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Al Lopez Ghost (old)

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Posts posted by Al Lopez Ghost (old)

  1. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 09:56 PM)
    After the season last year, the sox leaked that Timo played all season with hamstring issue...


    Regardless of whether you buy that bulls***, it tells you all you need to know about what the Sox organization thinks of Timo and Ross...


    Timo is allowed to be on the roster and play the OF while hurt. And when he's healthy they even let him play out of position. Ross isn't allowed anywhere near the roster, let alone the OF (where I think most of us want to keep him away from anyway) while he's injured.

    I don't think the injuries are comparable. You can play with a hamstring that's ouchy. If a firstbaseman can't throw, he can't play.

  2. How did Ozzie and the Sox react last year when Schoenweiss b****ed about being put in the pen? The said shutup, and in the winter he left. They will not go get a guy who's already b****ing about his role. No to Mota.

  3. QUOTE(TheDybber @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 10:38 PM)
    If the Go Go chant doesn't start back up, maybe you can be the next Andy the Clown?








    I hate to be anal, but it was






  4. As the playoffs have grown longer and longer, you no longer can look at post season as just a 7 game series - it's become a month long survival test. So you can't really shorten your rotation until the World Series. But I agree with the thought that you want to use El Duque more than Contreras, so Buehrle, Garland, Freddy, El Duque, Buehrle, Garland, and for game 7 - whole staff, baby.

  5. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 5, 2005 -> 12:08 AM)
    There's no "I" in team.

    But there is a "me". The article in today's Arlington Heights Daily Herald talks about this too, and Frank does sound like he's worried about not being used this week, when he knows he won't play at Colorado or San Diego. To be fair, this is understandable - players want to play. But Frank has to be man enough not to become a distraction, because I would sooner lose Frank than to lose what this team has been able to put together.

  6. QUOTE(dmbjeff @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 11:08 AM)
    The baseball draft is much harder than the NFL or NBA and very few people know anything about the prospects in MLB. Well our friends at ESPN rated some of the best and worst draft picks of the past 40-50 years at each draft position.




    Frank Thomas is on the list, as well as Robin Ventura. They also have a few busts on their list and one in particular is very disturbing.


    In 1985, our Sox took Kurt Brown.


    Who is/was Kurt Brown, he was an "unproven high school catcher", but the pick directly following Brown, was a guy named Barry Bonds. I know Bonds is a major tool and at this point of his career after the cheating and lying. I wish he'd just retire but to think what our team could have been through the late 80's into the 90's.


    Now I love the Hawk, but I also do believe he was the GM for one season in 1985, I could be wrong on this, but it had to be the worst baseball decision of his life, if in fact I'm correct about the year he GM'd.


    Check out the article, interesting read about certain players, good and bad. I also apologize if this is real old news and if it has been brought up before, but thought it was interesting for fans who weren't aware.

    Harrelson's first round pick was a pitcher named Grady Hall, who you may realize never made it either. As a GM, Harrelson was as bad as it gets. He immediatley hired his old cronies, like Alvin Dark, whose best contributions were sitting around and talkin' baseball over drinks. Back then Harrelson once said words to the effect, everyone knows who the best prospects are.


    Another thing about the draft that we can't know, is how much money did we want to spend. Maybe Kurt Brown and Grady Hall were "easy signs" as opposed to other better prospects. I've always wanted to know why the f*** we drafted Bobby Seay if we weren't gonna even offer him a contract, thus losing his rights. Does anyone know the scoop on this?????

  7. QUOTE(shakes @ Jun 2, 2005 -> 03:30 PM)
    Have the Sox played in SD or Colorado before?


    I'm looking forward to watching these games. I just hope we miss Peavy.


    (Just trying to distract from talking about you know who)

    I wonder how Chavez hits Peavy.

  8. I think Ozzie reacted the right way to Brantley. He might have been tempted to go postal on him. I also thing that if I was in a position where somebody ripped me up and down on national television, and then privately came and said, gee I hope there are no hard feelings, I'd tell him to f*** himself.

  9. From today's Tribune:


    "I think from everyone's standpoint, everyone gets along well" said Buehrle. "Pitchers like the hitting coach and the hitters like Coop. I won't mention any names, but during my first years here there was a hitting coach who couldn't stand pitchers and he was going off on us. We didn't really like him, either."


    Checking past media guides, the likely suspects are either Von Joshua or Gary Ward.


    This also says something about the control the manager had over his staff, I think.

  10. DJ was talking about Orlando Cabrera Wednesday night, and said it wasn't unusual for him to have 47 doubles in a year (actually at first he said 47 homers, but that was a slip of the tongue). That sounded like crap to me, so I looked up Cabrera's numbers. He had 47 doubles once. His first year he had 16, then 23, then 25, 41, 43, 47, 19 and last year 19. So yeah, DJ, it was unusual for him to have 47 doubles, since he averages 29. SO, DJ, who you crappin'?

  11. We have


    Angels here once

    Cleve here 3

    At Colorado 3

    At SD 3

    Arizona here 3

    Dodgers here 3

    KC here 3

    Cubs here 3

    At Det 3



    They have


    Cleve at home twice

    Yanks at home 3

    At Ariz 3

    At Dodgers 3

    SF at home 3

    SD at home 3

    Det at home 3

    At Milwaukee 3

    KC at home 3


    For uncommon opponents, they get the Yankees, SF and Milwaukee, and we get one against the Angels, then Colorado and the Cubs.


    TIme to get back on track!

  12. QUOTE(DePloderer @ May 29, 2005 -> 04:43 AM)
    You mean I might finaly get to see him hit? I hope he can live up to the hype you fellas are giving him. I am realy looking forward to it.

    Yeah, that's us, always hyping guys who don't pan out.


    This is Frank f***ing Thomas. Get ready for one long ass standing ovation.

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