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Chi Town Sox

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Posts posted by Chi Town Sox

  1. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 08:12 PM)
    See Atlanta Braves' fans after their championship in the middle of that playoff run...there's just not that fascinating angle of how many years they can go without winning it all, Lovable Losers, the Curse of the Goat, 1969, Brant Brown, Bartman, etc.


    Agreed. 2-3 years ago was the first time we had seen some of these prospects and the allure was enticing. Just like any prospect, we are seeing what they truly are a couple of years later. Good power but there's a LOT of swing and miss in that lineup.


  2. QUOTE (Wanne @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 12:07 PM)
    that's a great read. Really would have been fascinating to see how that would have developed. Have to say...the new ballpark renovations are nice...but the initial design REALLY missed the mark IMO. Especially not having home plate face downtown. LOVED those hand drawings...


    But with the homes (2 and 3 flats) that have stood North of Armour for years, would they have been forced to knock them down? The view from the inside of the park in the article doesn't look like how it actually looks from Armour Square. The Sears Tower being so close looks like the stadium is on Roosevelt rather than 33rd street. Would only be able to see the city from the upper deck depending on the elevation of the lower deck.

  3. The name changes are awful but I never understood the hate that this stadium gets. There are so many ridiculous looking stadiums that have been built in recent years that didn't look good when they were built and they still don't look good now. When you go inside these stadiums, there is concrete everywhere...it is what it is and it's mostly not pretty. Who cares that it's not "retro" like Camden? As said above, I also think this will age alright.


    Once they changed those ugly blue seats, IMO the inside looks really good. The outside of the stadium looks nice with the changes they made a while back.


    What really sets stadiums apart from others to me is how they showcase the surroundings of the stadium, Coors with the Rockies, AT&T with the Bay, PNC with the river, etc. Armour Park probably would have done that it appears but it is what it is.


    Lets just turn this thing around and have a winner for the next 6-8 years

  4. I would also agree that I felt the whole "French being mean to Americans" was overblown. Everybody was very kind, except for one lady at a Starbucks LOL. As long as you try to speak the language, you'll be good.


    So many Americans are probably repeating themselves over and over in English and pissing off the French. Imagine if a Frenchmen came up to you and was being rude that you couldn't understand his language

  5. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Aug 15, 2017 -> 07:14 AM)
    Already a 1 WAR player at age 20 with a month + left in the season.. Crazy.


    Related but unrelated. I traded Bryce Harper in a keeper league for Quintana, Cole, Kimbrel, Iglesias (players to help win this year) but also got Bellinger and Devers (both legit keeper options to help win this year and in the future). I was hesitating to trade one of the best players on the planet but these two guys are STUDS.


  6. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Jul 4, 2017 -> 11:12 PM)
    Looks like Benintendi has figured it out. That's why I laugh when people jump the gun with slow starts, especially to young players.


    He started off hot then faded off in May. But I hear you


  7. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 22, 2017 -> 07:53 PM)
    Any links to terrorism (as of yet)?


    The Bataclan in Paris was the first thing that immediately came to mind...or when Russian troops had to storm a huge Moscow theatre with massive loss of life in that one.


    Between Kim Jong Eun missile launches on a weekly basis and this, bi-weekly attacks in Europe, it seems the world is going off the rails (the Greg775 perception, at least).


    So much for BREXIT keeping people safe, will be the argument if this turns out to be terrorism-related.


    BREXIT isn't really official until 2019

  8. QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ May 11, 2017 -> 03:57 PM)
    Way ahead of you buddy lol. Thanks





    Playa Del Carmen area, it is a brand new resort. It will be our first time at an all-inclusive. I heard about bringing a lot of 1's so we will plan on doing that!


    Check out the Kaxapa Factory in PDC, fantastic Venezuelan restaurant, the family is great. Lots of fun.

  9. I was pissed they even made the playoffs because of how this season went but now that I look back...I was a little optimistic when Rondo and DWade signed because of their playoff experience. Can't underestimate the importance of having players with this type of playoff experience on your squad, especially a team like the C's that do have their flaws.

  10. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 23, 2017 -> 08:50 AM)
    C'mon man. This guy was a generational talent that MJ called names and caused him to be a stiff. MJ ruined it for all of us. What a time to be alive the early 2000s would have been even though it was first team to 90, wins.


    It's well known MJ just destroyed players, that's why he only won 6 titles his last 6 full seasons of playing. Think of how great they would have been without him.


    J4L is so full of s*** his eyes are brown.


    So a potential first pick saying that he's not ready for it and doesn't know if he can "do this" mentality has nothing to do with him becoming a bust?




  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 22, 2017 -> 03:25 PM)
    The talent and potential was absolutely there. It would have been interesting to see if Jordan could have gotten him to buy in at both ends of the floor like he did with Pippen. Not everyone has that level of drive, and it is really too bad we will never know. A Jordan-drive Tmac could have kept the run going for another decade instead of the disaster it turned into until Rose came along.


    I am glad somebody said this. To me, if you are going to be great, nobody is going to stop you and that's what T-Mac was. Kwa


    Perhaps T-Mac gets better, quicker rather than on a younger Raptors team. If he learns quick, MJ may have maybe stuck around.


    There's an article floating around online of discussion between Billy Donovan and Kwame Brown, Kwame says he's not ready to be the #1 pick and he doesn't want to "do this".


    That says it all right there.


  12. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Jan 11, 2017 -> 12:10 PM)
    Deadspin just tweeted that Rose thought about walking away from basketball.


    I swear this dude is a mental midget. Amazing that his ACL completely ruined his career.


    It was much more than his ACL, he tore his meniscus...twice. Westbrook is some type of special but some people just can't handle it. The very thing/s that made him special were damaged multiple times. I don't care what anybody says, no matter how much money you make, that messes with many people


  13. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jan 5, 2017 -> 04:03 PM)
    Knicks did a horrible job building around him, but I don't see how the Nuggets did that great out of it. If anything, all I blame is the Knicks front office for being inept and wasting a guy who for a long time was one of the best players in the league and an elite scorer. The Nuggets were in a different position in the sense they could either get something for him or let him walk and get nothing though, where as the Bulls have Butler for another couple of years before he can opt out.


    Regardless of what we all think of Melo, typically you lose the trade in the NBA if you are giving away the best player. The Nuggets gave away an elite scorer for a bunch of guys who are 3rd options at best.


  14. QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Nov 26, 2016 -> 04:23 PM)
    Well that doesn't sound great lol.


    Unfortnately I think Puerto Rico will probably be out of our price range. Trying to find an all-inclusive place


    If price is what you are worried about, food in Mexico is very cheap (if you are looking for the good, authentic stuff). Another option is staying in Tulum, it's unbelievable there. Head into downtown for all types of great food for cheap.


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