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Why so much hostility...

Queen Prawn

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doubleM23 must be a really confused person. has are most the protesters on this issue too. some stupid b**** in my goverment class got her ass wooped on in a debate in government. she tryed saying the only reason we are goin to war is for oil. It is has if these people are ok with killing your citizens just to test out some new weapon i just got from the U.S. We are cleaning up a mess we created by giving suddan those weapons, and putting him in power.



Now if china would step up and take on N. Korea after giving them nukes we would be set.

Hello and salutations. Hopefully you were all able to see the pictures in "Some Links" of the peace activities done in my area. We shut down the busiest street on campus.


MM's reference to Kuwait's slant drilling into Iraq was the reasoning for Iraq's border conflict with Kuwait. That is why they invaded Kuwait. Iraq even went to the extent of asking April Glaspie, the US ambassador to Kuwait, in 1990 if the US had any stance on the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. She said that the "US had no position". Then, less than a month later, we've killed thousands and even thousands more of our own troops have died from the mysterious Gulf War syndrome which Doug Rokke (former nuclear weapons inspector in Iraq 1991-1998) believes came from US bombing of chemical weapons plants. He also stated that according to the General Accounting Office and his contacts in the military, the gas masks being used by our troops are defective. We are sending men into battle with defective gear! He also helped with the formation of Resolution 1441 and stated that it does not authorize military force like the Bush regime would like to think (this is coming from a man who helped in the writing of it!)


The war is indirectly for oil. I don't know how many people know of Jello Biafra, but he came to our university Wednesday with a very good theory backed up by a lot of facts. Paul Wolfowitz (#2 in the defense dept behind Rumsfeld) has installed a lot of US military bases in Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc. and is pretty much trying build a fortress around the middle eastern oil. We get control of Iraq with a US friendly government and how much do you want to bet we go after our next target in the AoE...Iran? We get Iran and now we have nearly all the oil under our control and influence with US friendly governments installed. It's the "Curse of the Wolfman".


And to the pro-war side, if you want to talk about defaming veterans...yesterday we had an anti-war rally on the quad with Doug Rokke (a Vietnam and Gulf War I veteran) and Professor Joe Miller (Vietnam veteran) amongst others giving speeches. While Joe was giving his speech a pro-war demonstrator showed up waving the flag calling him a "traitor" because he questioned the Bush regime's intentions and usage of war. So Joe asked the guy if he served and the man said "no" to which Joe said "Republicans like you are just motherf***ers." (into the PA system too, haha) So, if you would like to talk about the "Spit on soldier" then look no further than pro-war activists "spitting" upon groups like Vietnam Vets Against War (whom Joe is a member) just because of their anti-war stance.

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protester are protesting for somthing that they really understand.

1. the iraqi have used and chemical weapons.

2. they are not adverse in using them against anyone.

3. if we don't deal with them now, then who will they use it on.



ref to the protester.. find protest but why stop traffic, costing the cities in using money which could be used for better use. stoping the idea of cops and others in doing there duty.

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Protesters are making the police worry about them , instead of possible terrorist attacks , not to mention the money cities are paying on police presence.

When a terrorist attacks Champaign Urbana, then I know they have run out of targets. This war is just planting the seeds for more anti-America hate. It's piss poor foreign policy.

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Protesters are making the police worry about them , instead of possible terrorist attacks , not to mention the money cities are paying on police presence.

When a terrorist attacks Champaign Urbana, then I know they have run out of targets. This war is just planting the seeds for more anti-America hate. It's piss poor foreign policy.

no matter what happens after this, the resentment will be there. if after 5 yr later, and iraq does a 360 improvement in everything, there will be resentment.


this war is not to get rid of a man of government, but to get rid of someone who may rival hilter.



if we could have stop hilter in the later part of the 30's, would you have done so?

