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BLAST THOSE MOTHERf***ERS!!!!!!! :headbang

"I may hate what you say, but I'll do anything to keep your right to say it."


But I fail to see the logic or good argument yet for a unilateral invasion of Iraq. How many people know that George W. Chickenhawk's own church is against a war in Iraq?


I can swallow the arguments of Baggio because he actually backs up his argumentation. I cannot be behind this regime because:

1) Bush didn't win the election in Florida

2) "Faith Based Initiatives"....the separation of church and state, anyone?

3) The fact that he went AWOL in Vietnam protecting the hotly contested borders of Texas in the Texas Air National Guard. (He's a chickenhawk, he escaped from serving in 'Nam because his family was rich...then he just deserted! And somehow he can unapologetically send other people off to die? I guess it's easy to wage war when you're not the one dying, eh George W. Chickenhawk?

4) The USA Patriot Act which has caused searches without warrants, preventative arrestings of people without sufficient evidence, the bugging of attorney client meetings, etc.

5) The War on Terror...why aren't the groups like the Army of God on the terrorist list? We can't go out and wage a bunch of wars and be like "Everybody who hates us is dead. Everybody loves us again." That just isn't going to happen and it's a justification for an increased arms race. It pisses me off that more federal funds are going to the military and there are record budget cuts in education...which means record tuition hikes at my university.

6) The fact that if we have a unilateral attack in Iraq, we would be international criminals.


I just want to know to all the people who served in the military here can be behind a f***ing hypocritical chickenhawk like Bush. He got out of serving in 'Nam and then unapologetically sends people to their graves!


Impeach Bush! www.impeach-bush-now.org ! And I've helped to start the National Student Campaign to Impeach Bush Cheney Ashcroft and Rumsfeld.

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Iraq is going to be attacked for one main reason, that reason being OIL. In the end it all come down to the all mighty dollar.

Yeah, Jim Baker & Paul Wolfowitz have already come out and said that to the media....We may be international criminals, but hey.....at least our leaders are open about it. ;)

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I've dropped the "hardcoreness." I'm just taking this class to fulfill my last Gen Ed requirement. The professor gave me an override if I'd take up a woman's studies minor, and I said I would....Hell no, I won't! But I won't tell her that! LOL! What a dope!!!

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I've dropped the "hardcoreness."  I'm just taking this class to fulfill my last Gen Ed requirement.  The professor gave me an override if I'd take up a woman's studies minor, and I said I would....Hell no, I won't!  But I won't tell her that!  LOL!  What a dope!!!

Wow, you can lie to a professor. Good for you!


Treasure the moment, kiddo. It'll probably be the first and last time that you'll be able to outsmart somebody.


It's really hysterical that somebody makes such a dramatic 180 in such a short period of time....from an anti-war feminist to a pro-war fan of Phyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I've dropped the "hardcoreness."  I'm just taking this class to fulfill my last Gen Ed requirement.  The professor gave me an override if I'd take up a woman's studies minor, and I said I would....Hell no, I won't!  But I won't tell her that!  LOL!  What a dope!!!

Wow, you can lie to a professor. Good for you!


Treasure the moment, kiddo. It'll probably be the first and last time that you'll be able to outsmart somebody.


It's really hysterical that somebody makes such a dramatic 180 in such a short period of time....from an anti-war feminist to a pro-war fan of Phyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum.

well she has been hanging with rps alot lately..................lol lol lol lol........... :D

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BLAST THOSE MOTHERf***ERS!!!!!!!   :headbang

"I may hate what you say, but I'll do anything to keep your right to say it."


But I fail to see the logic or good argument yet for a unilateral invasion of Iraq. How many people know that George W. Chickenhawk's own church is against a war in Iraq?


I can swallow the arguments of Baggio because he actually backs up his argumentation. I cannot be behind this regime because:

1) Bush didn't win the election in Florida

2) "Faith Based Initiatives"....the separation of church and state, anyone?

3) The fact that he went AWOL in Vietnam protecting the hotly contested borders of Texas in the Texas Air National Guard. (He's a chickenhawk, he escaped from serving in 'Nam because his family was rich...then he just deserted! And somehow he can unapologetically send other people off to die? I guess it's easy to wage war when you're not the one dying, eh George W. Chickenhawk?

