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Posts posted by Pauly8509CWS

  1. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 1, 2006 -> 12:41 PM)
    Great. Ruutu could be rushing himself back becasue the team is a joke, and could not be fully healed. I say he plays 10 games.


    This is valid. Hell, the way he plays even if he is 100% he could play less than 10 games. Hopefully he's a spark to this piss poor team. But I doubt it. :puke

  2. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Dec 31, 2005 -> 01:51 AM)
    Lapointe's making what $2.4M this season and for the next 2? I wouldn't be paying a guy who only has 18 points in 37 games with a -10 that much money, JMHO. I just don't think he fits that well in the new NHL. But at least it was good he called out his teammates a few games ago.


    He's a serviceabel 3rd liner and plays his ass off. The other guys suck and seem to not give a damn. Hell, it seems like most of the team doesnt give a damn, Marty at least shows some fire and on Wednesday I thought he played well compared to everyone else.

  3. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Dec 30, 2005 -> 09:51 PM)
    The key word is trying. He needs to cut the dead weight such as your LaPointe's, Cullimore's, Brown's, Dowd's and Simpson's if the Hawks want to get any better.


    Leave Marty Lapointe off the list, he's doing his part and actually contributing. The other suckasses can go the hell home.

  4. I watched this episode and have had this on my PC for a few weeks. Definitely one of the funniest things I've seen on SNL recently. Also, check out Christmastime for the Jews. Sung by Darlene Love, its a TV Funhouse cartoon.

  5. I was at the game the other night and have this to say about Trent Yawney's benching of Vorobiev...


    Yawney claimed that Vorobiev was playing for himself and cost the team a goal, and that he would sit players who did that, like taking an extra two minutes in penalties and such.


    I think Yawns is out to get Pav. Because, he didnt sit Spacek after taking an extra two minutes for being selfish after a penalty. He didnt sit Barnaby after the extra 10 minutes the other night. He continues to play guys that contribute nothing. I dont know, Vorobiev needs to be in the lineup though, hes one of the few Hawks with natural scoring ability. He just needs better motivation.

  6. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Dec 24, 2005 -> 03:27 PM)
    Where's all this 'character' that Tallon talked about so much in the offseason?  I'm sure as hell not seeing it on the ice right now...


    Wait for your boy Skille Keith, because hes gonna be a character guy. Meaning he couldn't score on Steve Passmore. I'm pretty much predicting Skille to never pan out. He's dominating college right now, but when he takes the jump he'll be a 3rd liner. Hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it :P

  7. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 24, 2005 -> 10:50 AM)
    I could analyze what's wrong with this team for pages - and a lot of it comes back to the lack of a system or lack of discipline, NOT a lack of talent.


    There is a lack of a system and such, but who the hell is talented besides Seabrook, Keith, Bell, Calder? I dont see it, I think you're expecting too much from these scrubs.


    I saw "The Ringer" yesterday. I think I'm probably going to hell for watching. It is not funny at all and is in fact a horrible story line. The Farrelly's should be ashamed of themselves for making this. If you didnt know, in this movie Johnny Knoxville plays a character who is involved in fixing the Special Olympics to win 100 grand. It wasn't funny and it was extremely predictable. Dont go see it, dont rent it when it comes out, and dont watch it on cable or when it goes OnDemand.


    However, one bright spot in the movie was how well the mentally challenged actors did. They had good on screen chemistry and actually made the movie almost likeable.

  8. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Dec 23, 2005 -> 07:17 AM)
    Yeah Yawney's gotta take some of the blame no doubt, but I also gotta look at Dale Tallon for signing someone like Martin LaPointe who was terrible in Boston to a 3 year deal, and in this new NHL, he just doesn't fit.


    Most of the guys we got in the offseason don't fit, which was one of my earlier points. Dowd, Brown, Barnaby, Lapointe, Cullimore, Simpson, Holmqvist (trade). These guys are what they are, above average checking line players. The Hawks have tried to sell these players as solid offensive hockey players. I said as soon as they signed Cullimore that he doesn't play big enough. He's 6'5 I think and plays like hes Duncan Keith's size. They tried to pass him off as a great defenseman because he won a Cup with Tampa. The truth was that he was their #5 defenseman who didn't see alot of minutes.


    Basically, Tallon sucks.

  9. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Dec 22, 2005 -> 09:08 AM)
    They have a lot more talent then the level of play that they are currently at, even taking into account the injuries.


