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Flag Burning in Chicago


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how can people live, reside, go to school and work in this country then go and do s*** like this? If you are against the U.S. that much you should get booted the f*** out. It is so f***ing sad how many babies we have in this country.


None of them are smart enough to actually do something productive with their complaints, instead they protest and burn flags.


I don't understand how stupid people can be. is protesting and burning the flag really going to fix things you believe are wrong? strangely enough, they believe so.

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how can people live, reside, go to school and work in this country then go and do s*** like this?  If you are against the U.S. that much you should get booted the f*** out.  It is so f***ing sad how many babies we have in this country. 


None of them are smart enough to actually do something productive with their complaints, instead they protest and burn flags. 


I don't understand how stupid people can be.  is protesting and burning the flag really going to fix things you believe are wrong?  strangely enough, they believe so.

Actually flag burning is held up as a right in the Supreme Court, oddly enough (I had just read some stuff about it for a class).


I peacefully protest with a lot of others. I also call my Senators and Representatives and start petitions etc. Hell, I am even part of the National Campaign working to Impeach Bush/Cheney/Ashcroft/Rumsfeld. (actually going over to my Representatives office Monday to serve up impeachment documentation)


Protests have worked in the past, why won't they work again? We get the right to peaceably assemble and if they want burn the flag. I get just as sick watching the flag wavers calling people I know "pinkos, f**gots, etc" just because they don't agree with the Bush administration's jump to war. Watching a man call a Vietnam veteran a "traitor" yesterday while waving the flag was the ultimate hypocricy. (How dare we use our Constitutional rights to assemble and redress our government with grievances!)

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that is all cool sideshow, but I can't stand people who just protest and complain and don't really do anything about it. its seems like people rather take the easy way out and complain rather than put a little effort behind their disputes and make something happen.

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that is all cool sideshow, but I can't stand people who just protest and complain and don't really do anything about it.  its seems like people rather take the easy way out and complain rather than put a little effort behind their disputes and make something happen.

There are douchebags like that in every cause.

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What pisses me off is that the protestors claim that this war is "murder" you are killing the "innocent" people...well s*** it seems that those people living there don't seem to mind as they parade in the streets when the U.S. Soldiers come...I can't remember the exact Iraqui city I saw on the news, but in that city as an American was taking down a poster of Saddam, an Iraqui man started to beat the picture of Saddam with his shoe...Saddam is a murderous man and the people of that country can not live peacefully and happily until he is gone or dead(which, he may be). People are protesting for the life of a man who gasses his own people and is a "dictator"...it seems that protestors are using their freedom of speech to make sure the Iraqui never get their own freedom of speech. Ok I am done ranting for today...just had to get that off my chest. By the way Operation Iraqui Freedom makes for some great tv...I saw some good bombage yesterday, if I had only seen some blood I would have all my bloodlust taken care of

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s***, more ranting... About flag burning being acceptable, it's not, it is disrespecting all of those who have given their lives to this country. Burn a picture of Bush or a poster that says U.S.A. if you need to, but not the flag...Burning the flag is the most hypocritical thing you can do. That flag gives the people the right to protest, the right to have an opinion, and a right to make change when unsatisfied, and yet protestors burn it...dumbass hypocrits...I say burning a flag should come with the penalty of automatic deportation, even if you have lived in the U.S. your whole life, if you burn the flag you get sent to Cuba...If that happened all those flag burning s***-heads would come running back to that flag begging to be a U.S. citizen again. I might actually side with protestors if they were smart and didn't try to be freaking Ghandi's by blocking bridges, acting as human shields(that worked well). Protesters also ruined Veitnam War Veterans. How would you like it if you came home from a war after your friends had been killed and you risked your life for your country, and when you get home, you get booed and people throw stuff at you...unacceptable.

On a positive note, I am 16 and it is good to hear people my age, both in these boards, and at school, talking about this war and expressign political opinions...maybe this country has a future after all. :D

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that is all cool sideshow, but I can't stand people who just protest and complain and don't really do anything about it.  its seems like people rather take the easy way out and complain rather than put a little effort behind their disputes and make something happen.

