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Posts posted by TheFutureIsNear

  1. 39 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    If I were Hahn, I’d be looking for two primary traits from a manager candidate.  First, they must be capable of leading a major league clubhouse, which means finding ways to get the most out of the guys on a daily basis and being able to hold players accountable for poor performance or effort.  Second, they must have a willingness to leverage analytics into their decision-making.  Can’t have some old school guy who wants the low OBP fast guy at the top of the lineup or who is willing to sacrifice outs to manufacture one run at a time.  A third very nice to have would be bilingual, but can’t consider it being critical as that need can be addressed through the rest of the coaching staff.

    I agree with you, but unfortunately I don’t think it’s the way this organization is going to go. Espada and Willie Harris might be the only 2 candidates of the rumored list so far that fit that bill?

  2. 25 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    I don't think there would have been such open discussion of a hard restart with half the roster had someone behind the scenes not at least talked about it. The fact that they're not adding it together as "this is another rebuild we screwed up" - kinda makes me actually think someone did talk about this at least as an idea. That's the kind of stuff someone would say internally to avoid admitting a mistake, right? "We're not rebuilding, we're clearing out contracts to give ourselves more flexibility on the market, but we still expect to be right there at the end." Could you picture that coming out of a certain person in an interview? 

    Open discussion amongst who tho? Unless I’m missing something aren’t these just fan fueled rumors? I know the White Sox are a mess and a bit of a joke in the front office, but I seriously doubt Hahn would be allowed to start his 2nd rebuild and they’d be looking at old managers of any kind if a tear down was in the works. I’ll believe it when I see it.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    I would have expected this to be the most likely result. However, I would also have expected the organization to know that, and at despite that least some people here have said "the organization is actually serious about dumping some of these guys because of things that happened behind the scenes". It's difficult to see how they would realistically pull it off, but it's entirely plausible at this point that they've considered it.

    Who else besides TA has had behind the scenes issues? I guess you could question Yoan’s commitment with the music career/whatever he does? 

    But do teammates really care about TA’s sex life/marriage? I would guess not, but obviously none of us know what truly happened with the chemistry and locker room of this team. If I was to bet I’d put my $ on having an out of touch dinosaur as a manager as the issue. I keep pointing to a team like the Phillies getting much better once getting rid of a manager that wasn’t helping the team. But I could be wrong and maybe it is the players…

    • Like 1
  4. I know it seems impossible, but I would stress patience with this lineup/core for 1 more season. It can’t be a coincidence that the entire lineup took a step back all at the exact same time. I really think the coaching staff killed this team and the right staff can get a lot more out of most of the lineup. I’m not saying a guy like Moncada is suddenly going to be an all-star, but he certainly isn’t as bad as he was this year either. He can be a more than useful player and shouldn’t be dumped for nothing yet. Yaz is old, but the elimination of the shift should help him be at least decent. TA and Robert just need to stay healthy. Vaughn should be a able to take a step forward with a new staff and playing his natural position of 1B. Bring up Colas and finally find a solid LH OF’er and the offense should be middle of the pack at worst. And I think we have the pitching to carry a middle of the pack offense to 90ish wins.

  5. 2 hours ago, Sarava said:

    It mentions that Goldschmidt and Yadi reached out to him after he was fired. So if there was anything toxic, it didn't have the top players against him. I think he would be a great hire. He got results in St. Louis and kind of got that organization back on track.

    Doesn’t pretty much everyone have great results in St Louis tho? He was fired and nothing changed in terms of their success. The Cardinals are a well run organization known for developing talent in the minors…the Sox are the opposite. Maybe he’s changed/adapted after getting fired, but hiring a guy who refuses to use analytics is far from ideal. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    I might seriously think about tendering Ruiz. He hasn’t been a below replacement player, and was positive in 2021. $1 million isn’t a lot, and perhaps most importantly they don’t have a ton of bullpen depth. Hendriks, Graveman, Kelly, Lopez, Lambert from the right hand side if everyone is healthy? Unless they are planning to sign another good money reliever, let Ruiz go and I guess Burr is the next guy up?

    Agreed. Ruiz gets a lot of hate because he’s been used poorly and put into some high leverage situations he clearly doesn’t belong. For a million you can do MUCH worse for a guy that can eat 60+ innings out of the pen….Someone has to do it. If we actually had minor league depth I could see wanting to replace him internally, but I’m not sure there’s single guy in the minors that can pitch in the majors next year.

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  7. At the surface level Shildt seems like a pretty good candidate because of his record. But reading into it more I’m not so sure…apparently he was fired for the team being a “toxic environment” and TLR strongly supported him and said it was more like “philosophical differences”. Doesn’t make me feel great at all. Has to be analytic based I’m assuming? 


    “And, just a few days ago, there was an impromptu meeting behind home plate with Hall of Fame manager Tony La Russa.

    La Russa, who spent 16 years as the Cardinals manager with two World Series titles before returning to manage the Chicago White Sox, said he heard a comment from someone in the Cardinals’ organization that Shildt was fired because of a “toxic environment.’’

    “That one frosted my ass,’’ La Russa said. “My comment was that if it was toxic, it must be in the front office. … I’m for the Cardinals. Everybody makes their own decision. But when you start talking about that, it might damage his chance to manage again for those that don’t know any better. He did a hell of a job.

    “Philosophical differences? Ok. But toxic?

    “He’s a special guy. That’s why it’s so important for his reputation to be intact and not smeared.’’

    Mozeliak, when contacted, declined to publicly revisit the reasons for Shildt’s firing. He simply reiterated that there were philosophical differences, saying Shildt’s record and success as manager was inconsequential in the decision“

  8. 2 hours ago, Bob Sacamano said:

    Yeah like a 1 year, like $12-$15 mill pillow contract so he can be a free agent after the season?

