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Everything posted by rventura23

  1. lets go Thome, has thome scored in every game still?
  2. just tuning in, good to see the offense started early
  3. they are all dangerous but Indians by far the most. Twinkies are always a pain though
  4. Thome certainly hits bombs. Im waiting for the 504+ homer to top Borchard.
  5. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 10:19 AM) I love being a Sox fan when our biggest worries are the end of Buehrle's slip-n-slide festivities and player's haircuts. i agree
  6. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Apr 16, 2006 -> 10:33 PM) There, I took something away from that play.
  7. I love Buehrle for doing stuff like that. Im not shocked by this, just sad. His probability of getting hurt by sliding on his belly in the rain is about as high as him getting hurt walking on the dugout steps. but I understand the organization stopping him.
  8. QUOTE(ThinWhiteDuque @ Apr 16, 2006 -> 06:06 PM) Here's a question for you: Was that one of the easiest, or most difficult, complete games of Freddy's career? When I played, the rain aggrevated me like nothing else, so I'll say it's one of the more difficult... that last inning was brutal I cant imagine how hard it is to pitch in that
  9. im optimistic about our offense, its looking good. The starting pitching is going to be solid, hopefully the bullpen holds up I think we are in a good position
  10. QUOTE(Felix @ Apr 16, 2006 -> 04:37 PM) I love Buehrle
  11. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Apr 16, 2006 -> 04:16 PM) its called then? Good win, offense looked good, so did Freddy until the rain
  12. could have used different music but I like the montage
  13. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Apr 16, 2006 -> 03:28 PM) Here comes the tarp. I demand some fresh prince. me too
  14. QUOTE(effectivelywild @ Apr 16, 2006 -> 03:23 PM) That was no fault of Iguchi's. He's playing in a giant puddle right now. not his fault
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