Now Molto that is my problem exactly with all the pro war zealots here of military age who are posting from their dorm rooms or mom and dad's home but not enlisting in the service or the Guard, or the high school students who have no plans whatsoever to enlist.


All they do is whine and b**** about everyone who disagrees with them but they don't put their asses on the line. Why don't they do something about what they believe - or is it they only believe in it for others?


Put a little effort into it guys.


And for everyone: Do something about what you believe. The government is planning to let out contracts next week for construction companies, engineers, everything. The cost of this war without that rebuilding - which you all pledged to - is in the 100s of billions and we have a $350 billion annual deficit right now with no costs of war or rebuilding factored in. In fact the White House is holding back from Congress its supplemental budget until it can push throuigh the current budget with more business tax cuts with no one paying attention to it because everyone is entralled by tv war. We are poushing towards a trillion dollar annual deficit and no oen cares.


I have raised this issue before. Not one person has responded. Not one of all the war hawks who think this is good.


Make something happen. How much in additional taxes are you all willing to pay for the current deficit, plus the war? How much are any of you willing to pay out of your own pockets? What sacrifice will you make? What will you do, what will you give, what will you pay, to support what you say you support? How big of a deficit do you think this country can handle without collapsing like the Soviet Union under the fiscal strain? Will you put your money where your mouths are?



As far as your comments about anti war protesters, I've yet to see a link to show that the alleged flag burning really happened and is not an urban legend. And for the rest of your attacks on those who demonstrate against the war - you attack without facts or knowledge but prejuidice and bias when you risk nothing and do nothing.


Not one of you will demonstrate your love for America by giving blood this weekend, or visiting a VA home, or working in a homeless shelter, or giving up what you spend on alcohol for a month to pay for this war or feed refugees or give shelter to those who have lost all in this war, or live right here and are unemployed. Not one of you. I am not impressed with you guys at all and forgive me for not hearing you when the sounds of your "do" nothingness and "putting your money where your mouth is" nothingness drowns it all out.

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On a positive note, I am 16

And I hope you grow up some day.



Since your views violate the Bill of Rights, may we press for your deportation to Cuba where people who have no tolerance for diasgreement belong? Or perhaps North Korea? Then you can be in with those who attack anyone who disagree. You surely aren't much of an American who supports the Constitution.


Sleep well tonight Little Saddam. Maybe someday you can grow up and get at all the people who disagree with you and your views of the country, just like Saddam and his sons have done in theirs.

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CW, you being my friend and all, Im not going to argue with you. But the real little Saddams are those who are protesting the war to let a murderer live and innocent people be deprived of their freedoms. These people deserve their freedom and to protest their war is to protest their reception of freedom and THAT is unconstitutional. Also, since these guys are celebrating over there (and again I ask you why are we protesting if they like what were doing for them) if we dont get Saddam, hell kill these people. As of now, we cant fail, because our failure will not only be embarrassing for us it will more importantly be the end for these people. Go ahead and protest fellas, but just come and talk once Bush is viewed as a hero in a free Iraq...

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when Saddam took power in Iraq no one cared, except the peace and justice community because we knew a looney typrant when we saw one. He was nuts from day one.


Then the Shah fell in Iran and Saddam became the US's good buddy pal friend because he was the enemy of the Ayatollah. Only a few of us lifted up our voices and said that befriending Saddam was wrong. The Carter,, Reagan and Bush 1 administrations all kissed Saddam's ass and gave him aid and all kinds of good s*** because he was the "enemy" of Iran. Very short sighted US policy.


Psycho, in 1990 Bob Dole was in Baghdad toasting Saddam on behalf of the Bush adminsitration. Rumsfeld had been there. I was sickened by that but the Bush administration sent Dole as their envoy to thank their good friend Saddam.


Saddam even told the US amabassador that he was going to go into Kuwait and the response was, who cares.


