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Posts posted by daggins

  1. I was curious, because of how sluggish the offense looks, so I wanted to consult something besides my eyes and went to Fangraphs. By fWAR the Sox are 8th in offense/defense and 2nd in pitching. They have a positive run differential. There are a number of notably underachieving players with track records. I think they will be fine, but the early slow starts, like last year, are just super painful to watch. It doesn't help when Nick Williams is batting 5th.

  2. Josh from Soxmachine suggested that David Peralta was a "future White Sox" due to him checking a number of boxes (left handed, on a cheap deal, eminently obtainable).

    I kind of hate it but since it's an unimpressive, temporary bandage on a self-inflicted wound, it's the most White Sox thing that can happen and is virtually guaranteed.

  3. Ehhh, he raked in 2016...as a 23 year old in A ball. In 2017 and 2018 he was unremarkable (and again, old for the level) and in 2019 he definitely raked, but Charlotte is also a different kind of park. I think it's correct to be skeptical that this is anything but a nice bit of SSS luck for now.

  4. I think the answer to the question "Why didn't he get a look earlier" can be answered in two parts:

    1. He was/is a late-20s prospect with a short track record of success and no defensive position

    2. The White Sox had some depth ahead of him in the 1B/DH/Backup C position

    Fortune took care of part 2. Only time and ABs can eliminate part 1.

    Right now he's a fun story and there is reason to think he can succeed, but he will need to "adjust to the adjustments" so to speak.

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