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Everything posted by brijames

  1. The biggest difference in Garland is his ability to battle out of jams. He now trusts his stuff, doesn't get down on himself and just keeps pitching. Maybe he has finally grown up as well.
  2. The White Sox are not a 30 game over .500 team. They played a great 1st half and made the most of every break. This 2nd half race will be very close before it's over. The Sox will have to scratch and claw for everything they get. They are not as bad as they played this Oakland series and not as good as how they played up to it.
  3. Let's get that sweep tommorow and then 2-3 from the A's and go into the break 32 over the .500 mark!
  4. Why do some of you give up so easily on this team? Thank God the team thinks the total opposite and always believes they will come back! I love this team!
  5. Gee you let them hit it they make an out!
  6. Why for the love of all that is good can't we play well in ths GD stadium!
  7. bases clearing double coming up I can guarantee it.
  8. How the F is this game 2-2! Just about ready to go to bed here as Walker coming in .
  9. We can only hope that they take Harden out because we are not scoring again off him.
  10. As great as it is to play in the field behind Buerhle it has to be just the opposite playing behind Jose.
  11. I have absolutely no faith at all in Jose.
  12. Time for KW to get us another starter. Contreras looks like crap out there.
  13. Is it just me or is it excruciatingly painful watching Contreras pitch?
  14. Contreras needs an easy inning here for his confidence.
  15. How many runs win this game guys? I say 4
  16. It's been said a lot this year that Contreras lets everything bother him out there. He gives up a walk or a couple hits and he goes to hell. Most of his problems are from the neck up.
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