher then just regular crimes.


Also Roman....I wouldn't yell "f*****"....freedom of speech is great, but you can't just say anything you want. Ever heard of harassment or sexual harassment?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

why would you feel the need to bash on a gay person roman??? you could be talking to one and never even know it...........there are a few on here (not mentioning any names) and you dont even know that they are gay......but you talk to them in a polite manner each and every day of your posting life........... :o bet ya didnt know it..........but you do now......

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why would you feel the need to bash on a gay person roman??? you could be talking to one and never even know it...........there are a few on here (not mentioning any names) and you dont even know that they are gay......but you talk to them in a polite manner each and every  day of your posting life........... :o  bet ya didnt know it..........but you do now......

Youve told me that before. If youre gay, please keep it to yourself. I do not want to know...

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why would you feel the need to bash on a gay person roman??? you could be talking to one and never even know it...........there are a few on here (not mentioning any names) and you dont even know that they are gay......but you talk to them in a polite manner each and every  day of your posting life........... :o  bet ya didnt know it..........but you do now......

I dont want to start another fight lol. Alli will say is it shouldnt matter but on the other hand, they shouldnt be surprised when they flaunt it, and get verbally abused. Im not saying they deserve it but they know how society is....

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I dont want to start another fight lol.  Alli will say is it shouldnt matter but on the other hand, they shouldnt be surprised when they flaunt it, and get verbally abused. Im not saying they deserve it but they know how society is....

Exactly. Like after Sept 11 Muslim women wearing veils were occassionally abused because of what fellow Muslims (not true Muslims tho) did. I wouldnt abuse them but I wont help them because they should have realized how society is...

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Youve told me that before. If youre gay, please keep it to yourself. I do not want to know...

umm no its not me... if i were gay i would have to be a guy... i like .... uhh never mind your too young for me to go there.... anyhow.... just remember that there are those who are on here and it would be a nice jesture if you would just keep treating them as you do... youll never know who they are unless they tell ya anyhow ....sorry i brought it up.......

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I called a kid a f***** once. And he was and is a f*****. We all give him crap. I wouldnt kill him or anything but I will never let him leave in peace with his gayness...

Why can't you just let him be who he is. Would you make fun of a kid because he was born retared, cause now they believe people are born gay. If thats true, then how are the two any different since they have no control of it.


Don't you think a lot of the people who are gay, would like to be so called normal so they could fit into society. I'm guessing they would, simply because they wouldn't have to go through all the crap they have to in life. I may be one person, but I'll do my best to make anyone thats nice feel welcome, no matter who they like and who they love.

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No way. I am not gay and I never will be... :angry:

It's like saying "I am not old and never will be"- some things are beyond your control, my virgin buddy. You could commit a crime tomorrow, go to prison, get raped a couple of times, really like it and never look back...or maybe you're already a self-loathing homo, sure looks like it judging by all that rage.


I am not afraid of my sexuality (as countless posts of mine would indicate) and if I wake up one day craving for some big fat dick hitting my prostate with vigor, you goddamn right I am going to explore it fully, I ain't gonna supress s*** just to keep stone-age assholes like you appeased and comfortable. I am my number one priority and I treasure my pleasure like crazy.


Just because that day hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it can't or it won't. Life is a notorious mindf***er, lol

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Exactly. Like after Sept 11 Muslim women wearing veils were occassionally abused because of what fellow Muslims (not true Muslims tho) did. I wouldnt abuse them but I wont help them because they should have realized how society is...

So basically people should just sit their, and not do anything. They should just say hey, society is like this, I may not buy into it, but what can I do. Therefor I'll just sit back and watch and act like its nothing.


The great thing about society is you can change things, as long as your willing to stand up for what you believe in. Who knows where we would be if our four fathers didn't stand up to British Tyranny (Even though they weren't really tyrants). Now we are free and are lucky to be able to say what we want and act the way we want without getting murdered for expressing our mind.


Many people died for that right and more will likely die in the future for that right. You realize if your in the military you too will be fighting for that right and to me its a damn good right.

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That is the least surprizing statement I have seen, ever.


Self-absorbtion must be wonderful.

Judging others isnt a good thing to do. I dont know him because i find watching or reading the "news" depressing. It has nothing but doom and gloom.

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The great thing about society is you can change things, as long as your willing to stand up for what you believe in. Who knows where we would be if our four fathers didn't stand up to British Tyranny (Even though they weren't really tyrants). Now we are free and are lucky to be able to say what we want and act the way we want without getting murdered for expressing our mind.



Thank you Jason.


None uf us should ever accept the way things are. We are here to change things, or at least try, to make something better for someone else whenever we can.

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