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if you were familiar with the story of the Confessing Church in germany and the German church struggle and the ultimate Admiral Canaris plot which included Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and considered the wealth of opportunties that other nations and the German people themslves might have chosen to remove Hitler without getting to 1939, then we can talk. As ytou ask a purely rhetorical question that starts way doiwn the line of things that could be done with no referance to the antecedents in the 30s, I feel it is not a complete or adequte question, and I am not going to be defined by that question.

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if you were familiar with the story of the Confessing Church in germany and the German church struggle and the ultimate Admiral Canaris plot which included Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and considered the wealth of opportunties that other nations and the German people themslves might have chosen to remove Hitler without getting to 1939, then we can talk.  As ytou ask a purely rhetorical question that starts way doiwn the line of things that could be done with no referance to the antecedents in the 30s, I feel it is not a complete or adequte question, and I am not going to be defined by that question.

you can sidestep the question all you want. the bottom line is that saddam is evil and needs to be remove before he really tear apart the world.


here is a man with a swiss account of over 7 billion and his people are straving and are being force to be in the army with no pay.

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you can sidestep the question all you want. the bottom line is that saddam is evil and needs to be remove before he really tear apart the world.


here is a man with a swiss account of over 7 billion and his people are straving and are being force to be in the army with no pay.

Lower socio-economic people here are forced to enlist in order to get educational help. They want the education, not go out and have to slaughter fellow human beings.


Kim Jong Il's people are starving, Musharref's people are starving because over 1/2 their government income went to create nukes, and there are tons of people in the war torn republics of S. Africa that are starving and dying under government oppression. Also, how about the Turks killing the Kurds as well (little known fact that they only condemned Milosevic's and Saddam's killing IF AND ONLY IF the Turk killing of Kurds would not be condemned.)

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Congradulations Apu. You and your "peace makers " f***ed up many peoples day and we hit Iraq even harder today. Keep it up. You're just pissing people off an accomplishing nothing.

Bush is an ass in the international community. That's more than enough for me. Monday I am going to my Representative's office with impeachment documents written by Law Professor Francis Boyle.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Congradulations Apu. You and your "peace makers " f***ed up many peoples day and we hit Iraq even harder today. Keep it up. You're just pissing people off an accomplishing nothing.

Bush is an ass in the international community. That's more than enough for me. Monday I am going to my Representative's office with impeachment documents written by Law Professor Francis Boyle.

well thats at least better than standing in a street f***ing up traffic for hours at a time......write a letter or go down and speak in person at the state capitol..... i had proposed that to doublem and he never answered me back on this thread... he thought you had to do illeagal things to be heard............glad to see that at least one of you liberal minded people has sense enough to do it the legal way.........................

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well thats at least better than standing in a street f***ing up traffic for hours at a time......write a letter or go down and speak in person at the state capitol..... i had proposed that to doublem and he never answered me back on this thread... he thought you had to do illeagal things to be heard............glad to see that at least one of you liberal minded people has sense enough to do it the legal way.........................

Check the "Some Links" thread and you can see pictures of our civilly disobedient march that the cops helped us with. (They blocked off traffic for us and everything). It's a mixture of all....I'm even part of the Champaign Urbana Presidential Prayer team which is praying for his removal from office....so we have activism, spiritual, and the legal aspects covered.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
well thats at least better than standing in a street f***ing up traffic for hours at a time......write a letter or go down and speak in person at the state capitol..... i had proposed that to doublem and he never answered me back on this thread... he thought you had to do illeagal things to be heard............glad to see that at least one of you liberal minded people has sense enough to do it the legal way.........................

Check the "Some Links" thread and you can see pictures of our civilly disobedient march that the cops helped us with. (They blocked off traffic for us and everything). It's a mixture of all....I'm even part of the Champaign Urbana Presidential Prayer team which is praying for his removal from office....so we have activism, spiritual, and the legal aspects covered.

well apu i must say im proud of your way of handling things even though i dont agree, you are doing it in a legal and non combative fashion... unlike others on here who are ready to jump and slam opposers of their cause.........kudos to your people for a peaceful demonstration.... and for taking the proper legal avenues ........id rather see it done that way if i have to witness it than the other way which bothers the hell out of me.........and wastes the time of those who dont want to be involved..........

