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  1. I would prefer to keep Schultz and Smith in the minors for most, if not all of this season as well Perhaps a call up late in the year, but I agree both should build up innings and minor league experience before being brought up to the majors.
  2. Has anybody in that pen solidified themselves as an actual MLB player yet? I would not be worried about bouncing any of them right now Plus, some will remove themselves soon enough due to poor performance
  3. Would not mind brining in a veteran that can eat innings, along the lines of Flexen. It is not pretty, but you need at least 1-2 arms that can do some dirty work. A vet can help the younger arms as well and show good professionalism
  4. I do not see Montgomery as being realistic, unless Arizona was willing to eat $10-12 million
  5. Vargas has to be better than what he has shown at the MLB level so far in his career He hits really well in AAA and needs to get over whatever mental block happens to him once he gets to the show
  6. This totally feels like Robert would benefit greatly from a change of scenery and reach his potential, if healthy.
  7. Have to imagine Tucker is destined for free agency after the 2025 season The money too gigantic to not
  8. One year away from free agency, would Tucker bet on himself to cash in next year? Any extension done now would have to be at current market rates would have to imagine
  9. You are right, he is only 21 and likely bounces right back from mthe injury Even still, a Kris Bryant comp is a big stretch for him, who was essentially a slam dunk prospect
  10. Kris Bryant was an elite prospect who absolutely destroyed the minor leagues upon arrival I would temper expectations big time for Braden Montgomery coming off injury
  11. Valid points here Sox will need to develop him well to have him reach his potential Power is a valuable commodity, and is not easy to teach...he has it. Now just need to figure out how to get the hit tool playable enough to use it.
  12. Sox are going to have to get creative the next couple seasons to improve for the future Shrewd signings, taking on a bad contract for prospect return, trades, draft, etc
  13. Montgomey hits the ball hard when he connects, which should result in a strong BABIP Hopefully he can rectify some of the swing and miss problems because the pop is legit
  14. It can be really tough to find bats that can stick on a major league roster for an entire season in the rule five draft, especially after the first round Shane Smith I believe can be os use as a potential starter or reliever right away on a crappy White Sox club
  15. No reason to trade Cannon now, agreed, especially when the White Sox need starting pitchers to get through the season He could be a nice workhorse backend #4/5 starter with his profile
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