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Everything posted by CentralChamps21

  1. My (unlikely) hope is that it's Benintendi getting transferred to the 60 day IL.
  2. Or at least promote him to coach. He's an asset for the pitchers and a mentor for Lee, but a complete waste of a spot in the lineup. If you could DH for him instead of the pitcher, I'd be tempted to try that.
  3. How about when Stassi comes back, they can fire Pedro and promote Maldonado to manager?
  4. I just noticed that, very weirdly, both teams are off on Sunday 8/11 after playing on the south side Friday and Saturday, so my guess is that's when it gets made up.
  5. If this game gets PPD, do you think they'll do a straight DH tomorrow? I may buy tix for tomorrow if that's a possibility.
  6. Does anybody other than Sheets have experience playing 1B? Mendick maybe?
  7. Cable/streaming - get more revenue from distribution but less from advertisinig Over the Air - get more revenue from advertising but little revenue from distribution Over the Air may be a better bet now that there are so many different cable/satellite/streaming services to negotiate carriage with. Another question for over the air is which channel? WCIU 26 and WPWR 50 are the only two that might be available to be bought out and have a strong enough signal to reach very far.
  8. Need to clear a 40-man spot for this, so either someone is getting transferred to the 60-day IL or someone is getting DFA. Don't see an obvious DFA candidate except perhaps Remillard.
  9. Trading him this early opens up the possibility that he sucks at Texas, gets DFA'd, picked up by the Sox, gets on another hot streak, and gets traded AGAIN before the deadline.
  10. Interesting. We didn't get any hail, barely any lightning.
  11. Putting someone in place whose effectiveness would be restrained is the definition of pointless. Besides, Getz seems to be good at getting potentially useful returns for our crap, and not taking on future salary, which is the best track to take until there's a new owner. Replacing Grifol may not be as pointless. As more of the older pieces get traded off and more of the young guys come up, we need a manager who can develop them and use them properly.
  12. He wouldn't be making money in any TV market outside of the top 3. Replace Chicago TV money with Nashville TV money, and once the attendance and TV viewership drops off after the first few years of excitement, it's a money loser.
  13. I will continue to repeat: Replacing the GM, manager, or anybody else really is pointless until someone new owns the team. Anybody who would be good at those jobs isn't going to want them, and even if they did, they wouldn't be given the resources to succeed. At the very least Getz isn't giving out bad 3+ year deals that the next guy will be stuck with.
  14. Blind loyalty to former players works in our favor every once in a while.
  15. The A's left Oakland because of no support. The Rays have had no support for years despite being good. Where are you going to find two more places that can support teams, and where are you going to find 26 more major league quality pitchers?
  16. He was already on the 40 man, so he's already burned an option year no matter what. Two weeks of service time is very unlikely to have salary impact down the road.
  17. Sheets has an .822 OPS and is not a liability at 1B or RF. He's also cheap. There's no reason to ditch him.
  18. It's the :50 that's weird. Most teams start games at :10 or :40.
  19. Time for the governor of Indiana to step up.
  20. I will choose to believe that WCIU giving up the CW a month before the rumored start of a new sports channel with over-the-air distribution are coincidental.
  21. Eloy's option may get declined, but either way nobody is trading for him, same with Vaughn. The other guys you mentioned are under team control beyond this year and productive, so I don't see the Sox giving up on their narrative of being a contender next year, no matter how delusional it might be. If the Sox would be willing to eat enough salary to get a decent return for him that would be nice, but we all know that's never going to happen.
  22. There is video of Michigan's defensive coaches, standing right next to Conor Stallions, signaling a change to their defense immediately after seeing the offensive signals That's only minimal if you're delusional. Any advantage ND has nationally is because Michigan's coach was an anti-Catholic a**hole who blackballed ND from the Big Ten back in the 1910s. Otherwise, ND would just have been another Big Ten school, so yeah, it makes sense that Michigan fans wouldn't complain about what they created.
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