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Shades of 2000? Part Three: The Offense


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No one thought the 2000 team was going anywhere, either.  Stranger things have happened.


And its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to premature to be saying that this team has no chemistry.  They haven't even reported to Spring Training yet fer'chrissake.



I think this team has a lot of potential in ability and in chemistry. I liked KW addressing the chemistry question at SoxFest and saying that is a consideration on who we sign.


It is early, but I have hopes.

This team not only has potential and ability, we have great chemistry. We're not going around pulling the Bonds-Kent fights in the dugout. I know the players are not all best of friends, but they work great on the field and in the clubhouse. I love the White Sox team chemisrty and I think it is a joke to question it.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
BTW, Kenny can't just offer someone millions of dollars -- the man signing the check has to OK it, and that man is not Kenny Williams.

hes the one who sells the offer to the man writing the checks.... and believe me when kw wants to be a good sales man he can... when he doesnt care one way or another he just goes in there and says this is what your going to get take it or leave it..........the offer mark was made was the very same money as last year (remember the 15,000 pay cut too?) and a 10,000 bonus if he made the all star game and another 10,000 for 20 wins......nothing more and nothing less.......do you really think that a fair offer for your number 1 guy coming off a 19 win season with the potiential to go 20 this year espically if you intend on keeping him happy enough to avoid arbritration (where you know darn right well if he has an awesome season this year he will win alot of cash)..... why risk it and go through all the hastles.. he aint asking much why not just pay the kid instead of pissing him off.............the offer mark and his agent countered with was not that huge that it would break the bank..........

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