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Another angle on Ouch


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I was eating dinner in Reynosa, Taumalipas Mexico and they made a huge spectacle of bringing dinner to a couple sitting at a lavish head table. With great fan fare they unveiled the dish. Underneath the cover were two very large, almost round objects. I asked what the couple was having for dinner and my waiter replied in broken English that these were the testicles from the bull that was killed in the bullfight earlier in the day.


I immediately asked if they had any more because my group would love to try them. The almost empty $100 bottle of tequilla may have fueled our desire. He explained to me that these needed to be ordered weeks or months in advance. We quickly set a date for 6 weeks out and eagerly awaited our feast.


When the big day came I gathered many of my compadres and we headed back to the restaurant. Our big moment arrived and with great anticipation we sat there as a seven waiters and the mariachi band came to our table. As the violins and guitars played the waiter unveiled the dish. To my great dismay it reveiled only two small, shriveled balls. I asked him why ours was so small when last time they were grande and he replied



Senior, sometimes it is the bull that wins! :D

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I remember hearing this joke last summer when I was in Cancun for our senior class trip. We were at a restaurant and some form of animal balls were on the menu; so somebody asked about it. The waitor told the joke with broken English and nobody laughed. But today, with the ouch story in mind, its funny as hell.

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