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Danny Dravot

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Posts posted by Danny Dravot

  1. Also, I LOVED the Madrigal pick, but that was based on his contact tool plus his D plus his speed plus his baseball IQ. Looks like only one of those really applies. Give him more time, but if he’s a one tool player, the long term solution at 2B lies elsewhere.

    And Keuchel has been our best pitcher this year. Sucks that he didn’t have it today, but this is still a great signing that will pan out in the long run and in the playoffs for years to come. Stupid to say otherwise.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Squirmin' for Yermin said:

    The ESPN broadcast was absolutely horrible.  They don't talk about the game, they just tell pointless stories about the players that go on 5x too long... I wish you had options for different broadcasters or turning off the broadcast, kind of like you can with video games lolll..  Jessica Medoza needs to gooooooo LOL

    I couldn’t comment during the game yesterday, but I didn’t understand all the ranting about the announcers. To be fair, I usually tune out all commentators, but I appreciated Jessica talking about Giolito’s mechanical adjustments. The home run calls were a bit boring, but at least I didn’t have to put up with Jason’s Cheeseball Comedy Tour.

    Oh, but in-game interviews are awful and should be made extinct.

  3. On A’s message boards, their big argument before yesterday was that all the lefties we have faced weren’t very good. They ignored our abuse of some solid LHP relievers, as well as the fact that Jon Lester had a solid season if you leave out his 15 ER allowed in 7.1 IP against us. Also, I suppose that now means Jesus Luzardo isn’t very good.

    Anyways, since this is how those guys like to approach it, I suppose someone should point out that Chris Bassitt didn’t pitch against a team with a winning record this year.

    If Shane Bieber can get wrecked, so can this shit-talking scrub. Let’s. Fucking. Go.

  4. 10 minutes ago, 35thstreetswarm said:

    I think I ran into the same guy.

    I bumped into him on campus (at a school neither in MN or IL) the day after the sweep. He was wearing a Twins hat, and I said, “Oh I’m a White Sox fan. Uh...congrats, I guess.” He goes, “HAHA SUCK IT BUDDY!” and walks off. Never saw him again.

    Who’s sucking it now, buddy?

  5. 1 hour ago, Buehrle>Wood said:

    Sox have won more playoff games in the last 1 hour than the Twins have in their last 140,000 hours.

    This is my favorite streak in sports. A Twins fan laughed in my face when they swept us in late 2008. I’ve gotten over a lot of things in my life, but I remember that. Fuck that guy. I hope this thing lasts another fifty years.

  6. 34 minutes ago, chw42 said:

    The Twins absolutely choked the game away today. They had Greinke on the ropes early in the game and couldn't score. Caleb freaking Thielbar gave up a huge single to make the game out of reach. That's like if we had Jace Fry in that situation. Twins fans must be pissed with Rocco.

    Lazy throw by Polanco sinks them. Amazing.

    I thought Dusty Baker must be nuts to put Valdez in for Greinke after four and let him see it through all the way to the end, but it worked. I don’t want to see them succeed, really. Just want them to keep the Twins’ streak alive so they can get trounced by us.

    Also, if that happens, who gets home field? They are the higher seed but didn’t even have a winning record.

  7. Just now, BigHurt3515 said:

    Manaea has a 4.50 ERA 45 SO in 54 Innings

    Watch some damn tape and come up with a good game plan

    Ricky would never have them watch tape.

    Honestly, I can’t believe he didn’t pinch hit for Mazara with McCann sitting right there in front of him. He’s an idiot.

  8. Ricky is such a fucking piece of shit. If God (or Allah or a damn genie or what have you) appeared to me and said Ricky would never manage a White Sox game again but we would lose 110 games next year and all of our current prospects/rookies would flop, I would take that deal without blinking. He sucks that much.

    Wanted to test Rodon, let our most obvious platoon player hit against his weakness in the final AB of the regular season, he doesn’t care about winning.

    Let him go collect a paycheck selling cheese doodles to fans of the Tijuana League. And take Nomar, and Edwin, and ReyLo, and Cordero with him. Oh he couldn’t live without his useless fucking Jimmy. No sirree.

  9. 2 minutes ago, RG23SoxFan said:

    I agree, but honestly I kind of expect what he did today every time he starts.

    We need to cut bait on him in the off season. He’s an absolute fucking loser. You can see it on his face every time he gets obliterated. No clue why it’s happening, just a passive observer of events.

  10. 6 minutes ago, soxfan49 said:

    If you don't mind, what do you do for a living?

    Emergency management at a state level. A child recently died in my state from brain eating amoeba in the local water supply, so we’re handling the distribution of bottled water to entire town. That’s a recent development though- for the last six months we’ve been coordinating COVID response. It’s interesting, but it’s a 24/7 thing.

  11. 1 minute ago, Flash Tizzle said:

    I believe most here are happy they made the playoffs, but understandably upset with how the last week has gone. Are you excited about Tue? I’m not, and I’d be shocked if anyone else here is either. We expect an early exit 

    This season has been a great step forward for the rebuild, but it’s not done. And now let’s see how they perform in the coming season with some expectations

    Honestly, after the Twins series and even after the Reds series, I would have expected us to compete as well as anyone else. And as much as anyone else, I would have expected them to have a chance at all of it (a better chance than the dregs of the playoffs, for sure). But now? We are the dregs. We are the easy opponent everyone else is salivating for. If we can punch someone in the mouth for their excitement, that’d be great but I don’t anticipate it.

    Also, with the expanded playoffs, it would have been nice to win the division and claim a “legit” playoff spot. I suppose we’re still the fourth or fifth wildcard team, but...meh.

  12. Just now, Buehrle>Wood said:

    Why should mazara be on the playoff roster if Leury is indeed back

    Because this team can’t do anything even slightly unconventional. Ricky’s a moron? B-b-but he’s the manager. Nomar’s a starter, even if he sucks. Edwin’s got to get his ABs even if he is clearly on his last legs. Engel’s playing well? Nope- he’s still a bench player unless someone gets hurt. Team management by formula.

    Performance and results means nothing to this franchise.

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