And Saddam did. And Bush 1's very first response was, not our business. And then Margaret Thatcher got on the phone and got after Bush 1 and he reversed course and thus Gulf War 1.


Now of course the very same people - the Bushs and the Cheneys and Rumsfelds who sucked Saddam's cock all through the 80s are now all against Saddam and going to war. Why? Nothing was different last week than was different in 1990 pre Kuwait.


And you think Bush's will be heros there? Psycho, history has happened in time spans greater than your life span's memory.


In 1991 Bush encouraged the Kurds and the Iraqis in the south of Iraq to revolt. They did. And the US did nothing. Not a damn thing. Bush certainly implied US support and when they did what Bush 1 urged, they got gassed by Saddam and the US did nothing. Not a god damned thing. Bush left those people to their fate when he had been the one encouraging them. Saddam has blood on his hands but so does Bush 1 administration, which makes up almost all of the staff of Bush 2. If Saddam was so bad and we wanted to liberate the Iraqi people, why did Bush 1 do nothing after he encouraged them to revolt and they were the victims of Saddam's response? Because it didn't meet other poilitical goals of the Bush's, that is why. There is nothing moral about the Bush 1 or 2 policy.


For the record, I was against Guilf war 1, as always, feeling there were better ways. However, once they were in, why didn't they finish the job? If you are f***ing going to go to war, do it f***ing right. But not the Bush people. And they are f***ing up again, creating enemies in the world where people were our friends or at least neutral towards us.


If you have forgotten the betrayal of Bush 1 of the Iraqi people, how Bush, Powell, and all the rest of that and this administration abandoned the people of Iraq, rather than look it up in history books, go rent the movie Three Kings.


Bush 2 is pushing short term foreign policy golals now that will come back and haunt us, just as the Carter-Reagan-Bush embrace of Saddam has.


And if people listened to us in the peace and justice community, instead of deriding us, we could give you a list of the world's tyrants and suggest all kinds of non violent policies that will get rid of those bastrads as well as enhance American security so that we don't stumble from calamity to calamity.

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On a positive note, I am 16

And I hope you grow up some day.



Since your views violate the Bill of Rights, may we press for your deportation to Cuba where people who have no tolerance for diasgreement belong? Or perhaps North Korea? Then you can be in with those who attack anyone who disagree. You surely aren't much of an American who supports the Constitution.


Sleep well tonight Little Saddam. Maybe someday you can grow up and get at all the people who disagree with you and your views of the country, just like Saddam and his sons have done in theirs.

maybe you should calm the f*** down

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On a positive note, I am 16

And I hope you grow up some day.



Since your views violate the Bill of Rights, may we press for your deportation to Cuba where people who have no tolerance for diasgreement belong? Or perhaps North Korea? Then you can be in with those who attack anyone who disagree. You surely aren't much of an American who supports the Constitution.


Sleep well tonight Little Saddam. Maybe someday you can grow up and get at all the people who disagree with you and your views of the country, just like Saddam and his sons have done in theirs.

maybe you should calm the f*** down

:) they just dont care if inocent people die i have not heard one good reason we shouldnt go to war, besideds we dont have the money we are saving lives and you cant put a price tag on a life. or atleast thats what ive been taught.

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On a positive note, I am 16

And I hope you grow up some day.



Since your views violate the Bill of Rights, may we press for your deportation to Cuba where people who have no tolerance for diasgreement belong? Or perhaps North Korea? Then you can be in with those who attack anyone who disagree. You surely aren't much of an American who supports the Constitution.


Sleep well tonight Little Saddam. Maybe someday you can grow up and get at all the people who disagree with you and your views of the country, just like Saddam and his sons have done in theirs.

maybe you should calm the f*** down

maybe you should grow the f*** up

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that is all cool sideshow, but I can't stand people who just protest and complain and don't really do anything about it.  its seems like people rather take the easy way out and complain rather than put a little effort behind their disputes and make something happen.

