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Posts posted by CentralChamps21

  1. Transaction: Andrus signed, Hendriks (likely) to IL

    Out: Hendriks, Sheets, Rodriguez

    In: Banks, Andrus, Sosa

    SP - Cease, Kopech, Lynn, Giolito, Clevinger

    RP - Banks, Graveman, Bummer, Lopez, Kelly, Diekman, Lambert, Ruiz

    C - Grandal, Zavala

    IF - Moncada, Anderson, Sosa, Vaughn, Gonzalez, Andrus

    OF - Jimenez, Robert, Colas, Benintendi, Garcia

    At this point it looks like the last spot is Sosa vs Hamilton

  2. For quite a while now, MLB/NBA/NHL revenue modes have included getting RSNs distributed to people who didn't want them by getting them bundled in cable/satellite packages. With so many options via streaming, more and more people who don't want them are finding ways to get the channels they do want without having to pay for the RSNs.

    We may end up with having the RSNs offered individually, but I don't think they can get the price they'd need to keep their same revenue level.

  3. I know we're not supposed to get political, but this is personal. I'm a senior in college right now (though not MSU). I'm about ready to head to a classroom, probably not unlike the one where two MSU students were killed last night (a third was killed at the student union, five more in critical condition).

    It took a long time to get myself out of the house, into the car, and to classes today. I really didn't want to come here today.

    How do we end this insanity? I'm not against more gun restrictions but at the same time there are lots of countries where there are many guns that don't have this, at least nowhere near this frequency.

    • Like 2
  4. 23 hours ago, ChiSox59 said:

    I....don't agree.  Largely the same roster won 93 games 2 years ago with Tony punting the 2nd half of the season.  

    Lots of things will need to go right for this team to win 90 games, but that certainly isn't the ceiling. 

    The 2021 team got a combined 11.8 fWAR from Abreu, Engel, Madrigal, Rodon, Crochet and Keuchel.

    The 2023 team has in their place Vaughn, Benintendi, Davis Martin, Diekman, Graveman and who knows who plays 2B.

    I don't see that group combining for 11.8 fWAR, plus it's highly unlikely that Grandal comes anywhere near the 3.6 fWAR he produced in 2021.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, The Beast said:

    I discussed the bolded with two people at work who live in Illinois and they looked at me funny. Like why would the Jacksonville Jaguars want to come to Chicago and play in this cold and in Soldier Field. They didn’t think the town was large enough to have two football teams. My counter was Khan’s connection to Illinois, the fact that there will be a vacant stadium that he could upgrade and the fact that a team from Jacksonville could jump at the chance of being in the Chicago market.

    They wouldn't. There's zero chance the Jaguars come to play in Soldier Field when there's a much, much better stadium 20 miles away.

  6. 14 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

    And Jerry as the next owner up with a stadium lease expiration is just thrilled.

    I don't think baseball can work as well in the suburbs as football. There are only 8-9 home games and they're almost all on weekends.

    Baseball has 81 home games on all days of the week. Moving any direction from the city really hurts your attendance from one part of the metro area.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Harry Chappas said:

    Is there any reporting on how the stadium will be financed?  If Chicago does renovate the current Soldier Field and puts a second team there, that would be interesting......or Jacksonville moving into Arlington as well.


    I can't imagine a second Chicago team choosing to play at Soldier Field instead of the new stadium in Arlington.

  8. 7 minutes ago, ewokpelts said:

    I don’t know what the $ was, but yes. The Sox deal with GR is less than what wintrust offered. 


    again, the actual naming rights money doesn’t go to the Sox. It pays for the 2003-2008 renovations that gave us the name US Cellular Field. That original deal would have ended in 2026, but the Sox and ISFA agreed to a three year extension(with another non guaranteed year in 2030), to make the moving parts work. The payments go toward the bonds issued in 2003. 

    the deal that the Sox care about is sponsorship above that naming rights deal. And brooks hooked his brother in law’s employer up. 


    I guess what I really want to know is did the Sox leave $$$ on the table that could have gone to player payroll in order to take care of Brooks Boyer's brother-in-law?

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