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Posts posted by Quin

  1. QUOTE (knightni @ Jan 21, 2010 -> 05:32 PM)
    Actually, the perfect guy is Joey Votto.


    I don't even want to imagine the cost for Votto. Out of the 3 guys I would want (Votto, Gonzalez, Fielder), Fielder would be cheapest, then Gonzalez, then Votto would be all our top prospects.

  2. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jan 21, 2010 -> 01:39 AM)
    It's crazy to think that the White Sox have a guy like Gordon Beckham on the team.


    No kidding, especially since he's homegrown. My brother didn't buy into the hype because he was homegrown, and was mad when I owned a shirt, until he saw Gordon's swing at a game in Oakland. Then seeing him play D at third, my brother agreed he'd be a superstar.


    QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jan 21, 2010 -> 10:16 AM)
    It's great to see a guy that you know is going to be here for a longtime. He's going to be a figurehead for this team.


    The oddest part is it seems like he's been shoved to the side this offseason behind Jones losing wait and Peavy being hungry.


    QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 21, 2010 -> 10:32 AM)
    i can't stand being the same age as awesome accomplished athletes. fugh


    I was glad not having to know that, but then Bryce Harper wanted to be born the same week as me.

  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 21, 2010 -> 07:38 AM)
    So, in hindsight, you'd think that a lineup of Garnett, Nocioni, Wallace, Hinrich, and Gordon would have won anything, with how Wallace, Hinrich, and Nocioni self-destructed that year?


    Well, didn't they all implode because of the Kobe talk? I have no idea how it would have worked out. Maybe KG brings a good bit of leadership and takes pressure off of Gordon, Hinrich, and Noc. Thing is, I don't know.


    QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 21, 2010 -> 10:56 AM)
    And the worst part is...that 0-2 start was against the teams they might have had a chance to beat. Next 3 games are back to back at Phoenix and Houston, 1 off day, then San Antonio. Really, there's no reason why they should win any of those 3 games.


    Well, unless they drink some of MJ's secret stuff, Rose and Noah aren't gonna be All-Stars.

  4. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 21, 2010 -> 09:28 AM)
    so you don't believe them that they can improve? I don't think you should be making the decisions then. For instance, here is an article on Chicago's version, Urban Prep (again, high success)




    The point of these isn't "we can't get along with white people so we need our own school!", it's about getting these kids to succeed, and they are.


    Sorry, forgot this in the last post.


    It's a mostly (around 70%-80%) black school and a lot of the staff is black.


    In fact, in English last year, our teacher was black and one of my black friends said "Why she tryin' to teach us to speak like white people." Seriously? Trust me, a lot of them can improve, one guy could have straight A's if he tried. But to give you his mentality, last year in Chemistry, we we're working on some homework, my friend (since kindergarten, but he's changed in high school) shows up 10 minutes into class, and gets mad when the teacher won't give him extra time to do an assignment we turned in at the start of class. So he get's up and says "All you black people, watch out, because she's out to get you" and he stormed out. My best friend (half black, fourth mexican, fourth white) says "So, what about me?" "I guess I hate your feet."


    Same class, another girl asks if "all the black people can work together" and the teacher says "No." "Why?" "Because if a white person said it, it'd be racist" "Oooo, you right."

  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 21, 2010 -> 10:17 AM)
    Nix is really redundant on this team after signing Vizquel. Viz is better defensively and bats from the same side of the plate. Nix brings more power against LHP but based on last year is a defensive downgrade.


    Haven't we mainly gone with a four man bench in recent years anyways?


    As said prior, unless Kenny's keeping Fielder or Gonzalez under a massive blanket, sign Thome.

  6. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 11:32 PM)
    In reply to whoever,


    that all-black charter school really isn't rooted in racism. Programs trying to reach out to high-risk black youths have tried all lots of different ways to educate them. In Harlem, an all-black charter school (and it was also targeted ONLY at males, no females) found tremendous success. The theory is that the way we teach in schools creates a huge cultural divide for these specific students. Consider many of their situations: besides many in single parent, low-income homes which are well documented, many of these kids have poor diet and hyperactivity, and when they get to school they are needed to sit in a desk for hours listening to someone talk that they don't identify with. They had black males from the community come in and teach, and in a setting of their peers there was less self-consciousness and also less acting out as a way to hide that. In Columbia, Mo. a community organizer was trying to put together a school like this for the high-risk black males there, specifically for those who had dropped out, and after looking at all of it I fully supported it.


    I think outside-the-box ideas like this should be embraced and implemented where practical.


    In a city thats been mired in racism for the past 5 years, it is. The supporters of said charter school are people that have started race riots, race issues where none exist, and have pointed the finger so often in recent memory, it's quite frankly a disgrace. If they could get their test scores high enough, wonderful, but personally knowing the students that are vocal in their support for it, it wouldn't happen.


