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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by SinkingShip06

  1. sweeney as a pinch runner and not defensive replacement???? ozzie strikes again
  2. no excuse for not having a run scored at this point in the game.
  3. i doubt any are as hot as his current tomato
  4. garland could pitch a no hitter agains our f***ing pathetic line up
  5. Jon i will not bash u even if we lose this game. u need some support out there. can't hold em to zero all the time.
  6. nope. we're getting both a-rod and jeter for pods, uribe, cotts, riske, and vasquez
  7. JD really in a funk. hopefully he comes out of it soon
  8. only difference is that boston would pound the s*** outta us. while we're gonna make tavarez look like a hall of famer
  9. pods is total s***. at least play mack in left and have gooch leadoff if you aren't gonna play sweeney
  10. the last 3 guys have been totally awesome out of the pen. it's the guys in front of them that make the bullpen look vulnerable. if our starters went longer in games, the bullpen would feel stronger cause we really wouldn't see cotts, riske, and bmac
  11. i myself am tired of getting upset and actually caring what happens. they've lost me for now. i'll still watch some games but in someone's famous words "im sick and tired of being sick and tired"
  12. so...who on tampa is gonna break our hearts tonight...
  13. naw, he'd pitch great for one season then lose 5 mph on his fastball
  14. their track record this year would be to tie the game and then give it away... unfortunately
  15. im not someone who believes that anything i actually do impacts the outcome of a sporting event im not playing in
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