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Posts posted by Texsox

  1. As the airliner pushed back from the gate, the flight attendant gave the passengers the usual information regarding seat belts, etc. Finally, she said, "Now sit back and enjoy your trip while your captain, Judith Campbell, and crew take you safely to your destination."



    Joe sitting in the eighth row thought to himself, "Did I hear her right? Is the captain a woman?"



    When the attendants came by with the drink cart, he said, "Did I understand you right? Is the captain a woman?"



    "Yes," said the attendant, "In fact, this entire crew is female."



    "My God," said Joe, "I'd better have two scotch and sodas. I don't know what to think of all those women up there in the cockpit."



    "That's another thing sir," said the attendant, "We no longer call it the cock pit. Now it's the box office."

  2. Cows


    Is it just me or does anyone else find it amazing that

    our government can track a cow born in Canada almost

    three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps

    in the state of Washington.


    Also they track her calves to their stalls. But they


    unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering

    around Canada and the USA


    The solution is to give every illegal alien a cow.

  3. With the numbers Frank puts up (i.e last season), he is grossly UNDERPAID.


    Show me how many players put up 40+ hrs, and 130+ rbi, every year, and don't make $10+ million!

    I agree if Frank was negatiating a contract today, he would be paid better. But he negotiated this contract already. If Frank wanted to be paid based on each year's numbers, why did he sign a multi-year contract? If his numbers went down, would he be demanding a new contract? Sorry, no one forced him to sign the contract. Was he expecting worse numbers when he signed?


    Anything can happen in a multi-year contract.

    Some players will subsequently sign for bigger and bigger contracts. (Frank knew that)

    His number could go up, they could go down (Everyone knew that)

    He could get hurt

    There could be a strike

    There could be a salary cap


    In a multi-year deal, players trade security for possible future earnings. Sometimes the player wins (Koch) sometimes the player loses (Frank). A team cannot continue to turn their wins to losses and keep their losing contracts as well. Then teams would lose on every contract.

  4. Would this be a good time to retire 44? :unsure:


    IMHO, one of the biggest things that baseball has over football and basketball is the history. People want to see the link to the past. Monument Park at Yankee Stadium looks very cool on TV. I also like the prominent displays.


    I hope they leave room for Frank

  5. Dude, at least save up your own money, using mom's to kill her is wrong.


    Of course if his Mom had been killed, and he was caught, he could always tell the Judge to have mercy since he is an orphan.

  6. Bar Trivia. Now we have a setting, it's easier.


    What is the currency in Bedrock? (Clams)

    When is Earth Day celebrated (April 22)

    What is in a Waikiki Beachcomber (3/4 oz Triple sec, 3/4 oz Gin, 1 tblsp Pineapple juice )

    Which NBA team won the most games in the 1980s? (Milwaukee Bucks)

  7. I'm reading the article and it all makes sense to me. How many millions should any Sox player give up to play for the White Sox? If you were Maggs, would you give up $3 Million? $6 Million? $12 Million?


    Colon received an extra year gauranteed, at his salary. Should he turn down all those millions? Last time I looked the White Sox weren't a charity.


    Maggs deserves that level of compensation. He has been, and will continue to be a class act. He should be the cornerstone of the Sox franchise for the next 5 or 6 years. Build the team around him.

  8. Did Frank think player salries would stay constant the entire length of his contract? Sorry, Frank but at the ass end of the contract, others, on the front end of theirs, will be making more. I didn't hear him complaining when his contract jumped passed established stars in the league.


    I agree with Steff, I wonder how old these quotes are and if Frank brought this up or the reporter pressed him on it for a story.

  9. 8th Grade story also.


    I had a hippie Social Studies flower child teacher. Early in the year, when reprimanding a classmate, she mentioned having a conversation about him with Miss Smith in the bathroom. :lolhitting :lolhitting


    Miss Smith is the classic gym teacher who should have been playing for the Bears.


    Fast forward 5 months. My teacher is sporting what appears to be a hickey on her neck. My buddy has his hand up for 10 minutes before she calls on him. He asks if that's a hickey on her neck :D Everyone cracks up except me who announces


    "Yeah, it was her and Miss Smith in the bathroom!"


    Now I am tossed out of class and have to spend the next 4 weeks in study hall.


    Two weeks later I learn to graduate I have to pass the Constitution test. The test is given in Social Studies and since I am not attending Social Studies I would be held back, unless the teacher let me back into class.


    Damn, that was a loooooong walk to her classroom with a well crafted appology.


    That was probably my finest class comedian moment. I love a call back.

  10. ya know, maybe it doesnt mean anything to you... but there's a whole lotta people, me included, who get offended when people use the word gay to mean stupid....  i've got a whole lotta gay friends who are anything but stupid.  It's just an ignorant and unintelligent thing to say in that context.

    Are they happy or delighted? The word was hijacked by the homosexual meaning. So in effect gay = stupid is a hijack of a hijacked term.


    Now shall we discuss God's rainbow message?


    Don't worry, you're among friends.

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