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Everything posted by stretchstretch

  1. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 04:25 PM) If he throws strike one, keeps the ball down, and runs his sinker in on righties he will shut down the tiggers. On that point, our team needs to man the f*** up. Waving Wendell Cora needs to read a baseball book on when is the appropriate time to send a runner that my 60 year old father could probably beat in a footrace. It would suggest that when the ball is received by the LF and the slow runner hasnt even made it to 3rd is probably a bad time to waving at the runner. Our team needs to go back to hitting line drives, and stop the pull monkey pull it over the fence crap. If a ball is hit to you, catch it, if the runner is going to score on a single throw the ball into second so the trailer does get into 2nd to make a bad inning worse. If they do a few of these things we should be okay. And the sooner Bmac is in the rotation, the better. Best points I've read in a long time, there are some small things in there that we keep doing wrong over and over and over and over and over and it's making me friggin crazy watching these kinds of mistakes from a team that's known for/built themselves upon smartball. Hey, Crede is 10 steps from 3rd base and the Yankee left fielder is already throwing the ball, let's wave him around so Posada can literally walk up the third base line to meet him when he touches the bag!!
  2. Thanks for the stats. However, that's still not "plenty of production" because aside from Dye's 9th inning homer against Boston, they are not bringing in key RBI's when desperately needed. Since the 4th, Konerko and Thome have had many many opportuntunities for a big single in a clutch situation that'll bring in 2+ runs, but a shallow popup, whiff, or groundout has been the result way too many times....maybe you can point to the stats that refute that? but I'm not the only one here citing 3-4-5 issues in the past couple weeks
  3. on paper all true, each of our guys has shown what they CAN do so there's reason to have faith for sure, but this is White Sox country and one dominating post season and WS championship, isn't enough for all of us to act like Yankee fans who believe our billion dollar payroll of all-world talent will come through in the end, just like it will this year when they take the east.....again...... I do however gotsta believe that we can't get any worse or unlucky. Things just seem to come in waves. Crede's double today being short of a two run jack, Iguchi's double hitting just 1 foot below the top of the wall, every Yankee DP turned with perfect accuracy. Thome just getting called out at second, even though he was safe, Dye just barely not beatig out that DP. Once we can start capitalizing in the early innings, which we will, our starters can pitch a little more relaxed, and then the team can start to get that "believing" attititude back and the luck can start to change directions. AND I still contend that Detroit's staff cannot sustain the same level all the way through September, three guys who no one ever heard of CANNOT simultaneously sustain ERAs around 3.5 to the very end. Every team has to have a bad stretch and they have their day of mental doubt still ahead of them.... However, a few things that have to change for the SOX by force + Freddy's got to go, a guys who's changeup and fastball are both 85 mph will get rocked in a high school game + Konerko has got to rember how to go opposite field again, which was so freakin effective last year + Thome has to layoff that low outside slider from left handed pitchers + Iguchi and Pods have to remember how to bunt + Cora can't keep sending guys like Crede when the ball is going to arrive at the plate before he's 1/2 there + The whole team has to be more selective and force pitchers to put it over the plate or surrender the walk like we did ALL of last year
  4. This is the thread where the focus should be for discussion IMO We all know that our starting pitching giving up 5 runs in the first two innings is already a major problem that needs fixin, but today's boxscore is THE epitome of our problems of late, with 3-4-5 hitters being mostly responsible the lack of production . Everytime Konerko or Thome comeup in a situation where we really need a double, I have to guess if it's going to be a popup to the catcher, dribbler to short/second, or K, and Thome chasing the low outside pitch is a guaranteed whiff for the guy, somehow he's got to learn to layoff that pitch. 4 14 0 6 9 1 Great job by our club this series giving ESPN all the fuel they need to claim the central as inferior to the east for the remainder of the season.
  5. go ahead and add another loss to today, how many friggin times did we have men in position and couldn't deliver a two run hit. Every SINGLE time Thome and Konerko come up with men on base, there's a 99% chance of a shallow popup or squibler to the infield. I cannot remeber the last homerun I've seen Paulie hit? August and September are going to have to be magic somehow and they better pray for Detroit to somehow collapse because clearly the WC is coming from the east
  6. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 9, 2006 -> 05:17 PM) Well, that at-bat was useless. Pods didn't steal, Iguchi didn't bunt, runner didn't move over at all and there's a K. epitomizes everthing that's been wrong with our clutch execution this season, Gooch can't be hitting grand slams everytime.....
  7. 3-4-5 doing their best to make the national audience watching this series how the f*** they ever got in the all-star game.......
  8. Boston would beat us 10 out of 10 games right now if this went for 7 more games, we literally can do absolutely nothing right, 3-4-5 hitters completely ineffective, can't bunt, can't steal, can't get a lucky bloop to fall even,, that NL weakass pitching created a mirage for the past month on how good this team really is
  9. 1-2 count and put one down the middle for the best hitter in baseball, nice.....
  10. sad sad sad, I guaranf***teeyou if they had bases loaded with no outs and their 3,4,5 up, two days in a row, they'd get more than one lousy run. Thome and Paulie have flat out sucked in clutch situations the last couple days
  11. how many times did we have our 3-4-5 with bases loaded yesterday and come up with 1 run?? just being outplayed right now, plain and simple
  12. thome hits big shots, but every single time it's clutch time, when they don't have the lead, he whiffs......THATS why Papi gets all the love on ESPN
  13. good to be out of the inning, but still should be 5 all
  14. you don't deserve to win when you walk the 9spot on on 0-2 count......
  15. I lived in Boston for a couple years and came to realize that being a Red Sox fan meant knowing that your team never won the whole thing (at the time), probably never would, had been the Yankees b**** for nearly a century, and still wearing their gear constantly, going to their road games, and talking about them constantly, in spite of these facts. Now, that might seem like being a "true fan" but what it boiled down to was a region of people bound together by rooting for a loser, and that was what held them together, that was their mantra, very similar to the Cubs without the wrigleyville/lincoln park draw for bandwagon 20 yr olds..... Also realize that the red sox are represented by all of new england and you have 6 states supporting one team, and their people have moved all over the country to suppor them on road games
  16. nothing like swinging at first pitch balls in the last 4 innings to make sure we have no chance of drawing a walk and starting something..........how the f*** do they move away from this strategy when down a few runs...???
  17. these are great but on June 6th when Cintron hit the go ahead 3 run shot to right off Detroit, I literally thought Hawk was dying of a heart attach....I played it back 50 times and was laughing my butt off, it sounded like he was taking a drink and trying to choke the words out, voice crackling like mad, without the doubt the most difficulty he's had getting the words out of any of his calls....
  18. AMEN to that!!!!!! Seen enough of this guy, he ain't Sox material.....bullpen is even worse since he give us so many first inning runs, the last thing they need is him doing this in late innings
  19. Key 05 strenth=working pitchers deep in the count Key 06 weakness = working pitchers deep in he count
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