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Everything posted by Sox80

  1. Of course! This is what happens when you run out minor league pitchers!!!!
  2. The fu-king ump gave the Yankees two runs this inning. I'm so sick and tired of these guys and they're inconsistent cheating!!!!
  3. Hit into a double play no runs .now this joker can't throw a strike! I can't wait till yolmer is not on the sox!
  4. Honestly. I wish Cooper would go with him. His approach doesn't seem like it's very effective anymore.
  5. Yeah unfortunately saw it going this way tonight.
  6. Think it's funny when the crowd goes crazy for running track fly outs. I know he hit it hard just saying.
  7. I really like what Walker's doing this year. Hopefully we start to see more power.
  8. Well that didn't take long. Hopefully the bats can come awake tonight.
  9. Okay that's fair. I was just curious what other people thought. trust me it doesn't ruin my sox experience when I watch games.
  10. If you didn't like my comment don't read or respond to it.
  11. If you didn't like my comment don't read it or respond to it.
  12. I think it's terrible as well . Just curious what other people thought.
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