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Chi Town Sox

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Posts posted by Chi Town Sox

  1. 1 minute ago, The Sir said:

    Maybe not the "low end rich", but Ken Griffey made $150 million in his career, just off contracts. 

    You can get yourself a jet of your own for a million. The pilot costs a bit, and maybe this isn't Ken's thing, but rich me would have like three jets and five yachts, and I'd be the only crew for all of them.

    And then potentially million's in maintenance, hangar fees, gasoline, insurance etc.  Jets aren't just a $1m plane and a $200k pilot, it could be $4M a year to own. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Jose Abreu said:

    Either way I’m pretty sure he only travels via private jet

    I ran into Ken Griffey Jr. at Orlando Airport last year and he was waiting in TSA line at the United Terminal.

    Not every rich person flies private jets every time they travel, most wouldn't be rich any longer.

  3. 5 hours ago, Baron said:

    Perfect because I've made it clear before that I want zero free agents added this year. There are a dozen question marks with the young players right now. A ton of bad play combined with guys making their debut this year. I want them to stay the course and continue to add pieces in the draft/trade. 

    And wait until the next time two massive 26 year old free agents are available?  No thanks, get me one of these guys and turn this thing around.  There is minimal interest in this team as is with the fanbase and it needs a kick.

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  4. Agree with the above from a negotiating standpoint but there is something to be said about going first when you are jamming long meetings into a small time frame like this.  The clients are usually refreshed and ready get to understand the product but often times the meetings become dull and repetitive towards the end.  

  5. 2 hours ago, Dick Allen said:

    Cleveland traded him to the White Sox for nothing.  Maybe there is another team that will take him for nothing, but it’s pretty doubtful right now, because the Tribe probably would have sent him elsewhere if only because of the small chance he could come back to haunt them.

    Ok so if the Sox need to throw in a few million to move him, so what?  That is a pimple on their rear. 

    We are not the most enticing place to play and Am surprised people can’t just respect the move to try to make the end goal happen. 

  6. 37 minutes ago, ChiSox59 said:

    They can easily trade him if MM doesn’t sign. And then it’s like it never happened. Again, Alonso is on a market value deal and is a well respected vet. And it’s a 1 year deal - the Sox will make sure he doesn’t hit 526 at bats unless they want the option to best because he is raking.

    I don’t understand why people cannot understand the simple concept of your first sentence. 


    This isn’t a terrible move and he can be traded at any point if Machado doesn’t sign. 



  7. 10 minutes ago, ChiSox59 said:

    As for the trade, why the heck not? A little repetitive with Palka, but as others have said, even if this moves our chances with Machado from 10% to 15%, why not? Palka was fun last year and all, but Alonso is a much better bet to be better next year, and we can still put Palka in a corner if need be. 

    I like the move, If we strike out on the whales, you just use Alonso as a part time player. Sox have tons of payroll room, so I am not concerned about the $9M. 

    Go get em Rick!

    There’s clearly some cabin fever here.  For the people saying this move is awful...uhhhh, you could just trade him if Machado signs elsewhere. This is not a big deal whatsoever. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Lillian said:

    Please don't take offense, but I'm not surprised. It is simply a different perspective. Don't mind me. I'm old and I'm afraid, a little "old school". I still appreciate things like humility, gratitude and loyalty. LOL 

    Here we go, and I can imagine how this comes across, but I remember when Major League players had to have jobs, in the off season, just to get by, and even some pretty good players, at that.

    I guess that if I were in such a position, I would at least try to appear to be a little less self centered and egotistical. I would certainly not want the fans to get the impression that all I cared about was making a few extra million dollars, on top of hundreds of millions. The idea that a guy's goal is to become the "highest paid player in the history of the game" doesn't create a very endearing image, even if that might be what motivates him.

    These guys live a different life than everybody else.  If I work at a fast food joint and the underachiever next to me is making $2 more, I'm going to push for more.  If I'm in sales and the underachiever next to me continues not to hit his/her numbers and is making $20K more, I'm going to push for more. 

    I get it but It's all the same, these guys can set up generations of family members.

  9. There is no questioning the signings haven't been ideal to fit Hoiberg's system but this shouldn't be surprising whatsoever.  The Bulls show no effort on defense, Stacey King wants to explode calling these games.

    If you do not have the talent to score and keep up with these elite offenses, you better slow the game down and play a little D, they have not shown they could do this under Hoiberg.


    On 11/20/2018 at 9:14 AM, pettie4sox said:

    If it was, the mentally ill angle would be thrown out to justify the actions.

    Why the white hate on this post?  It's mostly the liberal's own media pushing that agenda.  Let's be real, if you shoot somebody no matter what color you are, you have some type of mental illness and/or are just an all around POS.  Anybody with a brain knows that We do not need CNN to tell us you are mentally ill or a great student.    

  11. 1 hour ago, LittleHurt05 said:

    Whatever happens, it's very nice that they took care of business at home, so if they do lose tomorrow, they are still in a good spot.  

    I've seen so much on Twitter about how Daniel knows the system up & down and this is why they are paying him $5 million a year.  All I can think about is 2 career starts & 78 passes in 8 years, and the name Jonathan Quinn pops in my head.  😣

    Agreed but then I remember that this is not the Bears of Old.  This is a system that randoms have the opportunity to come in and play solid to great. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, soxfan2014 said:

    Problem is, there really are no "super teams" interested in on either guy. You keep reading that teams like the Giants, Phillies and Cardinals have interest.

    I'm sure they are behind the scenes but if not, I wouldn't really call that a problem.  You rarely see those guys pay up for major free agents just like the White Sox.  If Miggy signed with Detroit after his trade, it's not out of the question to get a marquee player to Chicago.

  13. Just now, Dick Allen said:

    I think if you went by WAR, neither one would beat the other one 5 years straight. Pretty much a toss up IMO, but if the price was the same I would prefer Harper due to his mystique. IMO, if you asked 100 casual fans who was the better player, 90 of them would say Harper. He is the better draw. I think there are more people from LaGrange who would go to a White Sox game to see Bryce Harper, than to see Manny Machado. But I'd take either one.

    Here in La Grange is filled with Cub fans that don't even go to their own team's games.  

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