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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by Soxplosion

  1. Everetts the only guy on this team with heart. We need him!
  2. Beltran steals second, third and home. Pathetic...
  3. JR screwed him a decade ago. You think hes coming back? Hell no!
  4. Backman. Its who I both want and predict. Good aggressive baseball!
  5. Whoa, this just shows me how stupid my whole argument that Franks career numbers give him a bye was. Hes a great player, a legend if ya ask me, and hes my favorite player, but this September he did fail us. Geez Sosas a moron...
  6. Stupid comments Roman. You can bet that they think the same thing about you and the Amercians. Why is that idea stupid? :fyou What did you just say in reaction to the glass house post..? That you don't tell people to "F-off" when they don't agree with you...? Fine, I was a little harsh with the " :fyou " but why is the idea of destroying anti-American sentiment to destroy terrorism stupid?
  7. Soxplosion

    Banned books

    Hey Jas, you said earlier I wouldnt like Of Mice and Men because of one of the deaths but I dont think that would do it for me. First, I still liked Green Mile, just thought it was sad. And second, in books you cant see those tears and that sadness. You can understand it and perhaps imagine it but you cant see it. In the Green Mile you can see Barry Peppers tears and thats what gets to me. But not in a book...
  8. Soxplosion

    Banned books

    Whats Candide about?
  9. Soxplosion

    Banned books

    These books arent banned everywhere, but they are the most frequently banned books. My school allows Of Mice and Men...
  10. Stupid comments Roman. You can bet that they think the same thing about you and the Amercians. Why is that idea stupid? :fyou
  11. Split Yes 1 Loaiza 28 17 Maggs Yes Sox No Tiebreaker- 23
  12. I dont get four points for saying Danny would get zero walks? I knew he wasnt going to pitch which is why I chose that...
  13. I got it too. But posting this would imply I say f*** you to those you disagree with me. I resent that. Ill argue my point but I dont say screw you for having a different opinion...
  14. Soxplosion


    Animals or gentle giants die?
  15. Soxplosion

    Banned books

    Yes I do. I have been called Venezuelan, German (sounds odd but I know some Germans and they are tan!) and even Arab. I think the Arab one was a little extreme but I have a tan nonetheless...
  16. Backing up like that encourages them. Yay! We killed em so theyll leave. We gotta show em it doesnt work like that and were boss. Terrorists are like mosquitos. Killing a mosquito isnt going to do anything, but killing the swamp is. We must kill the political ideals that instigate terrorism. Kill a terrorist and some other thug will take his place. Kill his politics and none will replace him. Sadly, figuring out how to do that could be tough...
  17. Soxplosion

    Banned books

    Ow s***. Ive never had a really bad burn and I dont want one. Ive had little ones and they just sting. Theres no messy blood to wipe up but it doesnt matter. Burns are much worse than cuts. However, I dont sunburn easily thank God...
  18. Soxplosion


    Me too! I hate when Percy crushed Mr Jingles. In Cape Fear, I hate when Cady killed the dog. I hate seeing animals die. I also hate seeing gentle giants like Coffey die. And Brooks death was awful too...
  19. Soxplosion

    Banned books

    Honestly, I would rather have a cut go from my elbow to my wrist than have a burn the size of a pencil eraser. Burns suck. They hurt like hell no matter how big they are...
  20. Soxplosion


    Mr Jingles was weak, that is, awesome...
  21. Soxplosion


    I heard the other day that the average guy cries about 13 times a year. So basically once a month. In that way, Im pretty much average...
  22. Soxplosion


    I didnt laugh at that part of Titanic. I hated that movie hard core so at that point I no longer cared enough to cry or laugh. I did laugh thru Fargo tho. Particularly when Buscemi gets the grinder (my family was there covering their eyes and Im laughing my ass off). So yeah, Im really sick...
  23. Soxplosion


    I tear up (tearsd rolling down my cheeks, not sobbing) during the Green Mile (obviously when they execute Coffey), the Shawshank Redemption (when Brooks hangs himself) and Hardball (when the little kid gets shot)...
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