4) The USA Patriot Act which has caused searches without warrants, preventative arrestings of people without sufficient evidence, the bugging of attorney client meetings, etc.

5) The War on Terror...why aren't the groups like the Army of God on the terrorist list? We can't go out and wage a bunch of wars and be like "Everybody who hates us is dead. Everybody loves us again." That just isn't going to happen and it's a justification for an increased arms race. It pisses me off that more federal funds are going to the military and there are record budget cuts in education...which means record tuition hikes at my university.

6) The fact that if we have a unilateral attack in Iraq, we would be international criminals.


I just want to know to all the people who served in the military here can be behind a f***ing hypocritical chickenhawk like Bush. He got out of serving in 'Nam and then unapologetically sends people to their graves!


Impeach Bush! www.impeach-bush-now.org ! And I've helped to start the National Student Campaign to Impeach Bush Cheney Ashcroft and Rumsfeld.

1.) the reason bush won in florida was al gore must have made 38 screw ups along the way...right there that tells me he wasnt fit for the presidency...all gore had to do was pretty much nothing..ask for a full recount...but what does he do??.picks the 4 biggest democratic counties and only ask for recounts there..not only that ,in miami -dade , they only recounted the democratic precints..they didnt recount any ballots out of the predominatly cuban communities..then gore tries to have the military overseas ballots thown out...his biggest mistake...did he really think that he was going to get only his 4 countries recounted when this was taken to a conservative leaning supreme court???...what a dumbass...gore probably did have enough votes by a very slim margin to win florida...but he was so stupid in his strategy after the election that in my book he deserved what he got...all he had to do was ask for a statewide recount...no court could have stopped a statewide recount...what an idiot...plus..he lost his home state..all he had to do was win TN and florida wouldnt have matter...if the people who know you best wont vote for you????


2.)the "faith based initatives" do not violate church and state...sepreration of church and state does not mean the governement can not partner up with churches or make any reference to any god..if this was the case all of our money would be deemed worthless...seperation of church and state means the governemnt cant endorse any one religion as the religion of the country..."faith based initiative" programs do not give out money based on beliefs or denominations....christian , muslim , buddhist ,whatever religion or beliefs can apply for monies to help programs they sponsor that have programs in the communities to help others...as long as the state doesnt discriminate baed on a religous belief there is no problem here...it does open up the door for crack pot religions to spring up just to get money and be dishonest about it but whatever program you use some crack pot will find a way to abuse the system...


3)its hard to defend bush's military record...i used the same rhetoric you are using now against bill clinton...he was a guy that left the country to beat the draft and burned the american flag on foriegn soil...then started more wars then any president in history...i dont have a problem with bush going to the national guard but he should have finished out his tour with them...but all the candidates used their politcal ties to get out of service...even al gore only spent 5 months in vietnam and had a personal body gaurd...a 5 month tour???..each candidate went to different lengths to ensure they didnt fight in vietnam...the best defense i have is that bill clinton lowered the bar as to military service...and even if you find what bush did wrong he raised the bar from where clinton left it...vietnam was a f***ed up time in our history...republicans beat clinton over the head with it and democrats can now beat bush over the head with it..maybe we can let it go with the next guy...


btw..the only candidate fit to serve if full military service was a requirement was john mccain..i dont like him anymore then you do...now thats a guy that scares me with his finger on the button...


4)the US patriot act , or something like it is a must right now..when we capture terrorists we interrogate then to get info on where their cells are ,how many people, where they will attack next ,ect...if we tried them in civilian court then their lawyers would subpeona these records which are top secret..if this info got out and back to the terrorist cells that so and so gave them up their families back home would all be murdered...military tribunals protect the terrorist and their families...we would never get any info from these guys if they new it would get back home that they ratted their buddies out...it acts as a safegaurd for terrorists turned informants


