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Posts posted by iamshack

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    If Dan Clark is accurate, the White Sox have been informed they are out. If the White Sox are still negotiating,Dan Clark is full of it..

    I don’t think anyone believes Dan Clark has any information the White Sox don’t have.

    I skimmed through the posts above, but there seems to be some thought that the leak is purposeful? 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    If Machado signs for anything significantly short of a record breaking deal, the White Sox either weren’t offering him one, or the current regime has run them into the ground so far, players won’t even take their money. Just like making ARod a Ranger, Cano a Mariner, and getting Pujols to leave St.Loius, there is a figure that would make Machado and Harper play for the White Sox. Whether that figure ultimately makes sense or not is another debate. But it does exist.

    The thing that will get me with this failure, if that is what happens,, is how they went away from their Jerry Krause-like secretive MO. While if they land the player, it’s great, if they miss out, and especially if they had very little chance anyway, it only disappoints the fan base even more.

    As to your last paragraph, I don’t believe they had that luxury. 

  3. 8 hours ago, fathom said:

    But this is in response to rock's news, not a Heyman or Morosi report.

    Look, anything is possible. But if the Cubs sign Harper it’s because 1) they don’t give a shit about 2-3 years from now; 2) they blew through the tax this year anyway; and 3) now they don’t have money to make the upgrades they actually need to make

  4. 4 hours ago, Baron said:

    No. I'll reiterate I think the chance that we are chosen is close to zero. Right now I think the Phillies and the White Sox are being used. I'm not sure either player actually wants to land in either place. So the agents are going to drag this process along until hopefully somebody else jumps in. Boras's last call for bids is going to be at the very last second. 

    I can say with a pretty good degree of confidence that this is not the case. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    Wouldn’t an opt-out potentially have huge luxury tax implications?  If they front load a contract to minimize the AAV prior to the opt-out, surely there would be an adjustment if Bryce exited the contract to ensure the Dodgers contributed their fair share towards the luxury taxes.  Just like with income taxes, there is no way to game the system.

    Not sure how opt-outs are handled in re: the tax, but front loading wouldn’t minimize aav...

  6. Just now, raBBit said:

    This would make sense because the cap hit the Dodgers take on is the AAV of his contract. For easy number, if he took a 10 year, 350 million dollar contract, they can pay him 45M a year years 1-3 but the affect on their cap would only be a $35M hit per year.

    I believe I am interpreting the rules correctly someone correct please me if not.

    Dodgers have provided payroll projections to investors for 2019-2022. Front-loading a Harper deal would, at the very least, make the first year of their projections very difficult to meet. Obviously these are non-binding, but they were also released with full knowledge of this year’s FA market. 

    Could have been done as a bit of a smokescreen, but I don’t believe that. 

    All that said, if Harper does go to LA, I’d expect there will be a significant opportunity for the Sox to take on some of their cash in exchange for useful pieces. 

    I agree with Y2Jimmy though...i don’t see Boras taking a deal that’s well below Stanton’s total value. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    Idiotic?  If we have the highest offer on the table right now for Harper, you don’t think Boras would be nervous as fuck that we just traded for Manny’s brother in law?  Us being out of the Harper sweepstakes is a huge blow to Boras’ negotiationing leverage.  And this is a sport in which agents & teams leak shit all the time to create misdirection or improve their negotiationing position.  Trading for Alonso is a tangible move that makes zero sense outside of a potential Machado signing.  If you’re Boras, how else do you process this trade?

    No, I meant signing Machado AND Harper

  8. 1 minute ago, caulfield12 said:

    Maybe the best thing is Harper to the Cubs and Machado to NYY...then the White Sox would have no choice to clean house or end up like the Redskins.

    The only thing standing between that happening and the Sox current quandary is the Q trade, Robert, Madrigal and another #3 pick.

    No, then they need to look to the trade market. 

    Look, I get the disappointment, but they are literally doing everything they can to land one of these guys. They need to be applauded for that.

    If we can’t lure these guys here, we stay the course, and we look at the trade market. If things begin to pan out with our prospects, other FA will come. Neither the Astros nor the Cubs landed some super FA to reach sustained success. It’s not a prerequisite for us to do so. 

    But it would certainly help.

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  9. 4 minutes ago, bmags said:

    Right this is articulating the down side well. This asset happens to align with the most redundant part of our fringe-ready prospects.

    But, it is anathema to our strategy overall so it’s certainly a big, positive story on the Machado front.

    They’ll be stuck with a more expensive roster? Really?

    There is no downside.

  10. 2 minutes ago, fathom said:

    I think it's because so many people got obsessed with Harper (who still could be in play), but every sign besides what was reported in the media is that Machado has always been their main target.  I know most of us don't trust the front office, but Hahn would have to be a true idiot to do this deal without talking with Manny's agent beforehand.  

    I agree with you that this might have been something that was shared with us as something that would increase our chances. But to be honest, I wouldn’t put it past them to have just taken a risk and done it without provocation. 

    We’re talking $350m here folks. This is $9m. It’s nothing.

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