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Vote4Pedro last won the day on June 20 2023

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    Glenview, IL

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    Charlotte Knights (AAA)

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  1. Gotta love the automatic out with Maldanado….should have pinch hit for him already.
  2. I have zero faith in anyone Chris Getz would try to acquire. Just hoping he stays on the roster until Getz is removed from his position as well
  3. Someone who will can help them “win” now type of players. 🤣
  4. Watching Philly play and seeing where they are at and where the Sox are at is such a damn shame. The Sox 1000 percent would be in a different position right now had they had an owner who allowed their GM to spend and Hahn could have actually closed the deal w Harper
  5. Yep….this team is unwatchable, been made a fool twice this year by going to the ballpark to see them shut out both games. Hell the new TV guy is terrible and I have only watched maybe 7-8 innings of him this year. Only reason worth tuning in today is to see Nastrini go
  6. I’ve heard things can’t get worse quite a bit here the last 3 years with managers, gms, and the team yet here we are….idk how much worse it can get but I can’t put it past them at this point
  7. No chance he will be DFAd this year. Grifol loves him and the Sox won’t pay him to walk away as well….dont they have him on a 2 year deal?
  8. And just like that the lead is gone. These bums…I can’t even root for the shut out today either…
  9. Wouldn’t be an issue if your owner acted like a large market team and spent money like a large market team.
  10. I’m asking myself this very question….. bunch of 🤡
  11. He’s as big of a joke as this team is.
  12. Ashcroft 5.40 ERA vs Soroka 6.14 ERA soooo maybe today the boys might not be shut out
  13. I’ll admit I’ve watched hardly any of the tv broadcast this year because this product is awful but I tuned after the 6th today and he’s god awful…it’s like he’s trying too hard…cringe worthy
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