5)..who the hell is the army of god??...we arnt waging war on everyone that hates us...iraq has had 10 years now to conform to the UN resolution that stated it would destrot all its abilities to vmake nukes , bio and chem weapons..it hasnt complied...the UN said do it or we come back iand kick your ass...now the UN is backing down from its origianl position (surprise ,surprise)..do you wanna give saddam another 10 years to comply??..another 10 years of killing off how many of his own people??...we should have told the UN to get bent and finiahed off saddam in the gulf war..but we didnt and must deal with him now...


as far as education goes..the whole sysem should be junked..i applaud bush for not throwing more money at a system thats totally out of contol...i coach football and hope to get a job someday as a high school football coach...but in every community the highest paid teachers are football coaches..in chicago the highest paid makes almost 150k a year..the rediculous...football coaches average about 90k a year here while regular teachers dont get near that..probably more in the 45 to 50k range if that.......administrators get well over 150k a year...every year they send home school reports for my kids schools..administrative costs are always more that 50% of the budget..thats totally unacceptable in my book...tuition doesnt have to go up because bush's budget doesnt meet with a huge increase...schools should be forced to trim the fat...


6) unilaterally attack iraq???..what have we been doing for the last 10 years??..every week we bomb iraq in the northern and southern no- fly zones...that was clinton's tactic to keep them in check..bomb them once a week...havent we been attacking them on a routine basis for almost 10 years now???..so since we are already international criminals as you say..lets just finish the job..


how can i be behind bush???..because he is our commander-in-chief...i got behind clinton when he went into kosovo because it was the right thing to do..even if i thought his motives were anything but pure...and if you have problems getting behind bush because of his military record you can always get behind colin powell...he seved in the military for 30 years, actually fought in battles in vietnam and he is 100% behind this war... i can get behind bush here because i believe he is doing the right thing...i also believe he is a guy that had alot of personal problems in his youth but has overcome them all..he gave up alcohol and drugs and hasnt had any relapses (if he did somebody would have reported it)..he also never tried to hid his past...when asked about it he said he didnt want to go into detail but there where alot of things he wasnt proud of in his past which led to a lot of investigations into his past...i think bush is an honest guy..


what i really like about him is he seems to realize he is not the smartest cookies on the sheet and he is not up to speed on every issue so he surrounds himself with really good people who are...and he follows their advice...he knows and accepts his limitations...thats really all you can ask from any leader..and thats a complete 180% from the last president who had idiots like madaline halfbright as secretary of state because bill wanted and needed to hear what a smart guy he was...

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Regarding intelligence, Bush's Binet IQ score is 119, the same as JFK. That puts him at the 88th percentile. His SAT score was at about the 84th percentile but his math was much higher than his verbal. As far as public education in this country goes well let's be charitable and say it's lacking. We spend more money per capita now than we ever did. Most college graduates today couldn't pass turn of the 20th Century tests to graduate from elementary school. 150K for a Chicago Public School teacher?? Do a school by school analysis of standardized test scores. It's enough to make you cry. Disagree with Bush, it's your right as an American. Quit demonizing him. He's got more deadly serious problems to deal with than any President since FDR. History will judge him.

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Regarding intelligence, Bush's Binet IQ score is 119, the same as JFK. That puts him at the 88th percentile. His SAT score was at about the 84th percentile but his math was much higher than his verbal. As far as public education in this country goes well let's be charitable and say it's lacking. We spend more money per capita now than we ever did. Most college graduates today couldn't pass turn of the 20th Century tests to graduate from elementary school. 150K for a Chicago Public School teacher?? Do a school by school analysis of standardized test scores. It's enough to make you cry. Disagree with Bush, it's your right as an American. Quit demonizing him. He's got more deadly serious problems to deal with than any President since FDR. History will judge him.

Standardized test scores are quite possibly the worst way to judge student intelligence.

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Regarding intelligence, Bush's Binet IQ score is 119, the same as JFK. That puts him at the 88th percentile. His SAT score was at about the 84th percentile but his math was much higher than his verbal. As far as public education in this country goes well let's be charitable and say it's lacking. We spend more money per capita now than we ever did. Most college graduates today couldn't pass turn of the 20th Century tests to graduate from elementary school. 150K for a Chicago Public School teacher?? Do a school by school analysis of standardized test scores. It's enough to make you cry. Disagree with Bush, it's your right as an American. Quit demonizing him. He's got more deadly serious problems to deal with than any President since FDR. History will judge him.

