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he gone.

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he gone. last won the day on January 28 2020

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  • Birthday 06/23/1987

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  1. Someone go look up yellow…. $500mm+ of our money was flushed down the toilet. Add up every one of the boards posters tax returns plus their entire family for years and we wouldn’t sniff $500mm in taxes. It was given to yellow becasue the ceo was friends w trump and was part of his “economic” recovery board. A total gift. They get a new fleet of trucks, go bankrupt. And reorganize the other side w a better Balance sheet and a better fleet. in between time they won’t pay their pensions, their worker comp claims, etc etc. nobody will care still. There’s so much corruption that the citizens don’t even fight back anymore. It’ll just continue to grow https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/yellow-corp-fails-to-pay-into-pension-fund-triggering-possible-strike/ar-AA1e4GdT
  2. I'm definitely tough on Yo Yo. I think it's like anything else, it's based on expectations and glimpses of talent and weighted against the poor stretches and his seemingly "I dont care attitude". End of the day, even though I'm hard on Yo Yo, it wasn't him who gave himself that contract, it was the White Sox. I'm glad he got money, good for him. I also think he's a solid player and part of a Championship type roster. He's just never going to be the "it" guy on the roster or the reason we win a WS. That's okay. It's definitely okay at $10mm a year, but definitely not okay at his current or next years cost. Ideally what I'd love to see out of him is a strong effort in the field, running out balls, and working counts again. I've long called him Joe Crede type guy and stand by that. Not on a 1:1 comparison, but in terms of a guy who has the talent in stretches, plays solid D, and can be a fringy 2-3 All-Star. He's not the problem on the team, far from it, but he's also not the guy we hoped he would be either.
  3. exactly. the amount they held back is crazy. just shows how poor demand is even on a single game basis. For perspective ... 2017 opening day drew 36,500. Batting leadoff was Tyler Saladino. DH was Cody Asche. CF was Jacob May. 2018 Opening Day was the 6th game of the year ... we were coming off a 67 win season. Yolmer was our opening day 3b, leury LF, Engel in CF, Davidson DH. James Shields got the ball. We drew 33.3k. I know there's going to be walkup and tickets sold as we approach the actual day ... but those teams had ZERO hope, zero hype, zero expectations and still were drawing 33-36k. Right now I'd have to guess at a glance we're sitting around 23-25k? I'm sure it'll get up to that 31k type number as an absolute bottom. The die hards show up, but that'll show you how the die hards are even being pushed to their limit. I'd call myself a pretty hardcore fan ... I probably averaged watching 130+ games a year, hell probably 150 games a year for a stretch there. I mean, even through years of Jerry Owens and Micah Johnson and all those crappy years ... I was probably reduced to 70? games last year .... and now I'd probably guess watch 40-50 and go to 2-3 games. I just don't care about this franchise. i'm TIRED of supporting. just worn out. If this team is healthy and comes out swinging I'll probably double those numbers and watch. But I can't take another year of getting hurt on infield fly balls, running to 1st base, not giving a full effort, not working counts, not playing fundamental baseball and seemingly having no care in the world teamed alongside a front office that demands exactly the type of performances they get. Maybe its fans that finally start holding the franchise accountable that sets changes off, but i fear this is probably the begin of another teardown.
  4. agreed. generally it's the excitement around the season that has had me go in the past. I can't say i have any this year doesn't help that it's on a monday either. or against the Giants.
  5. holy s%*#. never mind. they were playing games and pulled tickets, they just put them back on the market. Received an email today about opening day ... every single section has tickets open. It's going to be like 25-30k tops at this point. It's not embarrassing to me or to fans, I think it's awesome we finally stood up and said no. But it's very embarrassing for the Sox.
  6. Could've happened in spring training too. not a big deal, though, as we all know, these seem to be excuses for Moncada all the time. Hopefully the concussion thing wasn't real and can move on.
