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Posts posted by scotty22hotty

  1. QUOTE (son of a rude @ Oct 8, 2009 -> 01:26 PM)
    His average numbers, horrible baserunning, and lousy defense BLEW me out of the water...

    I love people who hate Pods for no reason. Jealousy?

    average numbers: Aside from his OBP... Did you watch any Sox games this year? You understand the role of a lead-off hitter... right?

    horrible baserunning: He takes risks... Thats more than what you can say about 90% of MLB players.

    lousy defense: I count 2 E's this year. He's not Hunter or Ichiro... but lousy? Again, did you watch any Sox games this year?

  2. With TCQ out, what do you guys expect? He carried the Sox for most of '08... Blaming KW is silly, He traded Swish/Vasquez because Ozzie wanted them gone. KW filled every position... Who knew Fields / BA wouldn't perform to their capabilities?


    Also Ozzie will be here through '12. :unsure:

  3. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jun 5, 2009 -> 11:42 AM)
    A blogger had the idea of a 3 way trade between the Sox, Padres and Cubs. Since Peavy would go to the Cubs, if you were KW, would you trade the same package, although if Broadway was involved, it would have to be tweaked, and get Zambrano instead?

    I would... if it was offered today. Richard is still a question mark.

    To me Zambrano is a better pitcher/player than Peavy...

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