There are douchebags like that in every cause.

same thing with weed most people are quiet but those few bad apples stand out. but you dont see potheads blocking off major roads.

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I agree that flag burning should be legally allowed, but I won't feel too sorry for these people when they get the f***ing piss beaten out of them. Flag burning, while an effective way of protest, is just stupid. There are much more coherent ways to get your point across.

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And I hope you grow up some day.



Since your views violate the Bill of Rights, may we press for your deportation to Cuba where people who have no tolerance for diasgreement belong? Or perhaps North Korea? Then you can be in with those who attack anyone who disagree. You surely aren't much of an American who supports the Constitution.


Sleep well tonight Little Saddam. Maybe someday you can grow up and get at all the people who disagree with you and your views of the country, just like Saddam and his sons have done in theirs.


Yeah right, I am a little Saddam...I said people shouldn't burn flags because it is disrespectful, and punishment should follow it...and you call me a littleSaddam. Forget the fact that I said people can protest and burn pictures of George Bush...I am Little Saddam because I said burning the flag is wrong.


It is definately wrong, burning the flag is like taking a crap on a cross, or a grave. It is tainting something with a much higher meaning.


John Carlos and Tommie Smith raised the black power sign during the National Anthem, Toni Smith turned sideways during the National Anthem, they did not burn flags in fits of rage...


Martin Luther King Jr. didn't burn the flag, he changed what it stands for but he never burned the flag because he was a better man than the pieces of crap that burn flags. He knew that he must sway people to change the meaning of the flag, not destroy it.


It is the narrow minded pieces of crap who do things out of hate (like burning a flag) that are unsuccessful. Martin Luther King Jr. was a hero, he accomplished things, those who burn flags accomplish nothing, because they have no way to sway the people. Heroic actions of courage sway people and create change, the spoken word creates change...but burning the flag and stopping traffic only turns people off, by doing this, war protestors will forever damn their cause.


In fact the modern protester seems to be a poser...they will never accomplish what they want because they are too dumb to figure out that power is in numbers, especially in a democracy...But war protests currently have no face to show as a hero, nobody that can sway the public with persuasive wording, the modern war protestor blocks off the golden gate bridge (and on occasion falls of the golden gate bridge) creating massive traffic jams, the modern war protestor burns flags, the modern war protestor comes up with poignant sarcastic remarks aimed at our countries leadership...Martin Luther King Jr. would be shaking his head...


You say I should grow up, well I don't have to be old to figure out power is in numbers, war protestors can't seem to figure that out

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Interesting discussion on Dr. King. I suggest you do some further reading on Dr. King's views on war and violence. And on civil disobedience. The Letter from a Birmingham Jail wasn't written because he was there on a traffic ticket.


I commend your interest in Dr. King.


As far as flag burning, I asked a long time for some link that was a news report that a flag had been burned and it hasn't been provided.


But whether a flag was burned or not - and I would not burn one - it is a form of speech, of free speech. A flag is only a symbol. Symbolic action is speech however disagreeable it may be to you. And it is constitutionally protected speech. Not my opinion - it is a Supreme Court ruling.


Flag burning is one of those issues in which people get all emotional about but very rarely happens in proportion to the excitment about it. And if it does happen, what does it mean but reflect back on the doer of the action? It is of no harm to this country and what it stands for.


If we want to move the discussion to respect for the flag, we would probably have a lot of common ground. The flag is often treated not in accordance with flag etiquette. I have a neighbor who flies a flag 24 hours a day, it is not taken down at dark, and is not lighted. That is improper flag usage. As well, remember all those newspapers that printed American flags after September 11th - how many of those ended up in the trash or on the ground. (I still have mine neatly preserved in my September 11th file - couldn't bear to throw them out.) And I get really angry when I see cars whipping down the road with flags that are shredded or in in disrepair, or the same when one is flown that is in shabby shape.


Of course the proper way to dispose of a retired flag is to take it to to the Legion or VFW where it will be burned. Ironic.

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