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Posts posted by johndyce

  1. I think we should pursue him. He would be the missing key in our offense and defense. he would give us EXCELLENT speed and OBP at the top of the order, and provide great outfield defense

  2. im gonna say 5-2 sox


    MB gets hurt in first, then Colon gets hurt after him. Both are out for season. Then, from the stands, a small figure appears. IT IS AARON MILES!!! He pitches 9 innings with 2 earned runs, while batting he hits 2 home runs. He also plays second base after he pitches the ball, he runs over there.

  3. I think he could help our team in the future though. we really need more guys who hustle and hit for average rather than power. I mean how many guys on our damn team have 30+ homer potential. We need men on the bases for them to knock them in. I mean guys like freakin Valentin, watching him last year was funny. Hed swing so hard sometimes it looked like he'd spin around. JMHO thogh

  4. I dont know if this has ever been suggested, but I think if Rowand isnt ready by opening day, or is not being productive, we could put Miles in center. He would give us good hustle out there and play recklessly. Then we could start Jimenez at second, and have decent speed in our lineup

  5. Kenny Williams did a perfect trade. All we gave up were guys who are just roadblocks for our youngsters to hurdle, Liefer, Osuna, and Biddle) and a minor leaguer who isnt that good. We got in return one of the best A.L pitchers of the last five years, and an actually good prospect. I was reading he hit like .286 last year with 27 SB's in 91 games. We needed some speed in our lineup and we got it. How does the money thing work? I was looking at the ESPN thing and it looked like they gave us 2 million to take some guys off their hands

  6. Did anyone remeber watching a game on ESPN between the sox and red sox this summer. Garland was pitching that night and impressed me alot. He really dominated. He had his sinking fastball going really well, and i think he didnt give up a hit like the first 19 or 20 batters or something like that. Man if he could do that consistantly, we wouldnt need to trade for a #2. Does anyone else remember that?

  7. Pitching and defense win championships. Our 3B for 2000 was Herbert Perry, but no way am I going to trade Crede for Vazquez. Look at that BAA rise!


    With the Sox the only team pursuing COlon heavily, don't be surprised if Stewart, RHP prospect, and Ginter make their way to Montreal.

    I'm with ya on that Cerb. To be honest, Vazquez is a very similar pitcher to Jon Garland imo.


    I still don't see fabulous stuff out of Garland, but he really seems to be developing nicely. I know everyone, scouts and all, rave about this kid, and I never thought he'd be for real, but its looking like I was wrong and I sure hope I am.


    The key was, Jon stopped trying to overpower everyone and thats when his ball had nasty sinking action.


    Still, I'd deal West and a prospect for Vazquez.

    i dont think vasquez and garland are very alike

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