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Posts posted by steveno89

  1. 1 hour ago, bmags said:

    Have seen nada.

    I should clarify, we have been speculated to be in on colas if he goes next period.

    I know we signed Yolbert Sanchez who was touted from the 2018 class, but 2019 seemed fairly disappointing in terms of international signings.

    I realize we got a few guys, but hopefully we can nab some top 30 talents in the 2020 class.

  2. 1 minute ago, ChiSox59 said:

    If something like 1/$20 is possible at this point, I'd roll the dice.  Otherwise hard pass. 

    This.  And as long of a shot as it may be, there is the potential that RF will be the only position we need to address next offseason, and Betts would be the finishing piece.  A little easier to drop $350M on one guy when you don't have a shit load of other holes to fill.  

    In the meantime, we still have the chance for Mazara to have his best MLB season to date, or Adolfo to stay healthy and explode.  

    Definitely don't want to commit to NC longer than a year as that is committing to essentially punting team defense which is stupid.  

    I think many teams around the league feel the same way. They would happily roll the dice on Castellanos for one season, but totally do not want to commit to such a poor defensive outfielder long term. 

    How much do teams buy in to his outstanding two month stretch with the Cubs vs. the player he has been before? A one year deal might make sense for him because a good season would likely help him get a multi year deal next offseason, especially if he shows improved defense.

    As of right now I do not see him landing with the Sox

  3. On 1/17/2020 at 3:30 PM, Dominikk85 said:

    I'm not holding it against him but before I rank a college first baseman top20 overall I would want to see a little more. 

    I probably wouldn't rank a 1b below AA ball top30 overall unless he is either a young plus athlete (bellinger) or he flat out kills the ball. 

    Vaughn's ranking is because he was heavily scouted and one of the best college hitters period. I would not put too much stock into his 2019 performance and would look for him to mash in 2020. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, ChiSox59 said:

    Donaldson is good.  He makes the Twins better in 2020.  He is also 34 years old, and the Twins will most likely be paying him $29M in 2023 in his age 37 season.  The backend of this deal is going to hurt them - likely quite a bit.  

    Its a strange allocation of resources for the Twins, but frankly, at this juncture in the offseason he was the guy that made the most sense to the spend the money on.  There is no SP left worth paying. The Twins allowing it to get to this point is what is strange.  

    This may be a bit of a kick in the balls to the Sox 2020 ALC chances, but this offseason was never about building a WS contender for 2020. Its about the beginning of a 6-7 year window, and this Donaldson move really does very little to negatively impact the White Sox long term outlook.  And if Donaldson is unable to stay healthy the next two seasons - the only two in which you can reasonably expect him to earn his money - this deal is really going to hurt the Twins.

    Twins fan are excited.  And they should be.  Their previous forays into expensive free agents have pretty much all failed.  The most expensive position player free agent in franchise history prior to Donaldson was a 3/$24M deal to Jason fuckin' Castro.  So of course they're going to be excited. This move also improves their IF defense quite a bit by getting Sano off 3B, but I remain unconvinced that Donaldson is anything more than an average 3B at this point, though is 2019 defensive metrics were fairly strong.

    Everything will be OK Sox fans.  Twins weren't just going to standby and make no moves in what is the tailend of their window.  85 wins isn't going to win this division, so let's go out and get 90 wins and see where the chips fall.  


    Sox had a tremendous offseason and will be relevant in 2020, even if the playoffs are not necessarily likely. We have a huge influx of young talent that is big league ready and more depth than we have had in years.

    Sox were wise to limit much of the spending to one year deals, providing us flexibility in free agency next offseason. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, SonofaRoache said:

    Top 10 Teams according to ESPN

    1. Yankees

    2. Dodgers

    3. Rays

    4. Astros

    5. Nationals

    6. A'S

    7. Braves

    8. Cardinals

    9. Twins 

    10. Mets

    12. Indians

    14. Cubs

    16. White Sox: They are better, unquestionably, after adding Yasmani Grandal, Dallas Keuchel and Edwin Encarnacion, and re-signing Jose Abreu. But remember, they finished 28½ games behind Minnesota last year, and will need another big year from Lucas Giolito and a smooth re-entry for Michael Kopech as he returns from Tommy John surgery.