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I just loved watching the giant bus trying to do a U turn and getting stuck for a 1/2 hr. and they had to have a tow truck move it, haha. Another kickass part was there was 2 pro-murder of Saddam guys out screaming at the top of their lungs about. We (about 400 of us or so) gathered around them and started singing "Give Peace a Chance". We were all like arm in arm singing and the guys just gave up screaming cuz nobody could hear them over our singing, guitars, and bongos.

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I just loved watching the giant bus trying to do a U turn and getting stuck for a 1/2 hr. and they had to have a tow truck move it, haha.  Another kickass part was there was 2 pro-murder of Saddam guys out screaming at the top of their lungs about.  We (about 400 of us or so) gathered around them and started singing "Give Peace a Chance".  We were all like arm in arm singing and the guys just gave up screaming cuz nobody could hear them over our singing, guitars, and bongos.

by drowning him out wernt you supressing his right to free speech??? ;)

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well as long as it was legal and not hindering anyone who didnt want to be involved directly in it then i dont have a problem with it.. its when it causes harm or involves those who dont want to be there to have to partake unwillingly, then i have a problem with the protesting..........nothing worse than trying to get home after a hard days work only to be stuck in traffic cause some asswipe wont move his body off the streets and onto the sidewalk.....................glad your rally was peaceful .........

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I just loved watching the giant bus trying to do a U turn and getting stuck for a 1/2 hr. and they had to have a tow truck move it, haha.  Another kickass part was there was 2 pro-murder of Saddam guys out screaming at the top of their lungs about.  We (about 400 of us or so) gathered around them and started singing "Give Peace a Chance".  We were all like arm in arm singing and the guys just gave up screaming cuz nobody could hear them over our singing, guitars, and bongos.

by drowning him out wernt you supressing his right to free speech??? ;)

We were just louder. He could have kept screaming...we were all just singing at normal level. :D

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Congradulations Apu. You and your "peace makers " f***ed up many peoples day and we hit Iraq even harder today. Keep it up. You're just pissing people off an accomplishing nothing.

Bush is an ass in the international community. That's more than enough for me. Monday I am going to my Representative's office with impeachment documents written by Law Professor Francis Boyle.

i disagree with you on the war and i will respect the way you are doing it. i hate bush and his father. at least you haven't said that we deserved the 9/11 unlike another poster on this board.


but if you need info on the bush family crime, then look up the history of the 1 nat'l bank of cicero with bush, and the anderson acct firm. yes the enron acct firm. in addition look up the ties that fiztgerald(sp) i think that is his name the congress man from chi and his financial ties with the cia, 1 nat'l bank of cicero, household bank and the bush family.

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I haven't read this whole thread. I just wanted to say the anti-war protesters in the 60's and 70's actually stopped the Viet Nam War. They actually turned public sentiment against the war. I do not approve, in any way, shape or form, of them spitting on our troops and calling them baby killers. I which our home coming troops would have stomped their asses into the ground right then and there.


However, these people do have the right to protest, and sometimes being a public nucience (sp?) is the only way to get real attention. They shouldn't endanger anybody. Those men and women are over there fighting today, and as they do so, they are defending our way of life, which includes the right to peacably assemble and the freedom of speech.


I don't want those rights taken from me, and I won't deny any US citizen the same rights. I may not agree with what they are saying, but I thank God they have those rights.

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I'm even part of the Champaign Urbana Presidential Prayer team which is praying for his removal from office....so we have activism, spiritual, and the legal aspects covered.

Prayer and politics? Change your signname to sideshowrobertson

It's a satirical spinoff of the actual Presidential Prayer Team (this is an actual organization that has 1.2 million people just praying for Bush)


So we are playing off that and satirizing it more than anything.

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