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Posts posted by whitesox91403

  1. Yeah Baj was pretty stellar his short time up last season too. Vizcaino stays, I still think he'll be fine. Cotts, on the other hand, needs to go. Adkins is in Triple A because Vizcaino was traded for, and that's the only damn reason. I think a lot of people forget he was pretty damn good for most of last season.
  2. QUOTE(Princess Dye @ May 21, 2005 -> 08:11 PM)
    how did i know there'd be snipping and what not.


    just a hypothetical.  a lot of people have said that they are missing Carlos Lee, so i'm just curious how badly people would want to still have him here.

    lets also not pretend like we are worldbeaters as far as RBI/power guys.  batting average, even.


    i dont care how good we've been.... 3-4-5 will have to be better for us to take it to the next level.  Podsednik can steal 2nd and 3rd, but with no one to bring him home.........


    I'll bite on this.......good points.


    It seems that Rowand, Dye, Pierzynski, Everett, and Konerko are all coming around. Throw in a healthy Frank in a couple weeks and I think they'll be better than fine. Throw in Uribe when he goes on one of his streaks and even Crede and this is a pretty good offense.


    EDIT- I forgot Iguchi, the best hitter on the team so far. If he stays the way he is, this a very good offense.

  3. If Carlos Lee were still here, we'd be near .500 and behind Minnesota in the standings. Can we just let this guy play for The Brewers already and enjoy who we have here now?

  4. Dear Brandon McCarthy,


    Please do not get me wrong, I mean no disrespect. I do not want you here yet. I just don't feel like you are ready. Please, prove me wrong. Go out and start a new trend amongst Sox minor league call-ups. Be the pitcher in Spring Training and not Arnie Munoz in Montral. El Duque, whatever the problem, please get it taken care of. This kid is not ready, I'm sorry that I feel that way, but there have been too many Ruffcorns, Boltons, Munoz', Diaz', Stewarts, Sanders'........etc.........



    PS- Brandon, Please Don't Suck.





  5. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ May 20, 2005 -> 08:36 PM)
    it's always bugged me that you can see the skyline if you sit in the outfield.

    why on earth would they do that?

    *218 i believe.



    Makes sense then, I was in 216. I went on a bus trip of 50 people and I was one of 8 Sox fans as opposed to the rest Pinhead fans. Oh, what a glorious day.

  6. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ May 20, 2005 -> 08:26 PM)
    The only park i've ever been to before today was ours, it was different, i liked it.

    here's a picture i took today.



    What was your section? That looks a lot like where I was sitting at.


    Sox fans should be proud today!!!!! :gosox1:

  7. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ May 19, 2005 -> 12:08 AM)
    Probably not the most popular opinion, but I don't think Frank is a HOF.  I think his declining numbers in the past few years hurt his chances.  First 6-7 years - absolute first ballot, but not anymore me thinks.  Still can't wait for him to come back.




    Just go away.

  8. Paulie started the rest and lean thing in his stance last season and he credited it for his turn around. I have not seen him do that this season until last night's game, which Hawk and DJ pointed out. Walker calls it a trigger. Paulie may be bringing it back to try and get this figured out. I'm pessimistic with Paulie. I smell '03 here, Big Hurt please get back, like now.

  9. QUOTE(The Critic @ May 16, 2005 -> 02:38 AM)
    It's weird - everything about this team screams "85 wins" to me, but now that they've jumped out to the fast start, without the meat of the order hitting all that much, and with Big Frank probably coming back right after the first round of Interleague play, I can see this team in the low-to-mid 90's.

    Barring, of course, the annual catastrophic injuries to the exact players they can least afford to lose.... :pray PLEASE not this year.....



    Injuries probably should be the biggest concern. But, you know Kenny, never afraid to make the trade to get what they need. I'm enjoying this now, but because of the fast start, even 95 wins is only 6 games over .500 from here on out. I think it's very reachable.

  10. QUOTE(The Critic @ May 16, 2005 -> 02:30 AM)
    Ahhh, make the most of it anyway.

    As long as you go in without an agenda to start s***, most Cubbie Kool-Aid drinkers will talk as much s*** about Baker and their bullpen as you will.

    ...oh, and avoid the piss trough if at all possible.... :D


    I have no agaenda other than to watch The Sox. I'm going on a bus trip with my father in law and my brother in law, both Cubs fans. This was my Father's Day present. I hear a lot of crap about The "fans" at the confines that start s*** with guys in Sox gear. I'm kind of sweating that a bit though. Not that I can't handle myself, but I've been a cop for 6 years and really just don't want to deal with it. I deal with that s*** enough

  11. The Sox, obviously, are sitting at a record of 27-11. With 124 games to go, if they played .500 ball from here on out, they would finish with 89 wins. That's playing .500 ball!!!! I'm optimistic. I, just truly believe that they may regress some, but will play well above .500. Am I way off here? Tell me what you think. :gosox1:

  12. QUOTE(The Critic @ May 16, 2005 -> 02:24 AM)
    This may be the ONLY benefit to going to the Deadly Confines to see the "City Series". You'd get to see the rare sight of Sox BP.



    I'm going Friday. But, to be honest, I'm not really looking forward to it.

  13. The Sox are facing Park, Astacio, and Drese in this series. All have horrible ERA. We need some offense in this series, plain and simple. C'mon boys, rattle off 5 or 6 in a row and let every damn Sox fan out there just go absolutely crazy with excitement. :gosox1:

  14. I actually do agree with Mariotti on quite a bit of this article. I think it's well written. Just because I don't like him, I won't bash this article. But, I for one, and most true White Sox fans should just accept the attendance issue.


    It is what it is.


    I've been a Sox fan my whole life and will not dwell on attendance anymore.


    Besides, when I went on April 19th (Tuesday) against Minnesota, me and a buddy sat in section 102 row 9 and we had the whole row to ourselves. I didn't mind that at all.

  15. 1. Fisk

    2. Thomas

    3. Baines

    4. Ventura

    5. Crede

    6. Magglio

    7. Ron Karkovice (we have the same birthday)

    8. Tim Raines

    9. Bo Jackson

    10. Albert Bellle


    Honorable mentions: James Baldwin, Mike Sirotka, Jim Abbott (I loved the guy when he started with The Angels) Carl Everett, Juan Uribe, Ross Gload, Lance Johnson, Jack McDowell, Alex Fernandez


    I really like Pierzynski and Podsednik too, too early to rank them yet though

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