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Posts posted by johndyce

  1. Yeah, this is a very distrubing trend IMO. It seems like now, offesnsively, we are at the same point we have been at the last 5 years, except now instead of maggs and lee hitting bombs its dye and everett, with frank and paulie being the common factors.

  2. I agree Iguchi has been phenomenal, but how much of his success at the plate can you attribute to Pods being on first base wreckin havoc as he often does. You know pitchers aren't entirely focued on Iguchi with Scotty standing over on 1b.

  3. I was recently asked a question by one of my friends, and I didn't know what to tell the young fellow. He asked who the White Sox's best hitter was, and I didn't know what to say. I would say right now if I had to pick one player that I want to see up at the plate at any given point, I would take Pods. he has been nothing short of amazing this year, and I think he deserves a lot more credit for our success than he gets.

  4. Does anyone else love this guy as much as I do. I am watching last night's game on replay on CSN and he is hustling as always. I see him always diving into first, and always trying to stretch it for that extra base. I don't remember what other game I was watching this season but he did the same thing. He always seems to energize the offense when he is in there. Oh yes and my cable station recently got Comcast Sports Net--Needless to say I am loving the fact I get to watch 4-5 Sox games a week now.

  5. Think about this. What if one year ago, someone told you Esteban Loazia would be starting the All-Star game.


    I think my first reaction would be, " Esteban who?"


    Then I would say ' You're f***ing nuts"


    He has gotta be the best signing in baseball for this year. Remember when we were all talking in spring training how he might make the rotation. And so far this year he is the ace of our staff. One year ago, if you said a white sock was starting the all-star game, I would say " Good JOb Mark"

  6. what do you think of this fantasy trade.


    I want to trade Preston Wilson to get Carlos Beltran. What do you think of this trade?


    I am behind in home runs and stolen bases, which is what i think this will get me.


    Plese give input

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