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Al Lopez Ghost (old)

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Posts posted by Al Lopez Ghost (old)

  1. Ozzie has to be an expert on how good Lowell is, compared to Crede. If we got him, you could be sure that it was because Ozzie blessed the move.


    I'd go after Chavez, even if it meant (gulp) trading BMac.

  2. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ May 26, 2005 -> 10:47 PM)
    It seems to me that Contreras always starts to get weak come the 7th inning, thats when he gives up his runs all the time it seems...

    Last night was his 10th start. Here's the breakdown by inning of when he gives up runs:


    Inning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


    Runs 3 4 1 4 3 2 7


    Also, he has given up 3 runs an inning twice: once in a fourth inning, and once in a seventh inning. He has given up 2 runs in an inning 3 times, a second inning, a fifth inning and a seventh inning.


    So, yeah, you might want to yank him after 6.

  3. QUOTE(MurcieOne @ May 21, 2005 -> 10:01 PM)
    I have a feeling Brandon is gonna wear 40 tomorrow..... it was his number all of last year in the minors, and his number this year (15) is taken by Tadie....


    The last pitcher to wear 40 for the sox.... Mr. Parque, lets hope Bmac's career has a better story than jimmy's did


    EDIT: just remembered Fatolo Colon wore 40 for the sox in 2003

    And I remember Wilson Alvarez wearing number 40. His first start for the White Sox turned out ok. I could live with that outcome today.

  4. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 21, 2005 -> 03:13 AM)
    If the Sox are planning on BMac starting two games, they'll probably put El Duque on the DL.  It would be retroactive to the last time he pitched, which I believe was Sunday the 15th.  By the time his slot came up for the third time, he'd be eligible to come off the DL.

    It would also look like BMac's second start would come against Texas, and he pitched twice against them in Spring Training - the first time he was lights out, the second time he had a rough inning. So he'll be familiar with their lineup.

  5. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 21, 2005 -> 02:20 AM)
    After thinking about it, I believe I'd rather have Singleton.  But then, I haven't been following him at all.  If Tampa Bay releases you, that has mean something.  I know Chris is better defensively than Timo, and is a better baserunner.  He must not be hitting a lick.

    I agree with your assessment of Chris vs. Timo in terms of their skills. And I believe Chris is a genuinely good guy. But Timo is from the same town as Uribe, and I think that has probably helped Uribe's comfort level and growth. KW has the two of them from the Dominican Republic, the two Cuban pitchers, the two Japanese... We might not want to take away from our team chemistry for the small skills improvement Chris would bring.

  6. I've been around for 55 years. My advice to everyone is this: don't take one bit of this for granted. Enjoy every bit of it - this may be the best year we White Sox fans ever get. It's sure started that way. This might be the year you tell your grandkids about.

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