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Everything posted by SockMe

  1. wow Danks, how much more easy do u want a groundball to be
  2. QUOTE (GordoTheGreat @ Aug 11, 2009 -> 09:38 PM) A walk, this is going to nip us in the butt. always does
  3. And it looks like were gonna make this kid look like CY Young
  4. of course its biased, honestly the Red Sox-Yankees doesn't even interest me. I mean those teams play 19 times a year. I'd rather watch White Sox-Cubs, they only play 6 times a year and havent played each other 2,000 times.
  6. QUOTE (letsgoarow @ Aug 11, 2009 -> 04:16 PM) Freddy Garcia for Gavin Floyd and Gio Gonzalez...WOW yea but then we had to give him up for Swish
  7. QUOTE (son of a rude @ Aug 11, 2009 -> 03:28 PM) I'm hoping we see Pods in left, Rios in center, and Quentin in right tonight. +1 Jermaine has been slumping badly lately, hopefully getting Rios can spark JD
  8. #1 and 3 are HUGE SHOCKERS. I just can't spring the money for an NFL ticket
  9. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 11, 2009 -> 12:05 AM) Beckham can tell Rios to suck his balls. There would be a lot of pissed off fans in the stands if 15 became Rios. Uh oh, I just bought a Beckham T-shirt jersey, O well, as long as it says Beckham on the back, its cool.
  10. is there any chance that Beckham could leadoff, so we could start Rios in CF.
  11. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 11:56 PM) Wow. Really? Anyways, back on topic. When I go to Cubs/Sox games, which I try to stay away from, most Cubs fans just jack around. It's not a stereotype, it's the truth. That would be a great t-shirt, lol
  12. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Aug 11, 2009 -> 12:01 AM) We see a guy tomorrow who has pitched 1 inning this year. cant wait!
  13. QUOTE (CQMVP @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 11:57 PM) Well, this series isn't looking good. Then we go to Oakland, where we perpetually suck. Might be sub .500 by the end of the week? im still confident as we face pitchers we've seen b4, just please no more rookies
  14. at least Detroit is letting us stay in the race with a loss
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 11:49 PM) How come I feel that if that was Pods in LF, he would have been playing so deep it would have easily dropped in? woulda been a triple for Kotsay
  16. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 11:46 PM) I believe at one point a few weeks back it was like 4-41 it is late and I am tired though so I could be wrong. that is so sad!
  17. could it happen........................... man on no outs
  18. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 11:41 PM) The scarier stat is their record when trailing after 6 innings... what is it
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