    No they don't.


    We counted on suck ass players like Arnie, Bell, Calder, Babchuk, Lapointe, Brown, Barnaby, Dowd, Cullimore, Simpson, Bourque, etc. Who thinks those guys are anything other than 3rd liners? Tallon is at fault for not bringing in a play maker.


    They don't play hard under Yawney either, you see why Arnason had is back to a barroom wall with Sutter? Last season, they gave their best effort every night under Sutter, maybe he wasnt the best coach for the young kids, but they played hard for him. I dont see that with Yawney, and maybe he isnt the right fit either.


    Bottom line, this team is short a whole damn first line and 2 good defensemen. Oh, and Khabibulin sucks (so far).

  10. QUOTE(sayitaintso @ Dec 16, 2005 -> 11:53 PM)
    I hope this is true. It justs shows the lack of competition that he has. As long as people are coming to the park and buying s*** from there i don;t think he could give a s***.  :lolhitting


    Steve, you're an idiot :P

  11. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy


    You, sir, should be given an award with this post. Excellent!!!




    While it angers me a little bit that Duque left, I just remembered his forays as a starter earlier last season. If I wanted to see four balls that often, I'd be out renting XXX gay porn.




  12. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Dec 14, 2005 -> 06:06 PM)
    Also, he could have poke checked on that breakaway goal...and i was actually thinking this as the play happened. It was so obvious that he should have done that. Would have been an easy play i think.


    I said that to my dad as it was happening, "Dad, poke check and get the puck back up ice." No sooner was it in the back of the net. Ugh, what the hell did we pay him so much for, so far he's a disappointment. Put in Andy :D

  13. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 11:34 PM)
    Babchuk was brutal tonight for the Hawks


    He and Barnika were just awful, although, the forwards sucked as well. When you have scoring opportunities, especially on the road, you have got to bury them. Up 2-0 and losing 5-2 is a negative reflection on our "superstar" goalie who is making a truckload. They need to pick it up.

  14. They arent alleged anymore, they are his victims, since he was convicted.



    Anyway, did anyone see how many copies of his book he sold? 300 copies. Yeah, his message is reaaaaallllllllllyy getting out there.

  15. QUOTE(Nokona @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 07:32 PM)
    George Bush was running around doing coke and dodging drafts.  Should he be punished for what he did in his past?


    Well, in Tookie's past, he was ARRESTED AND CAUGHT. Bush, was lucky. Williams was CONVICTED of murder and has been in bars because he KILLED someone in his past. I think those two pasts are a little different.

  16. I know I'm way late to this topic, but I had to write a reactionary paper on this subject today in my History in the Making class. I did some research and Williams was asked by the LAPD to give information on the Crips and who was who and what kind of crimes they get away with, etc. He wouldnt do it. If he's anti-gang now, why wouldnt he do everything in his power to bring down this powerful LA street gang? Tookie is a scared individual who murdered 4 people. He was convicted of murder, period.



    HE GONE :finger

  17. I was there as well, and I thought the first period was very quick with a lot of the play involved in the neutral zone.


    i said the same thing while i was at the game... they allowed Jagr and his cronies to work the perimeter and find their shots.... it was mind blowing.


    Look, you cant stop what you can't catch, that line is hands down better than anything the Hawks have, to keep them on the perimeter is fine with me, it beats the hell outta them camping in the slot for shots. Also, great job by the defensemen to clear out rebounds.


    the most interesting part of the game i thought, was in the second period when khabibulin got run over by #14 on the rangers. he got a double minor because his teammates were to worthless to do something on their own. if i was yawney, simpson would be spending the next couple weeks in the press box for that one.


    This is a touchy situation, see, when Ward knocked over Khabibulin Simpson was near the crease, but against a great PP Unit like the Rangers have, it's tough to take that kind of a penalty in a tie game. Khabibulin was wrong in "taking care of business as you call it. He cost the Hawks 4 minutes of even strength time, and was lucky the Rangers couldn't bury one on him.



    Also, I'm very surprised nobody brought up how great Duncan Keith has been playing recently. Logging the most minutes in the last three games since Aucoin has been out. He was on the ice nearly half the game yesterday, 27+ minutes. Great skating ability and positioning really outweigh his size disadvantage. Hilbert and Sharp also looked pretty good. And I though until the GWG, Arny looked like s***- lazy, slow, bad on FOs, no intensity at all.

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