Standardized test scores are quite possibly the worst way to judge student intelligence.

They are a very incomplete way to judge intelligence. The idea that we throw out all standards, including standardized tests is feel good bulls***. Standardized tests are not the be all and end all that some want, but they are also not worthless like some others claim. On the internet anyone can claim anything but this is one area that I've actually done a lot of research on. There are a wide battery of tests that if administered and evaluated properly can tell you a lot about a given individuals abilities or lack thereof. Whatever your choice of measuring our educational system leaves a lot to be desired. Money is not the answer, we spend more and more for an inferior product but the NEA and teachers unions fight reform at every turn. I don't want to get into a long argument here. I agree that standardized tests should not be the sole emphasis, but reject all that blather about them being "culturally biased" blah blah blah. In every endeavor of life you have to set some standards. By the way, I hope things are going well for you at Bradley. They used to be a basketball power way back in the day. They stink pretty bad now right?

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Yeah, they're not very good, though, I think that may have a lot more do to with getting acquainted to Les' new run'n'gun as opposed to the arcaic style of ball played under Molinari (blegh). We're returning 4 starters next year (should have been 5, :fyou, Granger!), and we're in a pretty pathethic conference (sans Creighton and Southern Illinois), so we can at least make some noise in the Valley next year. Gilbert is a scoring machine, Gillingham and Robinson have some ridiculous ball handling skills, Heemskerk should be back next year and I think Battle is already better than Stewart. Add a little size to this team and we're in the top 4 of the MVC.


At least we smacked around Illinois State last night.


As for tests, I agree, they're the only way to measure students against each other on a national scale, but way too much emphasis is placed on them.

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Some good words from baggio and sideshow. I just question the use of the word unilateral. Almost nothing is unilateral these days unless you are referring to a vast right-wing conspiracy.


The United States has millions of people who can think for themselves. Recently many have been very vocal about their dissenting views on Bush's war in Iraq. We still count everybody equally, the dissent is nowhere near a majority. Polls have shown support for the war at or above 50% since last June. City councils have condemned the war in over 70 cities, well I do not expect any issuances of condoning the war, that just doesn't make sense. Nobody condones war but many agree it is a necessary evil at times.


The global community is similarly divided. Anti-war demonstrators point out frequently the views of allies like France, Germany, and Belgium. Should these countries count more as supporters than other nations because they are more traditional allies. I think most of us have realized by now that NATO in the traditional sense has certainly changed. Many would call what France and Germany have been doing a sort of grandstanding and an attempt to gain more international spotlight by disagreeing with the United States. They didn't seem to mind when the war was in their own backyard (Kosovo), I seem to recall German airplanes and French soldiers getting a piece of that action. Then again as there was a reason to go to war in Kosovo, there could be another very different reason to NOT go to war in Iraq.


We all know about the strong oil ties of Bush, Cheney, and members of the cabinet. Well be informed that Americans aren't the only ones participating in the get rich quick off of Iraq scheme. France supplied Iraq as we did during the 1980's. Would it surprise anyone to know that France has been the largest exporter to Iraq in the past two years? How about the French state-controlled TotalFinalElf sharpening their drills in anticipation of winning a very large oil contract on previously untapped reserves in Iraq. Don't think that Russia's (another dissenters) hands are clean either. Oil-rich or not, the Russians also have a fair share of the Iraqi oil indsutry with major pipelines in the region. Invasion could threaten these pending and existing deals. Just a thought to chew on while everyone points fingers at American leaders.


Gallup Polls

French Ties to Iraq

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Nuke, I hope you are and stay safe as I hope my son the Marine is safe --


Bush was a chickens*** who used connections to avoid the military by getting the VIP move to the guard where he was basically AWOL for a year but you can do that when your dad is chief of the CIA


Bush does not equal courage in any way shape or form.


You have courage. My son has courage.