  7. Good on them! We all complained about this and they listened. Have to give credit where credit is due. I hope the turnouts are good & makes the Sox think about expanding this type of program. I would love to see something like Upper Deck v. Lower Deck Pricing. Or some sort of UD sections that have deals like this all the time. There was a time where I couldn't afford good seats and a night at the ballpark, and would love to see the Sox cater towards those who are younger and/or in a poorer financial position. They deserve to be able to go to a game and not feel broke at the end. Great move by the Sox and hopefully this last offseason was a hiccup in how they treat their fan base. Look forward to $5 polish and Modelos in my future.
  8. ticket sales have picked up for opening day. Looks like the lower bowl is completely sold out save maybe 100 seats. Upper deck is 50/60% bought. Top 5 or 6 rows are mostly wide open, and especially as you go down the lines. Would expect those to get grabbed up as we lead up to the season and if we ever get a break in the weather. Wouldn't be surprised to see 35,000+ which is good to see.
  9. I voted for the Twins in that poll. I think it likely comes down to the final two weeks. I'd think the Guardians will have a bit more injury issues. Though they have some depth coming through the minors + their ownership did commit to both Josh Bell and Abreu, so it seems they may be more aggressive in gap filling their roster come Summer. Twins have nice depth in their SP ranks, but many have injury concerns. I like the talent the most overall, but can also see more paths to a letdown. Sox I'm cautiously optimistic. i think we line up well for a bounce back, however if things aren't going well i dont have much faith in this locker room to keep it together. I can definitely see a 25% chance where we're trading Gio and Grandal and Liam and Anderson, etc. etc. Maybe not all of them, but definitely picking up the phone & then it's a free for all to the bottom. At this exact moment in time I'll go Twins 88 wins, Cleveland 87 wins, Sox 86 wins.
  10. i didn't mean it in the literal sense. I mean it in the sense that it's a nothingburger now.
  11. true. nhl killed those outdoor games. the london games for NFL seem overdone. it's a fine line. My angle is not so much the "spectacle" of it like the Iowa game, more so, expanding your fan base out locally and building a bigger brand. sometimes MLB and other franchises feel more like "this is the product and you'll like it" more than the old school days when they were always trying new things. you think about the days when like babe ruth would take the train to small towns to play exhibition games w the yankees. we need more of that. those were spring training games which still work in my book, just expand. Maybe even switch a roo series. Have the Knights play at Comiskey for a series (and/or Barons) and send the Sox down to those places. Comiskey turns into a minor league park with minor league pricing for a few games and those other cities host the Sox. builds a connection to the pipeline of players. end of the day the sox are selling fan experience and connection to the players. Mlb does a real poor job the latter. hell you don't even have to send the sox to charlotte, maybe just bring the knights up to chicago for a series a year when the sox are on the road.
  12. I think much like you see in football or basketball when they make a rule change it will be a "point of emphasis" early in the season (And particularly ST) and then will be a bit more lax. I also don't disagree that they should maybe tack on a few seconds. It'd give time for both the fans and players to adjust a bit more, but as others have alluded they did this in the minors as a test run and within a few months we'll forget how we even watched the old way. This is the best change MLB could make. The next thing I'd do if I was the MLB is a road show. One series a year for each team in a smaller city playing in either a minor league park or college stadium basically. Grow the game. So for instance, Indianapolis, Grand Rapids, Green Bay, Des Moines, Omaha, Wichita, Nashville, Louisville, Memphis, Tulsa, Duluth, Ann Arbor, Columbus, Toledo, etc. etc. You get the point. You play 162 games a year and 81 total. No team wants to give up revenue for a series a year, but the sacrifice to grow the game in mid-sized cities in your region would go a long way in my opinion to making it "America's past time" again. Let the owners pick which games ... likely April .... they want to give away. Jerry can give away a 3 game set in April to Little Rock or Charlotte. Or maybe it's a closer location like Springfield or Urbana.
  13. See the Sox sent out their annual poll to fans. Maybe just cause I hate this franchise currently, but seems like they gave less opportunity to provide feedback other than answering a few questions. Most of the questions seemed to focus on the roster rather than tangible items. Every opportunity i had i gave them the lowest scores possible. Not that it matters. I'm sure it's a blip on the radar in the organization.
  14. naw, i think leury and hanser both make it at this point. I agree with what rabbit said as his choices. Zavala, Sheets, Leury, Hanser Alberto Alberto could turn into Billy too.
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