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Everything posted by Soxfest

  1. I am so tired of TYSON, I do not watch or care , niether should anyone else , f*** HIM :fyou
  2. The sad fact here is a young lady lost her life, the rest is meaningless
  3. Go to help section on yahoo in league
  4. Put guy you want to take out to bench and put new player in place he was in. Nice group of guys for the league it is going to be competitive, the way iI LOVE it.
  5. Soxfest


    Frank needs to play not talk to media
  6. Screw Boras and KR we do not need him
  7. Soxfest


    Krause made NO trades to a sorry ass team,ASSHOLE says we were active, MY ASS , the only thing active on you is what time you're fat ass is going to eat and get you're 15th chin :fyou
  8. HSC click on Fantasy games on yahoo, go down page bottom right click on fantasy basketball , on that screen cliclk on Fantasy baseball, go to private league click on it, put in league # and password, make team name go down bottom of page click on it you are IN HSC
  9. Seattle fired his ass , he is terrible with the rest of sox Management
  10. Tom is doing 55 games for Tigers again this year, He lives in Georgia so much for Retirement. Hawk and HE were having problems, DJ is like KW not f***ING qualified, we let DJ have job over TOM SEAVER who did yankee and met games, what a joke.
  11. My job was government , i still got let go!
  12. They should of traded LEE for Lidle last july, Lee will be trded this year.
  13. Soxfest

    Fantasy Baseball

    I am in Date and draft time are perfect ,How many we got now?
  14. I got laid off from IDOT last August, THANKS f***ing G.Ryan you crooked old bastard, finding a job that pays is just about next to impossible right now, I have interviewed the last 6 months with no luck. Hopefully things will pick up in spring
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