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Nuke, I hope you are and stay safe as I hope my son the Marine is safe --


Bush was a chickens*** who used connections to avoid the military by getting the VIP move to the guard where he was basically AWOL for a year but you can do that when your dad is chief of the CIA


Bush does not equal courage in any way shape or form.


You have courage.  My son has courage.

I too hope your son is doing well cwsox. And I hope that someday I can follow in his footsteps. Except Ill be in the Army, of course... :D

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Standardized test scores are quite possibly the worst way to judge student intelligence.

Exactly. When you have them, the Teachers teach to the tests and that doesn't really accomplish anything. Of course students are going to do good when you teach based on a general test.

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Finally we have a president that has the balls to deal with nations that would do us harm if we let them.  As is often said in matters such as these....  "The Price of action is much cheaper than the price of inaction."

Yeah the price of action is becoming international criminals no better than the Nazis (The Nazis used a pre-emptive attack as their defense in the Nuremburg Tribunals)

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Regarding intelligence, Bush's Binet IQ score is 119, the same as JFK. That puts him at the 88th percentile. His SAT score was at about the 84th percentile but his math was much higher than his verbal. As far as public education in this country goes well let's be charitable and say it's lacking. We spend more money per capita now than we ever did. Most college graduates today couldn't pass turn of the 20th Century tests to graduate from elementary school. 150K for a Chicago Public School teacher?? Do a school by school analysis of standardized test scores. It's enough to make you cry. Disagree with Bush, it's your right as an American. Quit demonizing him. He's got more deadly serious problems to deal with than any President since FDR. History will judge him.

I dunno. JFK with the USSR and the Cuban Missle Crisis? Lots of people fail to realize just how close the Soviets were to launching.

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Finally we have a president that has the balls to deal with nations that would do us harm if we let them.  As is often said in matters such as these....  "The Price of action is much cheaper than the price of inaction."

Yeah the price of action is becoming international criminals no better than the Nazis (The Nazis used a pre-emptive attack as their defense in the Nuremburg Tribunals)

Like I said before, plenty of people were out there questioning whether there should of been Involvement during WWII. Could you imagine what would of happened had people/countries not stepped up and overthrew Hitler?


Sometimes, people just need to do whats best for the country and make a stand and in my humble opinion that stand should occur in Iraq. Sadam is a liar. Back when the war was over he said he was going to disarm and till this day he has never fully complied with the UN Sanctions. This guy is hiding so many things. Why should the US just sit there and let him continue to hide and continue to build weapons of mass destruction. No, he hasn't used them on us yet, but are we just going to sit and wait for him to do it first? The US knows he's building weapons, US intell has proven it, yet the French and Germans still disagree. Well fine then, we still have 16 other UN nations on our side if I recall. I'm all for a peaceful society and I wish there was another way to solve it, but until Sadam just packs his bags and leaves Iraq this is the best scenario.


So should we just listen to France or Germany and continue to ask them to inspect the facilities etc, while all he does is hide stuff. He's not been complying with the inspectors the past 10 years, what makes anyone think he's going to start doing it now. Thats like saying Hitler would just randomly stop killing jews. We all know he wouldn't stop killing them till they were all dead. Man, I could just imagine if Hitler was alive now, we'd still be having this debate but in regards to whether the US should go and invade there. I know its a completely different subject and Hitler was murdering people, but Sadam is building weapons to murder people and has murdered people in the past, why think he's all of a sudden going to stop?


To me the only options out there are:

A ) Keep doing what we've been doing the past 10 years, and let him continually hide stuff

B ) Go to war and take him out once and for all. The people are starting to want him out. Ive talked to friends of the family that now live here, but are Iraqi's and still have family back there and from what they tell me most of the people support the United States.

C ) He just randomly decides he can't fight the US and packs his bags and leaves the country and the US goes in and destroys the weaponry areas.


I'm sure some other people have other options and I'm all ears, but to me I don't see A or C happening anytime in the near future.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
well she has been hanging with rps alot lately..................lol lol lol lol...........  


If she's knocked up, I didnt touch her! :lol:

That's not exactly the case! ;)

geez where did that come from.. i was talking about her attitude with apu not about her sex life.. or your lack there of rps........ :)

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