    Conforto was bad in 2021 before getting hurt and hasn’t played baseball in a long time. $12-15M seems like way more than he’ll get. I’d cut your guesstimate in 1/2

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  9. 3 hours ago, ChiSox59 said:

    I believe Tapia is an awful defender.  

    Looks like he was ok when playing mostly LF in Colorado. 8 DRS and 4.5 UZR in 984 innings isn’t awful is it? Not a + defender, but doesn’t seem like he’d hurt by any means. Bad in RF for some reason tho and shouldn’t be anything but an emergency CF

  10. Toronto probably doesn’t have a ton of interest in trading him, but I would love to try to and get Raimel Tapia from them. He seemingly still won’t have an open path to everyday AB’s next season and fits our needs perfectly. But again…not sure what a realistic trade would look like 

  11. I don’t understand people talking about trading Vaughn or Eloy to bring back a 36 year old Abreu. That’s nuts and horrible team building. Not like this team is realistically going to win a WS in the next 2 years…if Jose even has 2 years left.

    And while I’m not implying it’s Jose’s fault by any means…but Jose being the “heart” of a team that’s never won a playoff series in his tenure is an overrated talking point imo. Again, not because of Jose, but sometimes a change helps. Not to mention that the team allegedly (pretty clearly) had a bad locker room this season. A new voice(s) may not be the worst thing 

    • Thanks 1
  12. Does Walt Weiss deserve a 2nd look as a manager? Obviously didn’t go well in Colorado, but that’s a tough gig for anyone. Seems to be doing very good things with the Braves hitters. 

    And if we are going to pluck a guy from the Astros…Alex Cintron? Has some White Sox ties JR will love, but has been around that successful Houston club for a few years now as a hitting coach. 

    Basically I want a hitting coach to turn this lineup back around that has been with a successful club for a few years to learn what winning is actually like. Because no one around the White Sox org knows. Shouldn’t be that hard 

  13. 27 minutes ago, chw42 said:

    Part of this is true. Pollock was coming off a career year and didn't really show many signs of decline. But the guy is 34 and the fact the Dodgers were willing to let him go despite him putting up a  .900 OPS last year tells you that they clearly didn't think that highly of him. It's clear no team won the trade this year, but the fact the Sox are gonna be saddled paying a 35 year old Pollock $13 million next year probably means we'll lose it. 

    Yes Pollack was coming off a career year and expecting a repeat of that would have been unreasonable. But I posted his career #’s for a reason, the guy has had a long career of being at least an above average hitter. Not a single person had the assumption that Pollack would suddenly be a terrible hitter this year going into the season. 
    And you’re saying it like the Dodgers gave up on him for nothing. They lost their closer in free agency and traded for a guy that was arguably the best closer in the NL for the majority of the 2021 season. It seemed like a win/win for both clubs at the time.


    Now looking at most (if not all?) of our lineup’s dip in production this season it’s almost like you could point to another common denominator that isn’t the GM…


    And again, I’m not trying to defend the overall job Hahn has done. I think he should be replaced as GM. I just honestly don’t see how trading for Pollack to fill an OF hole we had could be considered a “bad” move using anything other than hindsight.


    • Thanks 1
  14. Hahn deserves a lot of blame in many other places, and I’d rather he not be back to retool the roster…BUT when a GM trades for a 10 year vet with a career slash of .277/.332/.477 (probably better but don’t feel like looking up what it was before this year) and that player suddenly hits .247/.293/.395 is it REALLY the GM’s fault? I suppose it was fair to expect some regression switching to the AL, but who honestly could have seen AJ being a completely incompetent hitter coming? I know Hahn is a (deservedly) easy target, but I’m honest enough to admit that I thought bringing in Pollack was a solid move before the season. And I think most agreed if they are being honest.

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  15. Are there any LH OF’ers that are realistic trade targets this off-season? I’m looking at it seems pretty slim pickings. I know it’s easy to say to just sign Nimmo or someone of the likes, but we’ve all been disappointed year after year with the Sox ability to sign free agents. Especially ones that will have a wide market. Not ideal, but I would use Crochet as a trade chip, I think he could fetch something decent from a bad team if paired with a lower level prospect or 2

  16. 12 minutes ago, kitekrazy said:

    Yep. So far the team hasn't been sold to a baseball intelligent owner who wants to be like the Dodgers, Rays. or Cardinals.

    We shouldn’t want a baseball intelligent owner. We should want a billionaire with $ to blow that hires baseball intelligent people. The last thing I want for my favorite sports teams is an owner that thinks they know what they are doing, very rarely works out. 

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  17. Completely disagree.
    Grandal is the only major issue you pointed out that I’m truly worried about.

    While I’m not delusional enough to think Yoan will be anywhere near an all-star level player next year, I still don’t believe he can possibly be this bad again. 

    We have internal options at 2B

    Tim is fine, his hand injury was more of a freak injury than the constant nagging injuries that have plagued others. 

    Let Jose walk, play Vaughn at 1B and find a good OF’er. 

    And yes, of course a new coaching staff will make a gigantic difference. Tony absolutely brought this team down.


    Not saying they will compete for a WS next year, but 90(ish) wins and a playoff berth is well within reach next year. 

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  18. 1 minute ago, fathom said:

    The awful thing now is changes means Tony returns

    Call me an optimist but I can’t see a 78 year old with a pace maker coming back and managing a full season…but this is the White Sox we are talking about so you might be right. I can see JR letting Tony go into the front office in some fashion 

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