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Posts posted by maxjusttyped

  1. 57 minutes ago, Quin said:

    Padres, Mets and Phillies doing everything they possibly can to validate Jerry's feelings.

    If there's 1 thing we know about Jerry's team building philosophy, he's always proven wrong in the end.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Autumn Dreamin said:

    The Cleveland broadcasters yesterday spend a bit opining about how bad of a signing our .800 OPS catcher is.

    Meanwhile, their FA catcher has 46 strikeouts in 85 ABs while also being the worst blocker in the league. Cleveland hasn't gotten a hit from a catcher since April 29.

    For whatever reason, Grandal brings irrational takes like that out of people who should otherwise know better.

  3. 2 minutes ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    I don't. You said yourself that giving Robert more ABs make sense so having 2 players at the top with no HR moved own allowing guys with more HR more AB also makes sense. Leadoff must be 100% healthy to be who he is. He is not peak TA any more. He needs to get healthy and less responsibilities in the lineup to help him get there.

    If it were up to me, I would move TA down, But I think banking on his track record considering how underwhelming most of the lineup is around him is a defensible decision. Batting Benetendi 2nd while arguably the 2nd best hitter on the team continues to bat 8th, however, is not.

  4. Just now, Harry Chappas said:

    The inability to have any first inning success is maddening.  Anderson  and Benentendi need to bat 7th and 9th or something, I don't know.  It ain't working  

    I understand giving TA the benefit of the doubt to turn things around, but continuing to bat Benentendi 2nd is ridiculous.

  5. 10 minutes ago, The Kids Can Play said:

    He joins great company with the other Sox pitchers on the staff to have TJS, along with Dylan Cease, Lucas Giolito, Michael Kopech, Jimmy lambert and Garrett Crochet.

    I believe the entire starting rotation has had TJS at this point.

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