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  1. Put Daubach at first and DH Rios or somebody OTHER than Frank or Paulie...but then again Daubach is sucking too...GOD!!!!
  2. True, true...someone needs to fire up this team.
  3. JM sure wasn't the problem last night...the players deserve the bulk of the blame IMO. Don't get me wrong though, JM should go and so should KW.
  4. Defense hurt 'em last night, not hitting...too bad.
  5. Did anyone see Frank in his first at-bat last night in Toronto???? He hardly looked like a future Hall of Famer...ugh.
  6. Even though we're one game into the roadtrip (0-1 of course), I think we'll go 3-11...and 10.5 games out of first.
  7. Hey. I'm new here if you don't notice, but anyway Carlos, even with that outfield mistake, played with far more heart that any of the other Sox have seen all year...and at least you could tell he was hustling for that ball out in left field. Like southsider said, I loved the tag-up.
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