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Everything posted by zenryan

  1. the only way this team is playing in post season ball is if the Twins fall flat.
  2. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Aug 20, 2006 -> 06:43 AM) Yeah I watched the game live on the TV Streaming on SOPCast, while I had the radio feed of the Hammers game going. Arsenal just really struggle in the final 1/3rd in terms of actually getting a shot on goal. They have so much buildup play for no end result. When Walcott came on though, they actually had a purpose. He looked very good, and really quick and sharp attacking opposing full - backs on the dribble in the brief time he was on. is there a site that I can watch live streams? nice win for Man U today! all is right with C-Ronaldo and Rooney on the pitch
  3. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Aug 17, 2006 -> 04:50 PM) eat s*** KC and STFU non-believers. lol!!!!! you cant be serious. it was a win but we still split the series against this team. should have won atleast 3 games this series.
  4. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Aug 14, 2006 -> 11:35 PM) He's out of shape and can't strike anyone out. He's worthless. nice call
  5. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Aug 14, 2006 -> 09:15 PM) He has 100 Ab in 14 days???? maybe he meant June 31st
  6. QUOTE(Wedge @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 02:20 PM) he's paid to get on base. Hell, Ortiz did the same thing a little while ago. you have to look at the situation. Ortiz did it to lead off an inning when they were down. You never have your power hitter lay one down with 2 outs and none on
  7. QUOTE(Wedge @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 02:17 PM) why can't Thome bunt when they're shifting that bad? he's not paid to bunt, especially when there are 2 outs and no one on.
  8. QUOTE(GoRowand33 @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 11:28 PM) atleast we made it close I'd prefer this than the no-hitter randy had going would rather seen the no hitter
  9. QUOTE(Harry&JimmyRocked @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 11:28 PM) congrats to the 2006 white sox no longer in playoff contention 1. Detroit 2. Minnesota 3. Chicago 4.Cleveland 5. KC
  11. Pods is trying to duck under pitches
  12. hahahahaha alright!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. cintron is a waste why not put in Gload right now to face Mo????
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 11:12 PM) Compared to what the atmosphere would have been if we lost this game like 7-2, I think the 8th inning was huge for this team's psyche. it didnt carry over from the big win last night. why would it carry over from a comeback loss?
  15. QUOTE(CWSOX45 @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 11:10 PM) True, but it's not like we were playing against a AAAA pitcher. This is Randy Johnson, the guy may be old, but he still knows how to toss a gem every once in awhile... RJ isnt the issue here. its our pitching and managing is for being down what we were
  16. QUOTE(CWSOX45 @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 11:08 PM) Or maybe we could tip our hat to Randy Johnson, he made some mistakes that he did get away with...but overall he was pretty good. him pitching well doesnt excuse us being down 7-0
  17. did Buck just say that we have a very good bullpen?
  18. QUOTE(CWSOX45 @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 11:03 PM) Yup this team is half-assing it. Good job Joe. We need two more runs. maybe if they werent half assing it for the first 6 innings we would be winning
  19. who would have ever thought that, as of August 9th, we would have a the better 3rd baseman than the yankees?
  20. I would contemplate giving my left nut for a home run right now
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