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Posts posted by Pauly8509CWS

  1. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Feb 14, 2006 -> 02:52 AM)
    I'm almost positive DeGeorge is a junior...but he really isn't that good, IMO


    DeGeorge is on the D1 team, the guy graduating is Schiavoni, on the D2 team. That leaves them with Pacchini, a freshman this year. I believe thats how its going with D2, who knows though.

  2. Actually, I loved the campus, I thought it was beautiful, but I just didnt fit for some reason. The golf course was a nice little touch for me as well, but I liked the feel at U of I. It fits me better, and I want a Big Ten degree, I know it may not mean much to some, but to me that's a selling point. Plus, the Big Ten athletics are always fun, GVSU kills everyone at everything. I'm sure I'll visit there the next few years, but it just wasn't me. It's a great school, and you may or may not like it there, again, the campus is absolutely gorgeous, the classes are small, and everything seems brand new, but it's a personal thing.

  3. I was deciding between GVSU and U of I as well, I chose U of I. I liked the feel there. It was strange cause I had a s***load of connections at GVSU, the head football coach is a family friend, and he knows everyone, but I just didnt feel like I belonged there. I also am going to try to play D2 club hockey at U of I, and their goalie is graduating supposedly :canada

  4. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 02:27 PM)
    Did you watch him play in the second half of 2004?  i.e., when he was actually healthy, and in a groove? 


    Ruutu is just about as complete a player as you can ask for.  He hits, he skates well, he passes well, he can put the puck in the net, and he plays decently enough on defense.  Is he at the level that an Alexander Ovechkin is going to be?  No.  I'd say he's a step below that, which is pretty damn good.


    Of course -- he hasn't been healthy, which is a problem.  He's only 23 years old though (on Feb 16th, actually, he turns 23), so he's still got his better years ahead of him. 


    And, BTW, I'm in full agreement with this:


    The entire franchise, starting from the top, all the way down needs to be blown up.


    Don't forget how well he played in the Worlds two summers ago...

  5. QUOTE(crazyman26 @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 08:48 AM)
    The guy has even been replaced as starter on his team by a career backup.    I am glad to see him exploited as the overhyped pretty boy he has always been.


    Real overhyped, he had a great playoff run with the Canadiens two years ago and it ended when Kovalev faked like his hand got cut off. Theodore is having a rough season and is being outshone by Huet.

  6. QUOTE(Cuck the Fubs @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 10:30 AM)
    Please. Fouls like that happen. That should've been a type-2 flagrant and an ejection for Artest. It's like that Bulls-Lakers game a few years ago. Brad Miller fouled Shaq hard, type-2 flagrant. Shaq took a swing at Miller. Shaq got ejected for that, Miller got an automatic ejection for the foul. Now back to this, if Wallace doesn't shove him, the whole brawl never starts. I would've given Ben Wallace the season, Artest 40 games and anger-management, Jermiane O'Neal 10, Stephan Jackson 20, and Rasheed life for being Rasheed :D  :P :lol:


    See, I have all the coverage taped on my PC, and I'm watching this, and fouls like that shouldn't happen in a 15 point blowout.

  7. QUOTE(Felix @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 10:26 PM)
    Wait, did the Wallaces run into the crowd?  My memory if a bit foggy, remind me?


    The main cause was the hard foul by Artest, followed by a push by Wallace, some punches, and then Wallace throwing a towel at Artest, then he lay on the scorers table and some idiot threw a cup at him. While Wallace did retaliate, the spark was actually by Artest anyway by hard fouling Wallace.

  8. QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 07:06 PM)
    There has to be a reason nothing goes right for them, and I just can't pin it all on bad luck.

    Either their scouting blows, or their minor-league development blows, or their owner is a short-sighted tightwad who chased an entire fanbase away, or all of the above with a DASH of bad luck involved.

    Bad luck might be the case for Ruutu, but he's far from the only guy they've drafted in the past 5 to 10 years, and I see no impact player at all from any of those drafts. They must have set the NHL record for most third-and-fourth line guys ever. Their first and second lines have third and fourth liners on them every year. What they've lacked forever is first-line offensive threats who can change the course of a game......and a power play.


    Whoa Whoa, I NEVER said it was all bad luck, but usually from their number one rounders they dont intentionally take injured players, I'm not taking the organization's side at all, I'm taking the side of the injured players.

  9. QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 03:22 PM)
    "We didn't know the rules were gonna change the game this much...." - gimme a break.


    No doubt that's bulls***, however about Ruutu, he was heralded as the best player outside the NHL, would you not draft/sign him? So don't blame the Hawks on that one

  10. QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 11:26 AM)
    They might draft that pussy Russian winger even if they got the #1 overall.

    But only if he has an injury history, they seem to like that too.


    That's an unfair statement at this point, the Mike Smith Era is over, plus, drafting injury prone players is totally incorrect, at the time of the draft, Ruutu and Dazer weren't injury plagued, those are freak things.

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