    That is pretty fair considering the Sox have yet to prove themselves on the field yet. We really need our younger players to take the next step forward to help drive the rebuild. 

    The Twins and Indians will still be formidable this year, but we have done a solid job of removing black holes from our lineup

  6. 8 minutes ago, Eloy Jiménez said:

    I'm torn on this, personally. Robert looks like a much stronger player.

    Do you feel the Sox should sign NM or let him play it out? 

    If the price is right, I guess I would sign him. I'm not a money expert, but I want this board's thoughts.

    There is no reason to approach Madrigal about an extension right now. Let him spend the first month in AAA to prove himself and then call him up in May sometime.

    That right there gives the Sox nearly seven seasons of contractual control, and his lack of power likely holds him back from ever being a player we should be overly concerned about losing down the line. 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, ChiSox59 said:

    MLB.  He's already a top 10 prospect in the system.  

    Unless he puts up an enormous 2019 season likely starting in AA I think it would be tough for him to crack top 100 prospect lists. He does not field per scouting reports all that well, but his arm is plenty good for an outfield corner. That places tons of pressure on his bat to play though. 

    So far injuries have help him back from breaking out, but there certainly is remaining potential there. There's development to be further tapped into, lets hope he can prove that 

  8. 45 minutes ago, TheFutureIsNear said:

    Guess I’m alone that I would have been happy with this deal. Sure, maybe the 3rd year would be a waste, but I think Harris will have excess value at 2/16. He’s been consistently getting it done for a long time, I see no obvious reasons that he will suddenly fall off. 

    Going three years for a 35 year old middle reliever is playing with fire. The fall off could happen at anytime, especially with bullpen pitchers. 

    Sox likely had a two year offer on the table, but were unwilling to go to three years for Harris. 

  9. Just now, ChiSox59 said:

    I'd be fine with Gennett or Dietrich as a cheap stop gap 2B fill in, then bench piece.  Neither has signed yet.  But both hit lefty so neither would be a good platoonmate for Mazara down the line.  

    We need to add some form of a 2B/OF Utility player in the event of an injury or two as well

  10. 2 minutes ago, ChiSox59 said:

    I have no problem with Collins starting in AAA.  But I actually think the Sox stand pat in the OF right now.  Leury will be Mazara's platoon mate.  Mendick can cover 2B for the couple games Leury has to play RF against LHP early in the season.

    I think the Sox more likely to add a cheap 1 year 2B.  I suppose it would be ideal if that guy could also play RF and end up being Mazara's platoon mate once Madrigal arrives, but the only FA that really fits that description at this point is Zobrist.  

    Zobrist on a cheap one year deal could make sense^

  11. 2 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    Eh, the balance of speed and power is what makes it so much fun. 

    I'd say good luck getting Robert not to run; guy loves it. Can you blame him? If I ran like that I'd be stealing all day everyday.

    Once Madrigal is up, this is easily the most exciting White Sox roster...ever? 

    • Like 2
  12. 38 minutes ago, pcq said:

    If Mazara works out the Socks could have three studs in the OF, one roaming and two stumbling. I believe he will prove his worth. 

    Mazara is a shrewd gamble for the White Sox to take because one of three outcomes will happen:

    1) Mazara takes a developmental step and becomes a quality regular at RF. Sox control him through 2021.

    2) Mazara is the same guy he has been, Sox look to upgrade the position via trade or FA next offseason. This is likely. 

    3) Mazara is awful, Sox cut bait

    He will not have much pressure on him to perform in the bottom of the order, and there is upside remaining if the change of scenery helps him. 


  13. 26 minutes ago, michelangelosmonkey said:

    But does he really have a low walk rate?   In Cuba from age 16-18 he had 600 at bats and had 80 walks and 100 strike outs.  Ok it's not American...but it is professional baseball...probably low A level?   For comparison sake Jose Abreu 16-18 years in Cuba had 700 at bats, 69 walks and 88 strike outs.  Cespedes had 600, 62 and 125; Yasiel Puig had 600, 69 and 88.  That looks like he has a better eye than any of those good major league hitters.

