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Everything posted by SockMe

  1. NO TV? this is bogus. I hate just watching the gamecast
  2. hopefully we see Dan Hudson as the 5th starter ASAP
  3. QUOTE (forrestg @ Aug 15, 2009 -> 01:10 AM) billy koch was not better than jose lol, true dat
  4. I wouldn't want to sign autographs either if I was on a date. fans just have to respect that ball players have personal lives. And if someone is making money off that, its even worse
  5. anything is better then Jose, get him up here!
  6. Dan Hudson might start Wed. I have a link but it says the server is down, its from ChicagoTribune.com
  7. QUOTE (chw42 @ Aug 15, 2009 -> 12:37 AM) At least we're winning ugly in Oakland instead of losing ugly, which is what we did before last year. that almost happened, phew
  8. QUOTE (GO CHI SOX! @ Aug 15, 2009 -> 12:26 AM) Im actually pretty excited, we usually lose in Oakland, especially games like this, maybe we can start breaking old habits and win in Oakland, and possibly Minnesota later. yea, u gotta be excited with the win but for a team that could quite possibly be in the playoffs, we b\cant be playing like this
  9. even tho we won im pretty disappointed. there is no reason a 6-0 game should go like this. the errors are ridiculous
  10. we win a game that Jose is pitching, that makes me feel better about the rest of the series
  11. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Aug 15, 2009 -> 12:00 AM) Then keep him the hell out of the broadcast booth. gotta start somewhere
  12. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 14, 2009 -> 11:58 PM) Huff is absolutely unbearable. Maybe it's good there's no TV tomorrow. its hard when u have never been an announcer before
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