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Everything posted by soxhawks

  1. i'm in if someone starts a second
  2. fighting and too little scoring is not the problem, it is the little pussy europeans who dont hit anyone. people watch hockey because it was physical in the 80's. Hockey would be better off had the soviet union not collapsed
  3. here's the team http://www.mostvaluablenetwork.com/ konerko, garland, buerhle
  4. http://www.mostvaluablenetwork.com/ garland, buerlhe, and konerko made it
  5. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 07:56 PM) I don't like how the QB controversy was treated with him and Flynn. It seemed like the coaches said it was open to anyone but were all too ready to hand it to Meyer. that's because meyer is a stud and he will be there for three more years
  6. QUOTE(Benchwarmerjim @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 09:25 PM) I think the Red Sox are on National tv too much, but the Nats-Phils contest I could of lived with i know, do they get the point that no one likes new york or the red sox
  7. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 03:58 AM) Surprised #7 Bret Meyer isn't listed, even though I don't like him. I will be leading Iowa State to the promised land as always. what's wrong with meyer
  8. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 12:56 AM) 2 down already. it happens
  9. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 12:35 AM) Are you kidding me? That was like 1 foot inside....bulls***. Umps are clearly against the Sox. that has been clear since the second frank strikeout
  10. QUOTE(tony72 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 12:32 AM) KC Ties 1 - 1... it won't last, i have no faith in kc
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 12:23 AM) Twins are threatening to get a few runs in the first off of KC. that is to be expected
  12. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 12:14 AM) Correction: DJ sucks. that too, comerica + Dj= suicide
  13. i dont think i have ever watched a more boring game, comerica sux
  14. how is carlos lee 14, that is ridiculous
  15. i went to the ohio state/ northwestern game last year, and it was great seeing northwestern win and rushing the field. the best part of the game was seeing how pissed the osu fans were
  16. 1. mlb 2. nhl 3. ncaa football 4. nfl 5. ncaa tournament basketball
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