    In the Dominican league at age 19 for the Sox he had 82 at bats with 22 walks and 23 strikeouts...short season and DSL...but still...didn't look like a disaster of a batting eye.  

    At 20 he had the thumb injury most of the year.  At 21...ok walk to strike out rate was not good but when you are hitting .330 with 70+ extra base hits...don't take a walk seems good advice.   

    I would expect some initial growing pains with Robert, but the talent is there for him to eventually thrive in the MLB. He's the type of prospect you dream on him putting it all together. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    There are so many ways in which Brinson and Robert are nothing alike though; which is why I hate how lazy the comp is. Also, every single player in the big leagues will have a "comp" that ended up being a bust. 

    To compare the two, let's just start with their MiLB iso's. Brinson' best season had ISO's of 236 and 231. Robert had an ISO of 296 between three levels last year. Robert's wRC+ was 20 points higher than Brinson best year.

    Robert was the best player in MiLB last year; Brinson never held that title. 

    The ONLY place they are similar is in their K/BB. It's a lazy comp.

    The lack of walks and strikeout rate are partially what holds me back from saying Robert is a sure fire star in the making. 


    A guy like Wander Franco, posting that BB% and K% rate at his age against high A totally indicates a flat out elite future bat. 

    I'm not comparing the two directly, but I'd like to see Robert draw a few more walks and cut down a little on the K's. Overall he should be dynamic in our lineup!

  15. 3 minutes ago, daggins said:

    From the Fangraphs chat w/ Edwards today:

    Luis Robert's "Future Value" is just "55", which is equal to Nick Madrigal's (another White Sox prospect), for example. These projections aren't adjusted at all given Robert's 2019 minor league performance? Also, does today's news (contract extension) change his 2020 projections (considering he will likely play a whole season in the majors now)?
    Craig Edwards
    In some respects, the signing means very little for the White Sox. Depth Charts already had Robert slated for 120 games and 504 plate appearances. I think we can probably add 25 more games and 100 PA, so that will help his projections some. As for his 55 future value, I'm sure Kiley and Eric will factor in his performance last year, but in keep in mind they could have adjusted him up during the season last year and didn't. There are concerns about how his walk rates and swings and misses will translate at the big league level as well as him in center field. He's not quite as good of a prospect as Eloy Jiménez was last season due to those concerns with the bat, and even Jiménez struggled some to start the season. Also, a 55 is still one of the top 20-50 prospects in the game.
    EDIT - I think there's enough risk here that this isn't a slam dunk.

    I understand a bit of fangraphs restraint with Robert. He does not walk much, and there are some swing and miss concerns.

    Lewis Brinson busting I'm sure gives them pause. That said Robert is extremely talented and just as easily could break out at the MLB level in 2020. Superstar upside for sure. 

    • Like 1
  16. Just now, chitownsportsfan said:

    They gotta try and lock up Moncada if he has another big year.  Something in the 200 million range will get it done.  6 years 200 million with a bunch deferred.  Get him signed through 2027 with Robert.

    I'd try to lock up Moncada before he goes out and puts up a 6 WAR season and essentially ensures he does not sign an extension. 

  17. Just now, Jack Parkman said:

    I'd rather they give Moncada that dough. 


    Just now, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    And I said it before, but you just can't say this very often about the White Sox; they are the best in baseball at this and it's a really important and underrated aspect of rebuilding and sustaining success/window. The Cubs didn't extend anyone and now they are in a tough spot because they are up against the tax and they can't pay their young stars due to overpaid FA's. This is an excellent move by the White Sox to maximize their window, even if it does take on a bit more risk.

    Outside of bullpen, possibly a 2B/OF, looking into Giolito and Moncada extensions are the smartest things the Sox can do right now. Lock up this core as long as possible.

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  18. Just now, almagest said:

    I think the Sox view Mazara as a stop gap (unless he explodes and turns into a 3+ WAR player) and are planning to make a push to sign Betts when he's a free agent. There's no reason they can't, especially now that there's a bit more clarity around key piece salaries for the future. They have not converted on this tier yet, though, so I'm not optimistic.

    Betts is likely looking at 10/$370 million in free agency, the Sox will not be touching numbers like that

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