    I'd get into more details, but there mainly acquired from having lived here (and before someone assumes I'm racist, my most of my best friends are black, as is my girlfriend) but I don't want to go off topic to far.

  7. *sigh*


    Talking of Noc reminds me about how a few years ago (the year they swept Miami) , everyone wanted a Bull. Whether it was Deng, Gordon, Nocioni, Duhon, Hinrich, or Thomas, I just remember hearing crazy things like Gordon for Gasol straight up, or Thomas, Deng, and a first rounder for Kobe. Man, we could have been the current lakers.

  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 01:03 PM)
    If the Bulls weren't so close to the Luxury tax threshold, I'd totally expect them to do it. Thankfully, reality is going to intervene; the Bulls are barely under the tax, and if they go over it, they lose about $4 million or so in tax payments. Noc is making about $3 million more than TT this year, which means that the Bulls would have to include an extra $3-$4 million in that deal to make it work. The only guys they have even in that range are Noah, or a combination of Gray + Pargo + one or two of the Rookies. Since the Bulls don't have extra $ to bring in people, they can't empty their roster with a 3 for 1 either.


    I still think that if I could pull of Deng for Noc, I'd do it.


    Noc hustles, shoots the 3 better then Deng, and has better defense, which are what the Bulls need instead of Deng's game. And it clears up some money.


    I've also never really liked Deng, and love Noc.

  9. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 02:14 PM)
    Mostly it is a weak argument employed by Sox fans when they have nothing intelligent to say...


    That sounds a lot like a Cubs fan talking


    Anyway, the injuries don't worry me.


    Buehrle had a tired arm, which he's working with Herm to make sure doesn't happen this year like it has in the past.

    Peavy's two injuries were due to running the bases in the NL, and taking a line drive to the shoulder (not likely to happen a lot)

    Danks and Floyd had some odd issues, but they shouldn't be worried about that much.

    Freddy is the wild card.

  10. Oh lord, this is a dumb trade rumor.




    Noc back to the Bulls for Thomas? There would go the 2010 FA cap.


    If the Kings were gonna take Deng too, I could see it working, but I doubt they'd do that (and salaries wouldn't match anyway, right?). You'd have to take an expiring contract like Kenny Thomas from the Kings for it to work, and I'm not sure how that'd go over.

  11. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 11:29 AM)
    This is pathetic. I'd think this was an onion article.


    I hope so, or it's pretty much beyond pathetic.


    Though I was talking with a friend last night, and the African-American community (strike that, the racist part of it anyway) wants to start an essentially all black Charter school.


    Of course, no one can call it racist, because that'd be racist.


    God this nation has issues.

  12. QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 08:06 AM)
    I am very optimistic about Rios this year, but if he don't turn it around this year - I don't think he ever will.


    This. I understand one down year, but two can be worrisome


    Man, I remember a few years ago when he was one of the best young talents in baseball. Hopefully he gets there again.

  13. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jan 19, 2010 -> 09:59 PM)
    Buehrle talked about working out more in the offseason and doing some more stuff like that. Hopefully it pays off.


    Yea, a few months ago Buehrle talked about this, and how he's working with Hermy and Coop this offseason so he make sure he pitches like an All-Star all year.

  14. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 19, 2010 -> 11:28 AM)
    So in other words, the talks haven't gone very well if they are to this point. I would still not be surprised to see a Danks blockbuster deal happen in the next year.


    If we do, send D2 with him. I want them to stay together.


    We'd also have to be getting something pretty big to break up the Fab Four.

  15. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 19, 2010 -> 07:19 AM)
    Dye would struggle in the Wrigley RF defensively, but offensively, I think he might be better than anyone else in the Cubs OF.


    Well, that's not setting the bar very high.


    QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 19, 2010 -> 08:10 AM)
    Frankly, there's one other answer; defense.


    And the fact that Jones signed for so cheap we can dump him if need be.

  16. QUOTE (since56 @ Jan 18, 2010 -> 10:59 PM)
    The white sox did not win with Thome. That is the truth. Winning the world sieries is the only win. If you think winning 90 games or a division is winning maybe you belong in wrigley where they accept losing and losers.


    ...seriously? I love bashing the Cubs too, but under this logic we never won with Big Frank as a full time player.


    We didn't win with Kotsay or Jones either.


    In fact, we won with this guy




    If the pitching staff hadn't crapped itself in '06, we probably would have won then.


    At this point in the market, Thome gives you the best option.


    Edit: Brandon Allen is not ready for the majors. K's too much right now and doesn't hit for a high enough average.


    Not saying he can't get better however.

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